The New York Times Trump Tax Return Revelations


Just like with the bullshit about him being a racist. He was never a racist until age 70, magically, when he ran for president as a Republican. THEN he became a racist.

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Why are yā€™all all about stealing someoneā€™s private financial documents?

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Trump does a lot in real estate. Let me give a comparison as to why he probably pays less in Federal taxes than someone earning income from a paycheck.

I have some rental homes but Iā€™ll use some generic numbers that fit my average.

Say I have a home thatā€™s worth $100,000. I stick $25,000 down on that home + $3,500 closing so my total investment is $28,500 to get that market ready home purchased. Now, I pay 1 months rent to find and vet a renter, the average renter stays 4 years for me. On that $100K home, I have 2.8% in property taxes here in Texas, or $2,800 per year. I can depreciate the home over 27.5 years, meaning my yearly depreciation on a $100K home is $3,636. My cost for P&I @ 5% interest is $586.85. I spend on average around 0.85% per year in maintenance. That property would rent for about $1,150 per month. So letā€™s crunch some numbers:

$6,060.80 Interest
$2,800.00 Property Taxes
$3,636.00 Depreciation
$ 850.00 Maintenance
$ 287.50 Listing Fee
Total Cost:

On paper, I lost $137.30 for the year. In reality, I made money in the following ways:
Appreciation. Average 3%, $3,000.
Paid down Principle: $983.47 (1st year, subsequent years increase)
Profit without depreciation: $3,773.30
Total Profit for the year: $7,756.77
Total ROI 27%

Now, this is real income on a single property but this idea that I paid no taxes is silly. Yes, I paid no federal income tax on this property for this year but I paid state property taxes of $2,800 that I got to write off of the profit because itā€™s a real cost. I also paid taxes on all of the items I purchased for repair, again, state taxes. Now hereā€™s the fun part. If I decide I want to sell this property after 27.5 years, I get to pay capital gains taxes on the FULL VALUE of the house as itā€™s been depreciated over those years. So I paid $100K for it and say I sell it for $300K in 27.5 years, my capital gains are due on the full $300K, not just the appreciation.

On a side note, I do this all myself. Trump is paying a ton of payroll taxes for his employees, federal income taxes on what he pays himself and thereā€™s just a TON of other taxes his corporations pay so this idea that heā€™s not paying his fair share is just idiotic. How do we know? The top 1% pays over 30% of the total federal income tax while making around 23% of the total income. . . and keep in mind, this is ONLY federal income tax. That doesnā€™t include the rest of the taxes these folks pay.

Figure something else out. This nation as a whole spends about $7.5 Trillion on government each year. Thatā€™s $22,000 for every man, woman and child in spending. If the average household is 3.5 (without looking it up, I think thatā€™s close), thatā€™s $77K per household. If you didnā€™t kick in $77K in taxes last year (or $22K * the people in your house), you didnā€™t pay your fair share.

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The mobs donā€™t think deeply enough to consider these facts

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Rush Limbaugh | The NY Times Story About Trumpā€™s Taxes is a Bust

It appears that Trump is addicted to buying golf courses (he claims to own 16 all over the world) but does not know how to operate one at a profit.

It is all an image move, not a business move.

I imagine Trumpā€™s business acumen resembles that of the mob in Goodfellas, after they take over the restaurant, loot it of assets, pile it up with debt then burn it to the ground.

So it looks like the liberal crazies are saying simultaneously that heā€™s a lousy businessman and borrowed all of his money, but made shitloads and cheated and didnā€™t pay taxes. That shows how deeply the left has gone down the propaganda hole - you need to be able to forget your last assertion, even in the same sentence.



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Gutfeld on the phony outrage over Trumpā€™s tax returns

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Yes, Trump dummā€¦ beat smertest girl in histery.

I think you need to learn a thing or two about business before criticizing the billionaire.

How many businesses do you own, and selling crack does not count

You leave him alone. He has a net worth of $85.00 but when Biden wins, those Biden dolls will be worth at least $110. :smiley:

Itā€™s convenient that you left out how much debt that he is in and how much debt is owed to all of these foreign countries.


The true purpose of this ā€œrevelationā€ was to distract from the rampant voter fraud in MN


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You Republicans are really trying to ignore that Donald Trumpā€™s debt is a national security issue?

We will make sure this is not ignored and make sure this is addressed promptly.

Do you sh*theds liberals ever make any kind of argument that is non partisan? Or is everything always about Republicans and Trump for low info voters such as yourself?

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No. Itā€™s about facts. Hereā€¦since the majority of you can only understand memes and pictures: