The Rabbit Hole

How about stopping buying their goods? Surely the first thing to do would be to cut off the supply chain. We need to be more competitive and that should start from the bottom up, from ethos in schools through universities and the workplace. We need to get rid of the entitled snowflake, worksky culture. Don’t blame the Chinese, look within.


Maybe US could start by not stealing the worlds resources and bombing the shit out of anyone who resists.

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That is quite difficult to encourage. Walmart and many other stores are replete with Made in China labels. I refuse to shop there and I search for Made Elsewhere labels in every shop I visit. Anywhere but China works for me.

Made in America labels are difficult to find. I think a Made in America chain (or a Made Elsewhere chain) of stores would have high sales if it could hold its prices to a competitive scale without going bankrupt prior to establishing a sufficient following.

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Perhaps then a massive tariff will do it? Better than war. However, it is no good just blocking Chinese goods, the US (and the UK) need to up their game. We feel the same about EU goods and supermarkets make a point of selling British or at least “non EU.” Lol, looks like a no deal Brexit to me!

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It would take a herculean effort for any man to find that woman attractive. After that, he would likely need a forklift to lift up her belly flaps, and pray to multiple gods to find the strength to thrust his phallus into her godawful urine dispensary.

edit: I swear I’m Canadian, but I’ve been watching a lot of british humor lately. Snuff Box and Black Books is fucking awesome!

Never heard of them. Do we flog you all our shit?

How about this, the face (and body) of Remain?

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Your missing my points. I think you listen only to reply.
Are you too an apologist for the bankers? Do you love your rothchildism and attack anyone who speaks ill of them? You have been brainwashed and don’t even know it.
The world is and has been Orwellian. The one’s in control rule & fund both sides against the middle. We in the US have the enemy within. It’s the stupid commies, the RINOs, the deep state with all it’s propaganda. China didn’t get to be what it is today without the help of the Rockefeller’s. Thank Bill Clinton for selling us out in the 90s. If Hillary was president now we’d be a third world country. We’d all be carrying our social credit cards by now in fear. As the USA goes, so does the rest of the world. The elitists in control decided to put Trump in the last minute to delay the inevitable. The elitists are again Luciferians. They are, IMHO, doing wrong to the world and the human species.
End of rant.


We have a leftist dictatorship breaking economic and international norms, and you are on their side.

You are always against the West, you posted an article about how Hitler was one of the good guys.

I’m pretty sure the US pays for the resources it receives. The US built the Panama Canal and then handed it over. The US helped defeat Germany, helped pay for the rebuilding of Western Europe and Japan after WW2, and then left. Left the Philippines to.

You are always against the West. Why?


I live in the West, why do you assume that I am ‘‘against’’ the west.
The only reason US ever goes to war is bc it is the most profitable enterprise on the planet and I will continue to criticise them for, what I regard as crimes against humanity - its got nothing to do with where I live or who’s ‘‘side’’ I’m on and its peurile of you to suggest it is. But thats the normal response we have come to expect from all the rednecks here

…your posts, it’s not an assumption. It’s what you write


Your making a lot of assumptions in what I know! The Bankers is not the point, China is! I don’t know why you obfuscate that point altogether. I am in the industry of finance and deal with these issues on a daily basis! I am a realist not an idealist! Just out of curiosity, what is it that you do?

Thanks for these references I will definitely check these out!

If anyone were to read back through your posts they would concluded that you are an Islam supporting, anti-Semite, holocaust denying, anti Western purveyor of conspiracy theories


I totally agree, but it does start with free and reciprocal trade as well as putting in place a mechanism of enforcement for those who cheat, steal and hack into private interests! China doesn’t want to play by the same set of rules as everybody else so I have no problem using tariffs as a way to punish them when they violate the rules. I also agree with supporting American British and any other countries we trade with that offers a tangible value for the products we purchase, trade and receive and don’t end up in landfills after 3 years! Even Chinese know not to buy their own products as cheap and Chinese are synonymous with one another. IMO war is not a solution but using economic aggression, the same method they have been using against Western countries should be used as a means of giving them a taste of their own medicine in order to make them change their behavior into playing fair and by the rules like everyone else!

I was wondering if you could list some of resources or entities that you buy from. I think if we can start promoting such avenues we can start by educating and encouraging to buy from certain venders that will begin to mitigate Chinese cheap things flooding the market place. It should always be a advocacy of quality over quantity at all times!

US military is now in 39 percent of the world’s countries

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:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: Case proven


He is starting up with this bullshit again? Apparently he has nothing better to talk about as he shows the symptoms of a lonely person who suffers from OCD on a certain subject matter and looking for an audience to indulge in his fantasy narrative!


Open Colon Disorder?? I was wondering how he managed to produce so much bullshite