The New York Times Trump Tax Return Revelations

Oh yeah? What facts are those? Posting a lame meme that appeals to your emotional hycu? You haven’t posted anything here that passes off as anything close to resembling factual, so do try again!

If this garbage is actually true and he was in debt, is that a crime? And is it any of your business? No to both, moron.

The true purpose of this was to throw garbage into the debate. A bullshit article that reveals no crime and no real news but is only filled with innuendo is released days before the debate. Hellooooooo

How that fuck is anyone’s personal finances a national security issue, Mr. Chickity China, the Chinese Chicken.

You are the same dickless dope who said that if everyone wore masks Covid would “go away”. LOL. I thought Oriental people were supposed to be smart. Go do my laundry bitch

That leaves you out.

Mike…the laws are very punitive in this area.

Kennedy did and one other…forgotten his name

The fact is…Trump paid $750 in taxes.

So what Mr. Too Wong Flu. Good for him. He had a smart guy doing his taxes. Doesn’t your Chinese Laundry have a smart guy doing your taxes?

THE FACT IS, no laws were broken, no rules were violated, there nothing there about Russia or payments to Cohen when is what they were actually looking for… …all there is is little whining bitches like you crying.

Pull the Egg Roll out of your ass and STFU. Go love your pimp Long Time :rofl:

What a shock! Another typical racist Trump supporter.

What a shock! Another typical punkass crying Leftist who cannot take what he dishes out. You blab about white Rednecks in one thread, and then cry “racism” here like the little BITCH you are. You personally attack me in a different thread, and then in another thread you say personal attacks are against the rules.

Take your punk bitch ass home you little dickless queer.

Thanks for posting that, bigot.

Thank you for making my morning fun BITCH

By the way, is that your gay ass in that punkass avatar? You look like a 100% gonad gargler. :rofl:

Twitter user “alexandriabrown” does a brilliant job of revealing that The New York Times story refutes their own claim about Trump only paying $750 in taxes in 2016 and 2017. They write Trump paid 1 million in taxes in 2016 and 4.2 MILLION in 2017 !

Per the NYT own story, Trump actually paid to the US Treasury $1 million in 2016 and $4.2 million in 2017.

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WAS IN BED WITH THE MOB , AND GOT WHAT WAS COMING TO HIM FOR CROSSING THEM . Just look at that train wreck family fatass murdering Ted .

You’re a fucking moron if you believe that.

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Sorry, the racists are on the left bud. I’ve never called someone a “token”, an “Uncle Tom” or a “House ■■■■■■■■ The left does that constantly because they can’t take black Americans with opinions different than Democrats.

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The other president who did not accept a salary was Herbert Hoover.

So the named a vacuum cleaner after him :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah so what? Even if that were true which it isn’t BTW, it only exposes your level of intellect to accept anything that is spoon fed to you as being truth by MSM. Does your life really suck that much that you have to constantly complain and worry about what other people’s finances are about? How much did you pay in taxes last year? Or do you even have a job? Or is your only talent is to bitch all day about “whitey” doing you wrong huh?

Go get a fking haircut! The 80’s called and they want their mullet back!

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So you are in favor of a billionaire not paying their fair share in taxes while people who work for minimum wage have to hand over a sizable portion of their income?

So tell me who wrote the current Tax code as it is? If you actually can answer a question and actually be honest about the facts then you would have your answer, but I wont hold my breath given the level of hyperbole you and your communist butthole sufferes provide as intelligible dialogue that regularly plays it loosey goosey with MSM talking points!