Try to Understand Black Lives Matter

Appeal to authority fallacy, is invalid. That was the initial theory back in the 1970’s when scientists began mapping DNA. The most current genome science holds that less than 70% similarities exist between humans and chimps. Again, the code for life and for example for bilateral structures would certainly be present, but there has not been found any consistent alignment patterns in the DNA of the two species.

You claimed science had disproven it and I just showed you otherwise with two of the most reliable sources on the planet.

How many more would you like?

Mapping the human genome only began in 1990 and was finished in 2003 ahead of schedule due to advancements in Tech.

We didn’t have the ability to sequence DNA in the 70’s. The idea of mapping the entire genome didn’t even begin until the 80’s.

The only people arguing anything to the contrary are creationists some of whom basically reject all science that isn’t supported by scripture.

In reality the Bible says nothing about DNA and if God is the creator of all life it makes sense that he’d use the same basic template for all life on the planet. That template is DNA and so again, the more similar two different species are it only makes sense that they would share much of the same DNA.

Again appealing to authority is a fallacy. These are written by flawed humans who begin with their own biases. Read the piece noting the frequency of; it is assumed or believed, may hold, may find, potentially important, scientists believe, probably, etc. I provided two scientific papers with methods and findings, which is how science is done, not a biased article of some guy’s opinion.
I agree if all life is intelligently designed, then structures and processes should be similar.

You made the appeal to authority claiming science had disproven it, I simply showed you wrong with the best sources available.

I suppose I did.
Define best sources.
I provided scientific research findings. Did you review them at all?

Regardless of how we arrived some basic rules of conduct are quite prudent.

It doesn’t HAVE to be either…

Prudent certainly, but based on what. Your morals may be different than your neighbors but humans have a sense of morality which no other specie does.

of, relating to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical: moral attitudes.

Yes, I already stated at the beginning of this conversation that at some point morality is subjective. The Bible, along with so many other religious texts, enumerate a number of moral attributes that are nearly universally appreciated, even by persons that have no faith whatsoever.

I’ll not get into derailing this thread any further than this one last post on this childish subject.

You, @TWR , appear to be the most prolific poster on this site with an average of roughly 500 posts per week and a total count of 8.8k replies. Your closest competitor is Dr.Man at 5.9k…

Searching through your replies to find one addressed to any certain user that you may or may not have tagged as a moron is moronic in itself.

I do recall in the beginning of time in the Political Bullpen that you habitually used the word moron to describe people disagreeing with you or posting something you thought to be errant.

I do not doubt that you called @Jen a moron. I do not care that you called @Jen a moron. Your calling @Jen a moron does not make it so.

Though you do occasionally post some good information and have several political and moral philosophies with which I totally agree, you come across as a know-it-all, don’t-bother-disagreeing-with-me, self righteous prick who will never admit having been wrong…even after it being proven so.

You’ve called me a moron. You’ve called several users here a moron. I don’t have to prove to you that I can find evidence of it.

To discuss this topic further, start a thread on it…or a direct message.

If you’re going to make the claim in public it’s on you to support it in public. Same with Jen.

@Jen already did that…and you come up with

You’re not worth the effort.

Ok so you can’t support it. Thanks for clearing it up.

The only thing I said was, all lives are important. I don’t believe I’m better than anyone else . I never said anything about evil people. DoucheBag is something I use for anyone that I believe is dumb . I don’t mean it to be hurtful .
Why is there a discussion about human ape biological relationships instead of BLM???

Pretty apropos that anytime a discussion about black people ensues, someone (or more) is going to tie it to chimps and apes…

Yeah, Talk about derailing a thread!!! And some think I do it. I agree with you and you know me well and there is MUTUAL RESPECT between you and I

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How do you try to understand an organization that does nothing bit blame Whitey for their problems.
Of course Liberals will say Black Racists don’t exist.

The similarity between the DNAs applies to chimps and HUMANS…white, black and Asian.

Who in the fu@k is doing ALL this oppression ? So ALL whites are oppressors ?
I claim every white male under 40 has been discriminated against in jobs , school ,media , bidding process , government work , etc . Please explain Affirmative Action and Quotas , why is it every 20 year old white male TODAY have to take a backseat to a 20 year old black ? Why is it test scores don’t matter when it is black vs white ? I never own a slave , my parents never own a slave , my grandparents never own a slave , and I’m willing to bet 99.999999 % of the whites today never owned a slave . Looking back and punishing a new generation for something another generation may have done seem medieval , and down right stupid !!


I will agree with you on that

Sorry, that is wrong, and you havent considered that education is poor among the inner city folks ( blacks and other minorities)

The Democratic People’s plantation party aka the Democrats in charge of the education system in certain districts, ever notice that conservative blacks do fine?

provide proof of this, unless you referring to minimum wage jobs

and how is that the fault of us white folks? perhaps LBJ should get the blame but not me
Im not responsible for the fatherless in the African american community, how about those guys take responsibility

bullshit, whites are murdered more by cops
we just dont make the news as often as blacks thugs being shot

because they are committing crimes… duh

Government policies from both parties

what? how many minorities are in congress today?
Try reading for a change

Pop quiz sport
Who is the highest paid Basketball player
Highest paid athletes from endorsement
how many african Americans are paid well in Hollywood
how many african american coaches are there in sports in America

How many black police chiefs are there?

try reading independent pieces vs propaganda crap