Try to Understand Black Lives Matter

I don’t delete posts.

I may or may not have called you a moron but if I did please link to it or if you think I edited it out of a post link to that post.

You called @Magog a moron, but it is clear from asaratis’ response, you called me a moron too.

I didn’t’ call either of you a moron in that thread, try again.

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Missed that one. So where did I call you a moron? Still waiting.

Charles Darwin’s writings on evolution purported that people with darker skin shades are on a scale between apes and humans.
The Bible teaches we are all of one blood, decedent from one man and one woman.
Which one do you believe?

Yea but; if one believes we are only an advanced specie of ape, there is no basis for any concept of morality.


My point is, all humans are significantly more alike than different since, according to God’s word, we are all related by blood, unlike the current fallacy of humans being an advanced specie of apes. (The 98% genetic similarity to chimps was disproved scientifically 20 years ago.)
By teaching Darwinism, the concept of varied races instead of humans being one race, it further divides us stoking distrust and hatred.

If it doesn’t seem like me to do that then it is very rare that I do it.

I this case, it wasn’t about me per se, but rather checking the behavior. Next time, without being checked it will be someone else. There are too many on this board I like to see them subjected to abuse.

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Why thank you. TWR. :heart:

(DMK courtesies).

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We are going to die so it doesn’t really matter! No one here gets out alive!

To the bolded, this simply isn’t accurate.

The individual gene sequences are different but humans share about 96-99% DNA with all apes and about 90-95% with all other primates.

Thank you for bring sanity and clear thinking to this forum we need your input . :100:


What does what does not matter to me is for me to decide.

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Wholeheartedly agree!



Just making a truthful statement! Minutiae in the grander scheme of things does not matter and even your decisions on what you think matters! It still doesn’t matter! Star dust!

That was the theory back before the human genome was completely mapped, when only a very small segment of the billions of genetic markers were understood.
Regardless, there certainly are similarities. Life is carbon based with hemoglobin, nerve cells, skin, hair, hearts, digestive organs, etc. requiring the same coded information. Humans also have shared DNA with bananas. My great grand pappy wasn’t a banana. :smiley:

No, that’s the current understanding based on the facts. Our DNA is almost identical, the gene combinations are quite different.

That article is taken directly from the National Museum of History.