To quote Eustace Mullins (whom I knew personally),
From the Byzantines, Pound derived his no-violent formula for controlling the ■■■■■ “The answer to the ■■■■■■ problem is simple,” he said. “Keep them out of banking, out of education, out of government.”
It looks like there is a real danger that they could overrun the site, and the strange thing is, one Mod apparently endorses and protects them. If I were the site developer, I would be concerned. It would be a shame to have to slam the door shut and reopen anew again.
I wish it was possible to distinguish Zionist ■■■■ (Israel firsters, along with nutty Christian Zionists) and American ■■■■ who are law-abiding decent citizens. For the sake of brevity, I just say “■■■■■ with a caveat that there ■■■■ who are anti-Zionist