Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

A woman who owns a hair salon in the state of Texas was arrested and jailed for seven days for reopening her salon. She was given a choice: An apology or face the sentence. Her reply was:

“I have to disagree with you, sir, when you say that I’m selfish because feeding my kids is not selfish,” she told the judge. “I have hairstylists that are going hungry because they would rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision. But I am not going to shut the salon.”


Pattens :moneybag: Fauci :syringe: Gates :moneybag:

he was feeding you bullshit.

Unless he was mixing DMSO with his grease that isn’t even possible unless he had an open wound and even then all he’d taste is the grease.

Doing so is both a federal and state felony please do not take advice from idiots.

Skin and oral mucosa are completely different tissues.

One is derived from ectoderm, the other from endoderm.

The tissues lining your entire digestive tract are specifically designed to uptake nutrients and water, your skin is not.

Why are you feeding this dumb asshat who can’t carry a tune in having honest discussions here?

I’m not, I’m providing information to counter the bullshit. :laughing:

This was already posted by @AlexC but whoever thought of an artificial pandemic back in 2012?

COVID 19 came as planned.

Skin is absorbent too. If it weren’t then skin patches wouldn’t work or be used.

They only work because they use DMSO or similar chemicals to remove the barrier.

Our skin is our primary protection against microbes and poisons unless there is a break in the skin it provides excellent protection.

Yeah, yeah, blah blah effing blah. If you think I’m going to waste my time playing verbal gymnastics with you you’re very much mistaken.

You are a clueless boob, I’m just trying to confuse you with facts.

Go stick your finger in a jar of gasoline and see how long it takes to taste it.

FUCK OFF YOU BLOODY MORON. What the fuck has sticking my finger in a jar of gasoline to find out how long it takes . . . oh jkust piss off, I have more self-respect than to enter into this childish drivel.

It’s called learning something for a change.

That’ll be the day when you can teach me anything. What does gasoline have to do with skin patches ffs?

If your skin was absorbent you would taste the gasoline.

Patches only work because they use chemicals like DMSO to eliminate the natural barriers between your skin and bloodstream.

For fucks sake this is embarrassing: I don’t know about your skin but mine doesn’t have taste buds; only my tongue has taste buds. Jesus wept what a cunt! :roll_eyes:

Fruits and goats test positive for coronavirus in Tanzania.
They also tested engine oil, which may as well have been positive. LOL

You just can’t fix stupid.


Because if it went into your blood stream it would go directly to your lungs, vaporize, and when you exhaled you would taste it