The Rabbit Hole

She looks like the type to shun sex with all men. Methinks she has penis envy and likes women a bit too much…for a woman.

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Oh look what landed in my inbox… :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I am currently wording a very nice reply. :laughing:


We are writing to you personally to seek your support. We fully understand and share the exasperation of many Party members and the wider electorate with the current situation. The last thing you, or we, wanted was European elections but these are now going ahead. We wanted Britain to leave the EU on 29 March and are disappointed that Westminster has so far failed to implement the democratic instruction of the British electorate.

The Government has to square the circle. We want to regain control of our laws and our borders, have the freedom to make our own global trade and other relationships, and stop the wasteful annual transfer of huge funds to the EU. At the same time we want to ensure frictionless travel, supply chains, and trade with the European continent and maintain the cohesion of our precious United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The simple fact is that only a Conservative government will deliver an orderly Brexit that serves our long-term national interest. As your current MEPs, John Flack and I go to Brussels to speak up for Britain and the interests of the East of England in particular. We are not there to promote the EU. I believe we have an excellent record of serious, hard work on your behalf across all the key policy areas. At home, wherever we can, we strongly support our Conservative candidates at local and Westminster level across 58 constituencies in the East of England. Now we need your support.

MEPs will have the final vote on whatever agreement is reached, so the real significance of the European Elections is who you want to represent you in Brussels, for however long we are there. This is a time when we need to win friends abroad, not alienate them. This applies particularly to the European countries but also around the world.

Our worry is that erosion of Conservative support to single issue parties will make the unthinkable more likely – a Corbyn government, with its policies of high taxes and failure to safeguard our national security and overly close relationships with those opposed to Britain. Once they get a grip on power they will be very difficult to dislodge.

And, by the way, those that fondly imagine that another referendum will somehow reverse the result of June 2016 may be very disappointed.

Conservative MEPs have dedicated themselves to standing up for British interests in Brussels, working hard to improve legislation and promote a strong, decent, common sense image of Britain that is so valued across Europe, in the United States, in Asia and globally – helping build the all important future relationships. This is serious business. It is the future of our country that is at stake.

Please give us your full support us and vote CONSERVATIVE on 23 May.

With best wishes,


Geoffrey Van Orden CBE
MEP for the East of England

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I heard some time time last year that the local police/magistrates had been given the power to seize and crush fly tippers vehicles. I suspect this is the first one that has been destroyed and it is the people that have carried out the law not the establishment. :rofl:


My kids do karate. The older one who’s 10, nearly 11, is grading for her blue belt shortly, just one short of brown. She’s pretty ferocious and will likely be picked for the squad soon to compete nationally. There is another girl (Sensei’s daughter) in her karate school who’s 13 and on her last brown belt, soon to grade to 1st dan black, and is in the squad. They look quite innocent and harmless, so if any Muslim paedos want to have a pop at them, the outcome would be hilarious.

This is about bloody time! “Real men!” :joy::joy::joy:

She looks like she should be wearing a burka

In fact … so personally that they couldn’t even put in your name. :rofl:

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They did. :smile:


Are you trying to tell us you’re not really Jen?

That’s okay. I am not really asaratis! I am asiam! AKA me!

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My photos and Youtube channel: :grin:

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Hey, for all you fat bastards here with a cushion of blubber around your middle, it’s not your fault. You’ve been doing it all wrong. Now you can have that 8 pack. :rofl:

Or my advice would be to go for long runs or anything that requires a bit of endurance, get through the “wall” and into fat burning mode. :smiley:

This guy has quite a few informative clips like this.
I came across him a few years ago when looking for info to help my mother fight her cancer.
I have learned a lot from his channel, obviously he uses it to sell products but he gives pretty clear info.

Oh and on this subject, you know I am in full agreement with overweight humans being lazy excuse makers.
I always say if all the overweight people expended as much energy preventing themselves eating the wrong stuff, as they do finding excuses they would easily maintain their perfect weight.

Here’s a less refined speaker on the subject :rofl::rofl::rofl: turn down your speakers and prepare for lots of swearing.

I’m sure Stu should take the credit for this one as I discovered this guy from something Stu commented on I think at the other RH last year.
Certainly the best find I had to make me look into ketosis training.

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So a brainless meathead tells you to starve and drink your own piss. Hmm, have to think about that one. :thinking:

In this video, Dr Berg talks about insulin resistance, which is really diabetes. Insulin prevents the fat burning hormones from working, so if you are constantly stuffing your face, particularly with sugar and carbs, you will never burn fat. Also if you combine protein and sugar in the same meal, as most people do if they have a dessert, that creates insulin spikes too. That will take 48 hours to disperse, meaning no fat burning for another 2 days.

Haha drinking your own piss I think that is a different movie :blush::blush:

Yes he is very extreme and probably a little dangerous I just meant he was the first person I ever saw talkng about fasting and getting into a state of ketosis so enabled me to find out more. Berg is a lot more conventional.

Here’s something else I found extreme but there may be some merits in what this guy has discovered.

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I have no idea why that was so enjoyable to watch, and for that I thank you! lol

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OMG @Magog, your mate TWR is a chubba lover! :joy:

They (Bastard Establishment) have changed the charges for TR re-trial

That’s because TR is standing for MEP and is very popular.

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Yes no doubt. He was in my town last week and there was a rent a mob without local dialect !