The Rabbit Hole

He hadn’t engaged in any illegal activity so would not have broken the terms of his contract. He made it such that the BBC “had to” sack him.

That tweet might have been stupid but not as stupid as this.

I’m surprised they announced the sex of the baby. Shouldn’t that be a decision for the child, once it reaches 5 maybe?

Ok Mag, I see you have just deleted your post, so the context of my reply is the new royal baby.

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This is an amazing story.

resurrected it - but its old news and not sure I believe it anyway.

No … but you can ask asaratis and he will do it for you :slight_smile:

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I’m with Danny Baker

As long as I don’t have to be in Britain or a British Embassy, I’m available for hire.

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Best way to deal with these shit heads. Brill. Although plod will probably arrest the farmers now for criminal damage to their van and gbh.


1 video leads to another…


@robgsxr :smile: My sort of thing, but I will not ride on the road. Too many idiot drivers.

Dear ,

I hate watching the mainstream media cover Tommy Robinson’s election campaign to be the next Member of the European Parliament.

The media is working hand-in-hand with Antifa rioters. Their street gangs attack Tommy when he’s out campaigning, but the media portray it as if Tommy’s the one causing trouble. Even worse, the police just stand back and let it all happen. They’d never let that happen to, say, Jeremy Corbyn.

Tommy has asked me to come out to help him for the whole campaign. But I can’t leave my obligations in Canada for that long. But I’ve come up with a good idea: we have a bright young student journalist who is interested in Tommy’s campaign. And we’re sending her to Manchester for two weeks, to cover Tommy’s campaign every single day.

Her name is Jessica Swietonioswki , and even though she’s still a student, she’s a better journalist than the biased “professionals" at the BBC, Sky News or The Guardian. Click here to learn more about her:

As always, we’re going ultra-low cost: the cheapest airfare we could find plus a very low-budget Airbnb for two weeks. Together, that’s about $2,000. But we absolutely need to hire a security guard to protect her from the Antifa thugs. I’m afraid that they’ll try to push her around, too. And they’re leftists — they have no compunction about hitting a girl.

So we have arranged for Jessica to have professional security protect her while she does her reporting — and that will actually cost us more than the rest of her trip combined. Can you please help us crowdfund this cost?

If you’re a Tommy supporter who isn’t a UK citizen, this is probably the best way you can help. Only British citizens are allowed to donate to Tommy’s campaign itself. But anyone in the world can help us crowdfund the cost of our independent journalism to cover Tommy’s campaign.

I am impressed by Jessica’s work ethic and her commitment to accurate reporting. That’s exactly what Tommy’s campaign needs because he sure isn’t getting it from the British media.

If you agree with me and want to help me send Jessica to Manchester for two weeks, please click here , or visit .

I’ll be coming over to cover the campaign for a couple of days , and I’ll help bring a few other reporters too. But only Jessica will cover the election campaign every day until it’s over. It is my hope that she will become your eyes and ears in Manchester.

Thank you for your support.

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant

P.S. Jessica will do several news reports every day — covering Tommy’s campaign; interviewing people on the street; interviewing Tommy himself, and covering any other highlights. By the time the campaign is done, I know you will be a fan of her honest journalism!

P.P.S. Please help us get her to Manchester — and to pay for her security costs. Whether you can chip in £5, $50 or even more, I’d be so grateful. Click here , or visit

The cyclist averaged 24.8kph, that sounds impressive considering the incline.
Off road in that countryside looks idylic unfortunately we don’t have that terrain here and I am mostly on roads and bike paths.
“Too many idiot drivers”:joy: I am sure that’s what the car drivers say about me.
“Idiot cyclist” as I don’t stop for much

I think that was Snowdonia. It looks lovely and I’d like to go mountain biking there but there would be an awful lot of whinging from the kids, so not worth it. :joy:

Yep idiot cyclists! Whenever I pass any of them being righteous or obnoxious, I keep my hand on the horn. Then I look in the mirror and see them gesticulating wildly. :grin:

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…and I’ll bet they are giving you the “your IQ is 1” gesture. :grin:

Oh no, my kids never insult me. The younger one would be going “I want a push (uphill) /carry.” But she never asks me. :joy: The older one would be whinging, too this, too that, can’t do… despite not being allowed at school to say “can’t do.” They have to say, “I can’t do it YET.” Their school is great, no libtard, Marxist brainwashing crap whatsoever. The boys are taught chivalry. I found that out recently. I was wondering why little boys kept opening doors for me.

False flag?

Is this a new form of contraception in the US, since lib men fire blanks?

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Nah its coz they all trans now.