Trumps creating a new party

It’s quite possible for Trump to be the Don behind the scenes as a grass roots movement develops under a different incarnation with a fresher face. Stealth could be the operative word going forward as things continue to work itself out under this very black cloud hanging over the nation. It gets worse when one side tries to invalidate the other especially concerning whether an election is being manipulated to make it arbitrary then that continues to fester. Unfortunately some form of civil unrest might have to happen before any parties come to the table because as is its an untenable situation. No one is being held accountable for crimes committed and when there are two standards of the law being applied a nation can not survive. We either have a free Democratic Republic or we accept a Totalitarian state run by Big Tech. The latter is our current trajectory and that simply is not acceptable.

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There you go again with the double standards! It’s OK for the left to throw insults but when someone from the right does it all of sudden such leftists have to move the goal posts to not be held to the same standards. Kind of like when Trump won the 2016 elections and all we heard was there was election fraud delegitimising the elections results and when an election fraud (2020) on a magnitude never seen before does occur and your side wins, your claims that there was no such thing as election fraud then becomes a bridge too far crossed! The lefts hypocrisy is so transparent now that anything you communists try to say has lost all credibility! Truly pathetic if it wasn’t sad at the same time. It’s people like you that has weakened the country and seek to make slaves of us all. You can continue funding your own demise but some of us are not going down with your sinking ship steeped in your filthy ignorance of self entitlements. Ayn Rand is correct when stating the obvious Altruism is a disease and you have it in spades!

@Patriot @Tyfoon @KVN

he just doesn’t have the mental ability to keep up with me

Hey dr. manHOLE YOU’LL BE HAPPY TO KNOW that I’ll
be going to my other house soon…and I’m afraid that while
there I won’t be using the Internet so you’ll have to deal
with not having me around for some time until I get back here
to this house…I’ll know you’ll be heart broken and miss me
massively but bear up things will return to normal when I return
but that won’t be for some months…I’ll let you know when I’m
going because I know you’ll have to prepare yourself fo the big

@patriot @Tyfoon @KVN

Exhibit b

Them guys have not been around for months the internet purges is real this is the wild west now baby

That’s why you need friends like me

I thoroughly agree with the part about “a fresher face”: Trump’s policies are much more popular than his personality (or even his character, in my opinion).

And I also agree–sadly–with the part about Big Tech currently running this country.

I have already noted then-President Trump’s halfhearted endorsement of the two Republican Senate candidates from Georgia–and his propensity to just whine about how the November election was “stolen” from him, instead.

I do think that Donald Trump’s personality has been repudiated; but most of his policies remain broadly popular.

As for conviction in the Senate trial–which would require 67 votes (assuming a full complement of 100 senators)–it is highly unlikely. That would require at least 17 Republican votes–and the words, “at least,” are quite important here; it seems reckless to suppose that all 50 Democratic senators will vote in lockstep, to convict.

Moreover, it is constitutionally uncertain if a post-presidential conviction is even possible. (In 1797, Sen. William Blount, of Tennessee, was impeached, after leaving office–though later acquitted. But this has never happened to a president.

This attempted Senate conviction of Donald Trump could be for only one of two purposes–or perhaps both: (1) to mark the man with a Scarlet Letter; or (2) to bar him from ever again running for federal office.

The latter is not only an insult to the man himself, but also to all who might, potentially, vote for him: They are not even given that option.

I am “scold[ing]” the person with whom I am interacting.

Does that really seem indefensible to you?

The 3rd reason is to galvanize the right against the left and their over reach.

One would think that if they had an ounce of common sense they would just ignore him and let him fade away but, they aren’t that smart.


Yeah it’s a ever so slippery slope. Not good. There was a recent thread by Asaratis that posted a very insightful article about how the world is moving towards a Totalitarian climate, with Big Tech in bed with China, it really becomes something dire to overcome if we are to preserve our personal liberties and stave off the dystopian nightmare that awaits.


Actually I think it’s for a different purpose altogether. Creating a distraction so they can pass the Reconciliation Act for 11 million illegals that gets amnesty. They pulled the same thing with the ACA even though 70% opposed it. Watch for it, I am betting that is exactly what’s going to happen.

Amongst Republicans ONLY, who make up 26% of the electorate or Les than 20% of Americans. TRUMP was repudiated in a super landslide, neither himself or his policies are broadly popular…:roll_eyes:

It’s not reckless to suppose all democrats vote to convict, it’s quite likely. But if the retrumplicans who have accused republicans of helping democrats to steal the election are right, than you could expect they would get at least 17 of them…

I think many have publicly stated that it’s to Barr him from holding public office again, but you forgot the third and most important reason for convicting him of inciting the capital attack. Posterity…To send a clear message to anyone in the future that might think they can attempt what Trump has done…

It’s pretty obvious Monte that Trump is your DADDY.

It’s way beyond TDS in your head.

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I’ve never been happier in life…:wink:

Well, we will probably get the chance to see who is correct in 2024, when the Republicans will proably run a candidate with mostly similar policies as those of Donald Trump; but with a much more pleasing personality.

Note: Republicans–and conservatives in general–have no hope, and no desire, that they might ever win California, New York, or Illinois. So if you think that Americans are typically represented by these, we will simply have to agree to disagree.

Sen. Manchin (D-WV) has already spoken against such a move.

And, once again, it is constitutionally uncertain if a president can be impeached or convicted (in this case, the latter) after he has already left office.

But you have left this matter unaddressed.

(It is probably just as well. If you were to address it, you would probably just spout some partisan nonsense, rather than approaching the matter analytically–which, I believe, is the only legitimate purpose of a political forum–rather than merely to vent.)

This assumes that future would-be presidents must deeply desire to hold the office–and would, therefore, avoid whatever might bar them from that ambition.

But why?

I really do not think that Donald Trump ever really wanted to be president–for even four years, let alone for eight (if he had been re-elected).

Rather, he chose to make the necessary sacrifice of his time, in order to serve the country, and try (even if he was not fully successful) to drain the swamp.

Do some people just not understand the meaning of sacrifice–and just how it might apply to those who are no part of The Political Class (which should really not be in charge of selecting our future nominees for president)?