Obesity significantly increases risk of serious disease, researchers warn

Good point, Ish.

I think a lot of men like a woman with some curves to them. Not everyone is designed to be slim.

Personally, I was like a giraffe all of my life. All knees and elbows. My butt would hurt after sitting for a bit due to no cushion and my hip bones always managed to dig uncomfortably into my mattress when I slept.

Now that I am in my 50’s I FINALLY managed to get some extra weight and quite frankly, I love it. I went from being a size 2 at 5’-9 to a size 12. I look healthier, and I feel healthier. You couldn’t pay me to go back to being a size 2.


His enablers, most likely his mother and or sisters.

I dated exactly one skinny chick and that was in HS. Never again. Curves are comfy and attractive, protruding hip bones are anything but.

Because men are like all other animals and are evolutionary attracted to health. Why are models slim? They always have been, until the blue haired feminists forced fatties on us. Victoria Secret’s models and similar are all slim. But I guess each to their own, if you like a woman who could survive a famine well! You’re not speaking for the majority.

You’re confusing slim with skinny and bony and fat with curves.

Models are slim because of an idiotic fad, not because it’s a sign of good health. Most of them look like they are addicted to heroin or meth and look anything but healthy.

Women should have 20-30% body fat just to be healthy and to avoid hormone imbalances.

The whole idea that women should be slender to be attractive began in the 20th century due to marketing hype.

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You can’t have healthy curves without body fat. Healhty breasts are about 85-95% fatty tissue depending on size.

So, was he buried in a grand piano?

I suspect you posted that without doing any research first, which is normal for you.
20-30% body fat is actually quite slim.

normal body fat percentages are between 18.5 to 24.99 percent for adult men and women. Note that in this case, “normal” means normal and healthy, not the most common percentage for the U.S. population.
This is what that actually looks like…


I have done ad campaigns (TV, billboards, magazines) for Bergasol, Ambre Solaire, Oil of Olay and others plus many swimwear and lingerie stuff. I don’t think I would have been hired if I was a bag of bones. I have never had any complaints (from men). Oh and by the way, I am 13.5% body fat with less than 1% of that as visceral fat. My blood pressure is around 110/65 and resting HR is 55. Tell me then I am not healthy.

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I would be banging the one in the middle but you are so full of shit I highly doubt the listed body fat percentages are true why don’t you run along and cry about ■■■■■■ people some more

A group of 5 year olds could have done this RESEARCH being really fat is bad for you everyone already knows this how much did these RESEARCHERS get paid and what frivolous prick paid them my bet is some how it’s the poor old taxpayer having their money wasted again

I’m a RESEARCHER and fire is hot and if you become engaged in a ball of flames it may burn your skin now I want some money of the taxpayer

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Vimala, is that you? Did you receive the money for grain this month? Tell your family we are praying for them that the famine will soon end.


I guess that I am probably off the scale by American standards where 2/3 of the population is obese and popping diabetes pills, but then that is your norm.

This one does not only have 13.5% body fat and done campaigns for (for Bergasol, Ambre Solaire, Oil of Olay and others plus many swimwear and lingerie stuff) whatever that means she can also beat grown men in fights with her Kung Fu skills ladies and gentlemen we have a fantasist among us :roll_eyes:

In your dreams! :joy: Jealousy isn’t a very attractive trait. But from what I’m reading, you have nothing to be jealous about. No I don’t know much Kung Fu, just a few moves which most can learn in half an hour. That’s enough.

in my dreams??? what do you think I’m dreaming about just so you know I’m not dreaming about a bulimic liar :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

you don’t know much Kung FU just a few moves can you elaborate on this please :crazy_face:

how did you find out your visceral fat is only 1% :joy:

Machine at my gym.

Look, I am built like this. All my family are slim. I am not bulimic, nor anorexic. I don’t have a problem with food and I don’t put on weight easily. I do a lot of sport and probably have greater muscle density as a result, hence the lower body fat. If I didn’t I would still be slim but maybe with a higher fat percentage. Why the hate because I am not fat?

Glass houses?

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do you know the name of this machine? how does it work?

what hate? :crazy_face:

OK enough of this Tomfoolery this lunatic is claiming her gym has a machine that can give her a CT/MRI scan other than that visceral fat is measured with a measuring tape which will not give out results in percentages also visceral fat is not even measured in percentages it’s measured on a scale of 1 to 59 :rofl:

this person Jen is a lying fantasists :wink: