I’m not buying into anything without evidence to support it, I’m just not made that way.
I got caught up in a lot of the conspiracy nut stuff during “The Clinton Years” and won’t embarrass myself by making the same mistake again.
The number of people it would take to to pull something like this off without any of it leaking makes it so implausible and far beyond the bounds of reality I’m not even willing to entertain it without seeing some proof.
Prediction: They’ll fake Ginsburg being alive until Trump can’t put another justice on the court because it’s “too close to his reelection” just like they did with the unbelievably shitty justice Gorsuch but in reverse. Because we have to follow “””the rules””” even though no one EVER does unless it benefits the system.
This whole system is fake and gay.
No Supreme Court win for us even though it’s a slam dunk.
Keep her on life support until the elections are concluded. If trump is voted out of office, then they can yank the life support and appoint a liberal judge for balance.