đŸ•” OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

I don’t know. One can’t talk if two are dead. This is really strange and if we get into the months of May and June and Durham comes up empty then all bets are off IMHO

I could well be wrong but I don’t think he’s coming up empty.

We will see because you know how the swamp operates.

Until proven otherwise I have faith in Barr. He has a long and honorable record of service.

It’s coming, they had to run it all through the whole declassification bureaucracy to protect necessary secrets which means everyone and every agency involved gets to review it all and give their input on whatever the final product is going to be.

If he did otherwise dem’s would impeach him for endangering national security.

But isn’t that the crux of why Impeachment happened in the first place? The motive? To protect themselves from legal jeopardy and reprisals from the masses demanding justice?

Political masturbation and theater, impeachment was never anything but stunt from the start. They knew it was going nowhere.

If however declassification was done improperly and there was some harm, conviction and removal suddenly become a possibility.

Of course it was political theatre but there was always a motive behind it

Of course, to damage his presidency and his reelection chances.

Of course it looks like it’s going to blow up in their faces just as many of us predicted.

It’s Hillary Rod’em Clinton

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The dam is about to break! This is a big bomb shell! Funny how this came out the same time Flynn announced that he is withdrawing his plea? Coincidence? I think not!

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Strzok it would appear as being the Low hanging fruit?

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Quite a thread! I’ve been to busy to read it because my mother just had hip surgery.

My comment on this right now, is that I think it is misjudging all this to say this is simply a "socialist’ coup. These people aren’t socialists

I think it is far worse.

More along the lines of a ritual Satanic Superstate

EU, USA UN. and every country in their control, fused together with their own unelected hierarchical Vampire, coven army.

The masses become food fried by nuclear blasts.

Now. Best to stock up on wooden stakes and wolfbane.

They are “voting” for who wears the Supreme Antler Crown as ordained in the place of fire.

Hillary queen

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Speedy recovery to your mother!

Very well stated. Things like “Skull and Bones” and Bohemian Grove I thought were stuff made for Alex Jones, but turns out there is some truth to some of his assertions. Wouldn’t surprise me if these elitist are into some sort of weird cult worshiping. I mean, look what Hollywood is producing today, it reinforces that perception more so than 20 years ago. I guess its no “Monkey King” Lol!

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