Exposing the Fraudulent "Jitss617" AKA Jason Warren: VOTE NOW! ♠


More bullshit threats from the biggest phony here!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bring it on! You don’t know shit as usual!

Go create some more fake accounts you fking LOSER!

Lets give Tony a call! Maybe he will fk you up the a$$!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Here Jizzard just proves my point by continuing to feed the duplicate threads he created.

Thanks Jizzaard for proving my case correct yet again

Another duplicate thread by Jizzard


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Another duplicate thread to show as an example

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You duplicated mine, I duplicated yours… are you really crying about what you started? Lol

Another example of the Jizzard duplicating threads

Another Duplicate Thread by Jittss617

So what do you want the mods to do? Punish me for doing that you started? And I finished? Lol

Cry baby cry lol

Another duplicate thread by Jizzard’s gizzard aka Jason Warren

Another duplicate thread by the Jizzard aka Jason Warren

Well this is embarrassing

Another fine example of Jason Warren blatantly duplicating threads here

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Blow this out of your ass!

Ahh so you want everyone to post anything JFK in your no traffic threads? Lol hahah ba

Is that you argument after you posted three duplicate threads on the Southern Border exactly alike? You have been doing this for the past year, because you are jealous and you can’t think for yourself or can’t write something interesting that resembles anything remotely of intelligent thought.

It was duplicated because you duplicated my post and continued to bump them. You can’t start something then cry about it. Lol

Werido lol

You have been duplicating my threads long before you claims of being a victim here so don’t even try to play that BS nonsense.

Why don’t you take a writing course and learn how to write instead of copying and plagiarizing other people’s work here? You spent the last hour trying to defend your copious amounts of lies you tell here, when you could be spending more time on your own threads improving your writing and thinking for yourself!

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No you duplicated, you got it returned… you keep trying to win, you can’t … so you resort to calling mommy because you keep getting your ass kicked up and down this board.
Hey I don’t want to continue kicking your ass, makes me look like the bad guy lol…

But you need to stop your duplicating, and bullying me, Lou man, didgville, etc… or else you deal with me. I’ll bury you. You understand me?

No you duplicated, you got it returned… you keep trying to win, you can’t … so you resort to calling mommy because you keep getting your ass kicked up and down this board.

This is a perfect example of a person with some deep rooted emotional issues who has to invent more lies in order to justify their fake grievances. You don’t kick anyones ass here, you self bloviate on the delusional lies you keep feeding yourself and projecting here that is pretty pathetic on your part.

Here is the the truth

You have been duplicating people’s threads here dating back to 2020. Why do you think Louman and others don’t like you? Because they know this to be true.

You started changing people’s Taglines in their posts and then turned around and cried victim when someone retaliated against you not once taking responsibility that it was you who started it to begin with. It was always you who started this entire vendetta that you think you have to win. You always have been the bad guy and I am not the only one who sees that! Its because you are not a good person, and you are not very well like here, that much is evident!

The fact is you lost an argument a few years ago to me because I my intellect is superior to yours and ever since you always think you can match my wit, which you fail time and time again. For this you are jealous. No one reads your threads why? Because you provide people cartilage and no wants your boring stuff, while I offer people meat, I have thoughts that I can articulate and converse on a wide range of topics. What do you do? You live in self denial and complain that people are duplicating your threads while its it s you who is actually duplicating other peoples threads in attempt to steal readers because you are desperate for attention

How sad is your life right now that you have to come here daily, push and bump threads that no one reads and tell your self that this is happiness.

You need some serious therapy and I hope you find it some day, because you got some serious issues that you are not being honest with yourself about and so far your responses screams for help!

But you need to stop your duplicating, and bullying me, Lou man, didgville, etc… or else you deal with me. I’ll bury you

Oh yeah and you can go fuck yourself! You have no power here, and you certainly can’t deliver on any of your stupid threats You will be banned from this place once the mods come back. I bully no one, its you that is bullying people here and duplicating threads, breaking all the rules, and turning around sending intimidating messages to other members here telling them to contribute to your threads and to bow down to you? You fat fker I would kick you teeth down your throat you ever showed up in my neck of the woods talking your shit like that! You fking spammed this entire site with your bullshit threads so fk you! Go ahead an try to bury me. See what happens! Fking loser! Bend over and I fk you up the ass just the same!

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