Impeachment Vote Completed - Trump Impeached

It has been explained to you that at the time Biden acted like a corrupt mob boss getting the prosecutor fired he was point man for US policy in the Ukraine meaning he had influence over the EU and IMF. Even so, Biden had a huge conflict of interest in his son Hunter.

Now if you can prove Trump’s interest was strictly in having Biden investigated, not a broader repudiation of corruption and that he pressured Zelensky to investigate Biden alone then have the DOJ investigate, otherwise there is no legal basis for the Democrat impeachment. :smile:

Question: Has Trump been impeached? Yes or No?

According to Ukraine since the election the prosecutor was not corrupt and was fired because of Biden.

At that the time Biden made his visit, Ukraine was full of corruption. Therefore, it stands to reason, those benefiting from corruption would call for the firing of the prosecutor as well.

Then do as I said.
The latter has been done and the president has been impeached as a result.

Was Johnson and Clinton impeached…yes or no???

Maybe I should have posted this here…

There is a video link which has failed to propagate, you will have to look in the other thread.

No, there hasn’t been anything approaching a fair investigation of Trump, that’s why the only bipartisan support is in opposition to impeachment. :blush:

The ambiguous rules of impeachment were followed. House democrats demonstrated that Trump ABUSED his office. That is why you see in a recent Fox News poll that a majority of Americans believe he abused his office, that is why the house impeached him. Pity that not a republican had the spine to follow that evidence. If we ever get to it, it may be different in the senate where we could see Murkowski, Romney and Collins convict.

And if you could only prove it, another made up fact spoken with authority to make people believe you know what you are talking about when you don’t.

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Beside that, this drive for a phony impeachment of Trump was tagged as a coup a long time ago…by Democrats!

You do realize that you’re wasting your time trying to have an honest, civil discussion with Monty, I’m sure. His cognizance rating is extremely low, he repeats himself and creates his own unsubstantiated “facts”.

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No. They demonstrated that they abused THEIR office as well as the American people.


Indeed however I am sick of his self acknowledged truth which is nothing but his opinion.

Patriot allowing him back a mistake as he bings nothing to the forum.


Total lie.

Prove it Buffy.

Prove it Buffy.

Not 1 credible witness, all hearsay.

Hearsay is not evidence. When will you stop with the lies???

And I’ve got that in spades - in fact, so far as educational qualifications are concerned it’s the only thing I’ve got. :grin:

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My gut feeling, looking from the outside in, is that that was an error of judgement. As I’ve previously asserted, it could be argued that DJT had suspicions which needed checking out.

When are going to realize you are only fueling someone who consistently rails here because they are a sufferer of TDS and will rack themselves because being a sadist is much more satisfying?

I only assert my own opinions as I see things; if they happen to support a sympathetic stance of another poster then it’s coincidental.

Holy crap dude! You really did miss us! :joy:

As with many of your posts Dr M - no comprendo. Oh and you forgot to tell me how many Chinese acquaintances told you what’s (supposedly :roll_eyes: ) going on in the Chinese ‘concentration camps’? It isn’t too late! :smirk:

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