The New York Times Trump Tax Return Revelations

The Deep State exists inside and outside of government. There are any number of Leftists who are happy to break the law and sneak out confidential documents in order to serve their agenda, either out of the IRS, or some legal firm, or wherever.

They hate that. Back in 2016 Trump said that by using law to not pay taxes that means he is smart. He is correct! And that drove the Left insane.

Donald Trump said he’s “smart” by not paying income taxes — and argued that if he did, the money would be “squandered.” Trump’s jaw-dropping statements came after Hillary Clinton launched a fiery attack on the Republican presidential nominee for breaking a four-decade tradition of White House aspirants releasing their federal income tax returns.

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Whoever leaked this should face serious repercussions. Now that Trump’s stuff is out there…let’s see Hunter Biden’s financials.

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I agree. But do we even know if it is real? Remember the fake dossier?

Another total bullshit hit story from fake news . How many presidents donated their entire salary back to the treasury ? DID OBAMA ??

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Right…could be more propaganda. If it’s fake it will force Trump to reveal his tax returns…at least that’s probably what they were thinking.

That’s what I’d like to know as well. Additionally, can’t losses be carried forward for 7 years?
Additionally, this is pretty sketchy.

In response to a letter summarizing The Times’s findings, Alan Garten, a lawyer for the Trump Organization, said that “most, if not all, of the facts appear to be inaccurate” and requested the documents on which they were based. After The Times declined to provide the records, in order to protect its sources, Mr. Garten took direct issue only with the amount of taxes Mr. Trump had paid.

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Pulled what???

So far what we know for sure is w have an unsubstantiated claim from the NYT a leftist rag.

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That makes me smart or does fit mean he lost a great deal of money???

If they have a copy of his tax returns, releasing the doesn’t reveal the source.

Or people who don’t understand taxes. You know the kind. Waiting on a refund every year but can’t stand the idea that the wealthy use the tax system as it was designed.

Didn’t Soros brag his secretary paid more in taxes than he did?
Wasn’t Eric Holder a proven tax cheat?

In corporations, profits are taxed, not revenues. A lot of people have no clue how this works.

Where is the outrage from the left?

Declining to provide the records. They don’t have to reveal the source.

No they don’t have to reveal the source but thy should reveal the document.

Is it a list with numbers or an actual return?

Information, hearsay?

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As a business owner, I have paid massive taxes, some tax, little in taxes and no tax.

Some years incredibly successful some not so much. Taxes are done and I take advantage of every deduction to lower my taxes just lik the idiots who wore the hit piece.

The questions to ask, why run this story now? What’s to gain by running this story?

The day Trump leaves office he should sue the NYT into bankruptcy.

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Very devious. I would not be surprised

Isn’t releasing stolen private confidential tax & financial information a crime?

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So what is the defense this time?

“Fake news”?

“Hilary would’ve been worse”?

“Biden will be worse”?

“Blame the game, not the player”?

“If you were as smart as him, you would do it too”?

“Still voting Trump”?

Go on, say the words shills!

A few questions:

  1. Did someone steal Trumps tax returns? Against the law.
  2. Does the NYT’s have the tax records? Against the law.
  3. Is there a law requiring Trump to release the tax returns? No.
  4. Is there any level the left wouldn’t stoop to to over throw this government?
    5, Is there anything that Trump has in his tax returns that are not legal deductions? If so think the IRS would be all over it?

So far he said, she said.

p.s. There in nothing in the world that would convince me to vote for the village idiot with dementia.

Nothing needs defending homo

If Trump is lying and cheating on his taxes, why hasn’t the IRS indicted him in the past 30 years for tax evasion? You know it’s a crime, right? This is the problem I have with the left, ZERO common sense.

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The defense is you all are lying as usual. If he was lying and cheating, the IRS would have nailed his ass to the wall and you know it.

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