🕵 OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

This by Nunes supports your assertion.

…and finally, is Pelosi having second thoughts?

I am wondering how this is connected to “Spygate”? If we are to assume that this is all connected to the Ukraine scandal coverup, then one hand washes the other.

The impeachment is the culmination of it.

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The interesting thing about Truth is; the more you try to cover it up the worse it seems to get!

I don’t think that is going to work for him.

As long as the people asking the questions have clearance he can be compelled to answer.

Without spygate none of this would have followed. This is all just a continuation of the original attempts to depose the president by the DOJ/FBI and “intel community” who believe they know better than we and that they are above the law.

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The clock is definitely winding down on this.

I’ve actually got some hope that Durham and Barr are not going to let this one be covered up.

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This is pretty chilling and people definitely need to go to jail over this.

BTW this is related and also pretty interesting.

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Personally I don’t believe there’s any doubt. Halper was acting as an agent for the US either directly or indirectly.

This will get interesting before it’s over.

I agree. along with Mifsud who out of no coincidence of its own now disappears.

I’m thinking they know where he is and have interviewed him. Barr and Pompeo may be hiding him somewhere until he’s needed.

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Tom Fitton and Judicial watch are the ones who remain relentless in pursuit of the Truth and are the only ones willing to do the heavy lifting. So their consistency on this issue among many others is encouraging. I say that with a tinge of disappointment having learned recently of Huber’s final report and revealing he and Sessions willingness to protect the swamp including Hillary skank Clinton is a bit of a downer.

In truth, I was going to post this earlier but was reluctant to do so for fear of giving fodder to the Marxist democrats to use against those who are fighting for justice.