The Rabbit Hole

Gene modification is usually done by evil people with evil intentions.
The mosquito in question was probably done with such evil intentions, only pretending to do good.

I’m writing the following because it’s The Rabbit Hole.
Gene modification was done extensively in Atlantis and animals that had not existed theretofore were created, sometimes for a purpose, but often for fun.

The pig was created using human DNA for more food.
Mermaids were created by mixing human and fish DNA.

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Given this kind of statistics, you’d do something about the population growth, whether you truly love humanity or you truly hate humanity.

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Via starvation, war, meteorite, plague, alien invasion, changes in our sun, super ice age, or any other significant existential qualifier, the world population will be controlled.

They is no need for alarm. There is no reason to abstain. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.


A little (or rather big!) health conundrum:

Why does a 1000 calorie roast dinner fill you up but a 1000 calorie Big Mac and fries not?

You eat a roast dinner of meat, veg and potatoes, gravy and trimmings. Say it is 1000 calories. You’re stuffed. Someone offers you another piece of succulent meat. You can take no more. Is that realistic?

You eat a Big Mac and fries which is around 1000 calories too (may be a bit more actually). Yet after devouring all of it, you feel like you can eat another one. I have witnessed many fat gluttons order double. Because they know one is not enough. Perhaps two isn’t but I guess they have to exercise a little restraint.

McDonalds and the food industry know exactly what they are doing. They are fully complicit in making the sheep fat!

You have satiety hormones for protein, natural fats and complex carbs, what you expect to find in natural foods. You do not have a satiety hormone for refined sugar or refined carbs, where all the components that would trigger such hormones, are stripped away. Potatoes trigger satiety very well. How many jacket potatoes can you eat? Not many. That is why McDonald’s fries contain very little potato. I think at one point they contained none. The potato is replaced by refined white flour and flavourings to make it taste like potato and chemicals to give it a long shelf life. How your body reacts to this new mixture is very different to how it would react to potato! I think I saw there were 18 ingredients in McDonald’s fries.

So refined carbs, with the satiety triggering components stripped out, not only makes you feel still hungry, it also massively spikes your insulin. Insulin tells your body to store fat. You need to store it away for a time when you don’t eat!

As you do not feel full after your Big Mac and fries, you eat again in a couple of hours. You have a muffin. Refined carbs and sugar, no satiety again and another insulin spike. Store fat!

With all these “store fat” orders, is there any wonder so many are fat? So long as insulin is present, none of the fat burning hormones will be triggered. Why would they be? The body isn’t stupid. Give the insulin a break. You won’t die of starvation if you don’t eat every 2 hours. :roll_eyes: Try 24-36 hours and you will have a clean out of the excess and surplus proteins clogging up your joints and neurons in your brain. Don’t worry, it won’t be muscle. Growth hormone has the opposite function of insulin and orders the fat cells to give up their energy for burning. Noradrenaline is triggered and that will make you feel really sharp as well as burning fat too. Makes sense really. If you’re a caveman and you haven’t had a meal for a couple of days, you’re not likely to get another one either if lack of sustenance is making you dopey.

There was an interesting study done where the participants were asked to record every time they ate. They were then spilt into deciles. The 10% least frequent eaters at 3.3 times a day were the slimmest. The top 10% ate 10 times a day and were the fattest.

This is very true. Kind of ironic, I just made that for dinner last night: Chuck roast with potatoes, carrots celery, onion, garlic and seasoning. Baked at 300 for three hours and 250 for three hours. The meat was so tender you could cut it with a fork.

Cooking a healthy meal is so much better for you than processed or junk food for all of the reasons you listed.


There are several foods that seem to satiate hunger longer than others for a given calorie or volume intake.

A breakfast of oatmeal made with Quaker Oats 100% Whole Grain Old Fashioned oats will stave off hunger longer than bacon, eggs and toast.

A breakfast of Whole Grain Cream of Wheat works even better (for me) than oatmeal. I use 2 packets (made with water), sweetened with honey and sliced banana.

Both are good for you.

Rice, wheat, oat, etc., are all plant seeds.
Hunters and gatherers don’t depend on seeds as “staple” as much as we do across cultures, east and west.

Starchy food, or rather dependence on it is not a healthy thing.

I love oatmeal with honey, cinnamon and fruits but you might want to forego the Quaker Oats brand and buy organic oats even bulk by the pound from a local merchant. The multinational corporation is in it for the money and doesn’t care if we eat their poisonous pesticides. For them, Monsanto is the great emperor.


In the disclaimer the lawyers state they don’t add glyphosates durring milling. Of course they don’t. It’s already in the oats from the fields.

It’s different and last much longer. Only for real pain on occation.


Those are possible myths but who knows for sure.

I have a stash of codeine. :rofl:

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We’re in a loony bin. How is that different to the land grab in Zimbabwe, seizing the assets of private schools?

The top 1% pay more tax than the bottom 90% combined. They have kids at private schools. They piss off, taking their businesses and jobs with them. Then what? More than half the tax revenue is gone, plus corporate taxes, plus the taxes their employees pay. So realistically, Labour may be lucky to see 1/4 the tax revenue there is now. Then there will be the cost of absorbing the extra kids into the state system, extra welfare for the out of work, unemployment up, inflation up. I guess it doesn’t matter so long as the “gap” between rich and poor is minimal. The jealousy and bitterness of the left is far greater than any logic they may possess. People may swallow a little extra crap, but you don’t mess with their kids.

“Universities would also have to admit the same proportion of private school students as in the wider population.”

6%. So UK universities would not be allowed to admit more than 6% from private schools. Who wants to take advantage of the best educated with the best attitudes to work and life? Bye bye UK.

I haven’t had oatmeal since switching to Whole Grain Cream of Wheat several months ago. If I do use oatmeal again, I will follow your advice and go with organic.

This is one thing I like about searches for consumer products. Just type in what you’re looking for and several sources are revealed in seconds…most of them offering shipment to your home.

I see that Quaker does offer organic oatmeal, but I haven’t determined that it is whole grain. I must have whole grain.

Under the Wilson government the ‘soak the rich’ mentality burgeoned. To his credit Paul McCartney stayed in the UK and paid 95GBX in the GBP ( :rofl: ) to live in Skye or wherever. Various others, including Elton John and numerous footballers and other pop-stars, went to live in e.g. California where the tax laws were in the region of 33%.

Not only that the Chairman of ITT decided he was going to move the company headquarters to Belgium (or similar), and took the whole administration and accounting function with him.

In '79 along came Margaret Thatcher and cut the ‘super-tax’ tariff back to something like 45%. There was of course uproar because the move was seen as rewarding the rich. However, a load of high achievers started moving back to the UK and bringing their money with them, including Elton John (which is how I now he went away before).

Jeremy Corbyn is older than me, so if I can remember all that, what does JC expect to do differently this time?

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What is even more fascinating (if you’re a nerd) is that Glyphosate is a weed killer. So … at what stage does it appear in the oats? In the UK Glyphosate is sold in various garden-centre based products such as Roundup. In my experience Glyphosate is masterful at killing grasses, which includes all cereals as far as I am aware.

Greta Akbar Thunberg SNAPS: ‘We Are In The Beginning Of A Mass Extinction,’ ‘How Dare You!’

An Oscar nomination Nobel Peace prize performance.

Uncle Soros will make sure.

I keep thinking of this whenever I see her.



We’re watching you… That’s the message on the back of a US dollar bill. Lucifer’s all-seeing eye.

Sure they want all stupid goyim to die, except those who are willing to be slaves.


Greta Thunberg, an open society bluff

Rome, 29 April - It has already been widely documented that Greta Thunberg, a sixteen-year-old Swedish environmentalist, is not a spontaneous media “phenomenon”. His braids are the classic and reassuring brand in the “regime propaganda”, which has emancipated itself in profitable marketing campaigns.
Ingmar Rentzhog, notorious founder in September 2017 of We don’t have time, a startup created to promote the launch of a new social network aimed at raising public awareness on the climate, and which aims to quickly collect 100 million subscribers. The Swedish entrepreneur has raised about 1 million euros for the #WeDontHaveTime campaign, using Greta Thunberg as a “propaganda tool”.
Malena Ernman, mother of Greta and famous singer, was able to launch her new book Scener ur hjärtat internationally, thanks to her daughter’s media coverage. Meanwhile, the remainder of the Thunberg family (father and sister) wrote and published "Our house is on fire. Our battle against climate change ".
Beata Ernman, sister of Greta, has succeeded in promoting her most recent singing career worldwide.
The European and Italian establishment, which is hosting the girl at every event and event, is shifting attention away from the real problems of society, ahead of the European elections in May.
Obviously the hand of the globalist elite could not be missing. The organizer of Greta Thunberg’s events, Fridays For Future, is Luisa-Marie Neubauer, a German environmentalist named “Youth Ambassador” of ONE Foundation.
The foundation was created by the U2 leader, Bono Vox, present with Greta, at the World Economic Forum in Davos last January.
Like any organization that deals with the causes favored by globalism, ONE Foundation is funded by the usual suspects: among them, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Omidyar Network of the eBay owner, and of course the speculator George Soros, through the Open Society Foundations and the Open Society Policy Center. (Https://
And Italian politicians dance and sing in the streets, guided by the promoters of the “open society”, exploiting a girl with Asperger’s syndrome and indoctrinating thousands of decidedly ill-informed students. And Laura Boldrini could only be in the front row.

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