Projection? Yet here you are being triggered to respond to me right?
What is objectively correct about you and your posts is you consistently make dumb comments without so much providing facts to back them up! Conversing with you, Montecrusty seems to be a total waste of time which in essence yields no returns at learning anything new! That’s the reason no one here takes you clowns seriously!
James Jones was an American civil rights preacher, Cult leader who conspired with his inner circle to direct a mass suicide and mass murder of his followers in his jungle commune.
You might like this interview in regards to the mindless trolls on the left. It certainly gave me pause to change not only my perception but my approach as well when it comes to the mindless bots here.
Time is precious and I am no longer going to waste it on people who simply can’t be honest with themselves to contribute to an honest debate. To the left Truth is not objective only subjective in which they always phrase their arguments around. Elections has consequences!
Many pages… which associate would you like to start with? Manafort? Gates? Papa? Don Jr? Roger Stone? Mike Flynn?
You tell me which campaign associate you want to start with a I will go grab the in report that shows they tried to collude
Also collusion and conspiracy are 2 very different terms.
Who said Hilary would “smoke” Trump?
Do you understand how probabilities work? The pollsters said that Hilary winning was the most probable outcome. The fact that Trump best the odds, doesn’t make the odds wrong.
Collusion is not a federal crime (except in the unique case of antitrust law), so we should all just stop using “collusion” as a short-hand for criminality.
This is funny! Its why Flynn’s partner’s case was previously dismissed and so too will Flynn’s case.
This ignorance on Prag,matic’s part is hilarious to watch, along all of the leftist main stream media! It seems being objective to view the facts is a foreign concept to people on the left!
Donald Trump has committed endless offenses against the Constitution and the American people – none of which pushed his opponents to impeach him – but luckily and at long last Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats have him where they want him at the most opportune time for the 2020 election. Of course, they really didn’t want to drag the country through this, but our “democracy is at stake!”
And then the reality:
The Democrats have been planning to do this all along. The whistleblower coordinated with Congressman Adam Schiff (and likely other Democrats) to release this report. And it didn’t matter what Trump said on the phone call with Ukraine or what he did in the past year… They were going to find a reason to impeach him and everything else is posturing and lies…
Monte, Trump didn’t ask for a specific favor. He used the word in a general as one would ask a favor of a relative pr asking someone to bring something home. The Libtards need to stop twisting every word he says.
The only thing you just proved here is that actual facts and details don’t matter to you! Liars speaking are people like you who can’t look at themselves truthfully in the mirror who love calling others liars! That is what projection is and you demonstrated it well here! Thanks for the laughter! I had a good chuckle at your duplicitous nature!