Official Coronavirus Non-Political Thread: Facts and Updates ⛑

What news? What is your source? We are suppose to take your word for it? Please post a link!

I believe we have reached a critical mathematical point in the COVID-19 pandemic. Since at this point it is really about the statistical significance of a variable that continues to change. Why is this important? Because we really have no baseline, nor do we have a general average. So, just saying cases are rising based on “just cases rising” means little. Furthermore, add in the fact that the number of tests that are currently being administered is significantly higher then when the pandemic started, well it makes sense the numbers would be rising, for the simple reason our sample size is rising. Now, add in the variables, that up until this point we have only been testing people who a doctor believed to be infected and the realization that more labs are validating the tests everyday, then you can begin to see why numbers continue to rise and how it could take much longer to get into a downward trend.

What we need to do is find the baseline. So, lets just take say the State testing labs and lets say they can validate 300 tests a day; and lets say the results show 90 positive cases or 30%. Then this become our controlled measure for future decisions. If the State labs continue to process 300+ tests a day and the numbers continue to rise, then we have a problem. If the reverse is true, then we are on the downslope and things are beginning to improve. This also allows for a percentage approach because if the labs process 400 tests in a day, but the overall percentage is not greater then our 30% base; well then we are still seeing improvement.

Data…not someone’s opinion…will get us where we need to be safely.

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I’m glad to hear that. You are on the East Coast? I’m on the West.

I keep telling people there is pent up demand. Americans aren’t the type to sit around for long. We love our freedom.

We’re smart enough to figure out risk/reward. Those that aren’t? Well, the rest of us get to carry them.

South is the pointy end. It encompasses both East and West Coast. :wink:

I live on the West Coast and we are seriously conservative on this side of the pond.

My neighborhood has Gulf access and you should see the boats going out every weekend (and weekday).

I’ve been thinking of buying an open fisherman but I think @Joe has a good business model where you can just rent and let the professionals deal with the maintenance :wink:

I don’t think people are going to shut down.

This virus is going to be around for a long time and will continue to mutate.

Life goes on.

I recommend that people get out and spend some time in nature. Whether it’s boating, hiking, canoeing or whatever, humans are not meant to be boxed in watching TV all day! This would go a Long way towards restoring mental health as well as good physical health.

All beaches should be open.

  • heat kills virus
  • plenty of space to spread out.
  • can’t spread in water.
  • good for mental health

psyops at work here!

What % of each state’s deaths come from nursing homes seems like it’d be the kind of thing it would be good to know.

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“Flatten the curve” is now just a thought-terminating cliche that bears no resemblance to the initial argument it was associated with.

It meant let’s all get the bat-AIDS a few at a time so we don’t run out of ventilators & TikTok nurses shaking their asses in our faces while we drown in our own juices. Now it means stay inside forever because Boomers are scared.

I completely agree with you…beaches are the chicken soup for the soul.


What do you mean by ‘Not is it facist’? Why don’t you proof read your posts before submitting them?

Why don’t you actually read the OP’s before commenting in threads?


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I hate big tits and big bums. The rest of her isn’t bad though.

This is an established pattern here by you. You are such a hyocrite! You post a comment here criticizing someones grammar mistakes yet you are making comments in threads that is not related to the topics that are being discussed.

Oh for fuck sake, @TWR’s replying now. Fuck off you pair of cunts.

“Sunshine is the best disinfectant:” and it’s “Food For The Soul”.

Cold/Flu seasons come to an end when people start moving outside more and more as temp’s warm up.

At this point the stay at home orders are arguably doing far more harm than good.

The more time people spend locked up the more problems we’re going to have with depression, suicide, family violence, and drug/alcohol OD’s and rising violent crime overall.

Stop derailing the thread here! You have something to contribute to this thread topic then do so, but stop with your childish imbecilic behaviors!