Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

It was first known about in November last year actually.

I’ve just come across this:

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Also known as: COPD, chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD)

How many people are first diagnosed with COPD each year in the UK?

115,000 people are diagnosed with COPD each year – equivalent to a new diagnosis every 5 minutes. In the five years up to 2008, incidence rates went down from 212 to 185 per 100,000. This could be due to changes in record-keeping, or could reflect a genuine fall in the number of people developing the condition. The data contrast with the rise in prevalence over the same period. Since 2008 incidence has been stable, with just under 115,000 new diagnoses recorded in 2012."

Thus proving that this is a stand-alone condition, and doesn’t necessarily have any connection whatever with Covid19. Just take a look at those figures, and see how easy and convenient it is to correlate and collate them with CV?

" Keir Starmer tries to force Boris Johnson’s hand over lockdown exit strategy. LABOUR leader Sir Keir Starmer has put pressure on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to announce his next plans in the coronavirus pandemic response."

The blind leading the blind? :laughing: Honest, you couldn’t make up this shit!

Is this more speculation on your part? :rofl:

Hopefully, if I let him have the last word, like recalcitrant children always do, he’ll shut up and go away. Let’s see . . .

What? You exposed your own ignorance and all of a sudden it’s my fault? You were asked to provide evidence to support your claim. Why is that so upsetting to you? If anything you set yourself up to looking stupid! That is on you not me!

Go away, and take your teddy bear with you.

This is not surprising in the least. It probably goes back to October as early cases started to emerge.

I know four people through one degree of separation that have died. 3 of the 4 were in nursing homes (two old, one disabled).

The fourth was a middle aged man who was turned away from the hospital despite displaying symptoms and having a family member who tested positive. He just went home…a few days later his family found him dead.

Anecdotally, the kind of person who removes dead bodies from houses says the number of people he typically removes is way up, and if anything he thinks the numbers might be underestimated locally. He’s in the NYC suburbs.

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ICE detainees showing Coronavirus symptoms refuse Coronavirus testing, rush officers and then trash the detention center instead.

And the lockdown in some states will stay intact until after 2021? That isn’t good. This has always been the Democrat’s “pipe dream” all along. To keep Capitalism at bay for as long as you possibly can. That way, it looks bad not only to Trump…but for the rest of the country.

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The Chinese doctor who tried to raise the alarm last November, after encountering a large number of cases of ‘pneumonia’ with unexplained cause, mysteriously ‘died’ and had his research destroyed … allegedly.

That’s when US soldiers were in Wuhan.
And they were from Fort Detrick.
And their hotel was near the fish market.

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I find it hard to believe that by August, we could be seeing over 100,000 death due to the virus. First, I am betting you that this “leaked” model is just another tactic to “get Trump”. Secondly, we already know these folks are “adding additional numbers to the death toll” that are either non-related to Coronavirus deaths itself. Or they are “adding on top of what the numbers are stating”. Which means, they are adding these numbers before someone actually dies - in reality, they are near death. But let’s add them to the status anyways. :roll_eyes:

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Gilead does plan to give away several thousand doses of the drug, but has also obtained a “rare disease” status…

Potential Coronavirus Treatment ‘Remdesivir’ Granted Rare Disease Status

The pharmaceutical giant that makes a promising coronavirus drug has registered it as a rare disease treatment with U.S. regulators, a status that can potentially be worth millions in tax breaks and competition-free sales.

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Could have been a cooperated effort between Deep State and CCP. Of course we know CCP has commited genocide before against their own in their depoplulation efforts in the 1950s, with the blessings of the globalist cult.
Could have been a double cross to blame the US (Trump), and cover the symptoms of 5 gee in Wuhan.
Hypotheses come and go but who benefits?
IMHO, It does seem to fit into the NWO plan to enslave the world. Most countries are in lockdown.
If all the counties have been politically compromised to usher in the NWO then we aren’t talking countries anymore but the “elite” cult against the simple ignorant masses worldwide.

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ge-1 (2)

Is there a reason that you couldn’t type something coherent?

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