Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

Yes, and a few others as well. So early estimates of patient zero had to be sometime in October early November perhaps. Given what I know on how the CCP operates, they probably knew about this and sat on it while developing a propaganda strategy first before telling anyone. Depending on what narrative you are willing to accept, it’s likely that this is what happened and is far more damaging than the virus itself.

Oooo! More conspiracy propaganda!

Hmmm? That’s an interesting theory! We will know soon enough if “Agenda 21” comes to fruition.

I’ve seen a lot of comments from people saying they came down with some “weird” bug in November/December.

I never get the flu or get sick, but I had something that knocked me on my butt for a week.

Could have been just something common, who knows? I still think the question is out there as to when this really started.

What is interesting about this while living in HK, I noticed people started wearing masks in October, of course this was when the riots protests were winding down so I can’t be certain of the timeline, but I do remember news of a virus circulating when it was in its infancy late October early November.

Do what you love to do.

If it is gardening, home improvement or just tinkering with things.

People (well most) are geared to be productive and to be rewarded by effort and the fruition of outcomes.


I don’t think we’ll ever know.

It is what it is.

Life… no one gets out of it alive :woman_shrugging:

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You will never know, as long as you’re watching TV.

Moot point! You won’t know either watching YouTube videos all day!

For once in your life, can’t you make a comment that’s meaningful?

For once in your life can you stop trying to define what truth is to other people and stop propagating conspiracies? How’s that for being meaningful?

Thank you. You just proved my point.

And you proved my point! So thank you for revealing your narcissism!

Tell me something digipoopoo, do you even have a job? Do you actually have an occupation or are you living off those monthly checks that the German welfare state provides to you for having a disability?

I wouldn’t doubt if the CHICOMs were wearing masks and gloves in September - just before Trump started imposing those tariffs. I bet they were getting ready… :roll_eyes:

Are you talking about the phase 1 deal that was agreed to in December? I know the tariffs were well in place before that and China’s economy at that point was already starting to tank.

Trump was talking about imposing tariffs in September. But he didn’t impose them until December. So, I am sure the China-US relationship was about to “get ugly”.

Well those tariffs aside from the ones already imposed which were connected to the new USMC, were ones used as leverage in the ongoing talks that precipitated the phase 1 deal. I know this because I am in international trade law where I represented certain clients that were affected by this based in HK. They were seeking exemptions due to HK having special trade status as being an independent state. Many Chinese nationals were coming to HK seeking to take advantage of this and it compromised my ethics that forced me to make some hard decisions. Of course during the protests it provided a distraction from addressing this issue. Luckily for me I no longer need to worry about this issue as I am now in a different industry altogether.

I have a thread dedicated to this topic that explores the nuances of what Ross and Mnuchin were trying to do as it related to tariffs and trade with China.

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This is weird. Hmm? Don’t jump to conclusions folks!

“Bing was on the verge of making very significant findings toward understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications. We will make an effort to complete what he started in an effort to pay homage to his scientific excellence,” the department said on its website.

Maybe, someone didn’t want him to advance ahead to what he was about to transpire. Yes?
I wonder if someone close to him, will try and continue his work.

Given what we now know of certain power players using this virus for political expediency its not hard to imagine that someone with Jonas Salk like intentions would be rubbed out. On your second question; that all depends if he had the foresight to either have opened sourced his work or had collaborators.