The Rabbit Hole

Hey, for all you fat bastards here with a cushion of blubber around your middle, it’s not your fault. You’ve been doing it all wrong. Now you can have that 8 pack. :rofl:

Or my advice would be to go for long runs or anything that requires a bit of endurance, get through the “wall” and into fat burning mode. :smiley:

This guy has quite a few informative clips like this.
I came across him a few years ago when looking for info to help my mother fight her cancer.
I have learned a lot from his channel, obviously he uses it to sell products but he gives pretty clear info.

Oh and on this subject, you know I am in full agreement with overweight humans being lazy excuse makers.
I always say if all the overweight people expended as much energy preventing themselves eating the wrong stuff, as they do finding excuses they would easily maintain their perfect weight.

Here’s a less refined speaker on the subject :rofl::rofl::rofl: turn down your speakers and prepare for lots of swearing.

I’m sure Stu should take the credit for this one as I discovered this guy from something Stu commented on I think at the other RH last year.
Certainly the best find I had to make me look into ketosis training.

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So a brainless meathead tells you to starve and drink your own piss. Hmm, have to think about that one. :thinking:

In this video, Dr Berg talks about insulin resistance, which is really diabetes. Insulin prevents the fat burning hormones from working, so if you are constantly stuffing your face, particularly with sugar and carbs, you will never burn fat. Also if you combine protein and sugar in the same meal, as most people do if they have a dessert, that creates insulin spikes too. That will take 48 hours to disperse, meaning no fat burning for another 2 days.

Haha drinking your own piss I think that is a different movie :blush::blush:

Yes he is very extreme and probably a little dangerous I just meant he was the first person I ever saw talkng about fasting and getting into a state of ketosis so enabled me to find out more. Berg is a lot more conventional.

Here’s something else I found extreme but there may be some merits in what this guy has discovered.

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I have no idea why that was so enjoyable to watch, and for that I thank you! lol

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OMG @Magog, your mate TWR is a chubba lover! :joy:

They (Bastard Establishment) have changed the charges for TR re-trial

That’s because TR is standing for MEP and is very popular.

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Yes no doubt. He was in my town last week and there was a rent a mob without local dialect !

He isn’t so brainless as you may think, he understands a hell of a lot through personal experimentation and research from medical literature before everything turned into management and not cure. This guy helped a lady that had no hope of survival with stage 4 ovarian (I think) cancer. She put all of her records online and what the Docs wanted to do. She chose to trust Cole (meathead) and when she returned for her scan in 3 months the tumours were almost gone, she then had a further follow up and totally gone. Anyway she posted all the results with name etc online via facebook and they took it all down. No good people getting cured when they can put you through some gruelling and expensive cancer treatment just before you die.

What Eric is talking about is basically why I (about 90%) of the time stick to one meal a day.
It’s also not just about combining carb and protein. Even without carbs eating anything promotes an insulin response. So if you are a lard arse ( I have the potential if I’m not careful even through my toughest training years), it is better to eat your daily calories in one sitting rather than split into separate meals. As the eating frequency keeps insulin levels raised, which is nature’s way of storing fat for lean times. One meal only one insulin response, which gives time to burn all the available calories rather that tucking it away.
So for example if someone needs say 2000 calories to maintain weight under the normal meal regime 3 times a day , that same person will slowly drop weight by eating the same calories but in a single sitting and also gains the benefits of reduced stress that insulin puts on the body.



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Strangely, when I was growing up, I never wanted breakfast, I rarely stopped for lunch, maybe half a sandwich but my mother always gave us a big evening meal. I was so active I never stopped doing stuff, running to school, playing football in the playground, football for the school team, athletics, gymnastics… Even at the age of 18 I was only about 8.5 stone and a few percent body fat. In my late 20’s I piled on 50% extra weight and felt totally lethargic for some years until I went back to football, took up squash, gym training… and became super fit again. My diet naturally went back to 1 or 2 meals a day and this felt right again. I think it is just what you get yourself used to but I do think it helps to be active.


You should post this sort of vid. out in the main pages where others can see this.
I encountered anti-TR sentiment amongst some ordinary public members (no I did not start the conversation) in Luton, of all places… Who would have thought…

Yes defo Rob. Sitting on the couch is not the way to go for sure but diet is so important and for me frequency. The body naturally wants to store any surplus calories as fat, it’s very smart in that respect from an evolutionary perspective but in today’s abundance totally not necessary.

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It will promote conversation to thread starter and right now I don’t have that much time for arguments. But be my guest…

I plonked it here just for the sharing and update aspect.

Which reminds me of this;

Doc: The tests came back you are obese.

Patient: Yeah it runs in the family…

Doc: No one runs in your family you fat bastard ! :laughing:


If not, then all that swearing does him no favours. I didn’t / couldn’t listen to all of it. :grin:

I think what Eric says is just part of the story. There is also the amylase part. From what I remember reading about it, some people have an abundance of amylase (enzyme which helps to digest starch), say 8 or 9 types whereas some people only have 1 or 2 types. That is purely genetic. The ones who can digest starch well can eat high GI foods and by the time it hits the bloodstream, it is as if the food was low GI.

I wouldn’t argue there is something to that as we have evolved geographically and from an ancestral perspective developed to eat the available foods. Everyone’s insulin response will differ but there will still be a response on some level no matter what we eat. It is the storage hormone. So with excess calories that remain after glycogen depletion are packed off into cells as triglycerides. (Mr Blobby Cells :crazy_face:)

The body is working properly being an efficient fat storer, the owner of the body has to recognise they just don’t need another larder for storage !

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Thank you for the invitation, Jenny.

Howdy, everyone :stuck_out_tongue:


