Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE šŸ‡

Another sanctimonious, double standard, hypocritical, spouting bitch !! Hopefully another bastard we have seen the last of.

So how will the SDV actually work towards opening up our economy?
To open the economy does everyone need the vax or just healthcare workers and care home residents?
Lets assume that every one of the 70 million in UK have to take the vax before we go back to normal.
Lets also assume that we can ALL get it on Jan 1st TOGETHER AT THE SAME TIME.
Whey back to work, we can have our kids round for dinner again, we can go to the gym again, fuck the gf again - happy days.
Hold on a minute - those 70m who got vaxxed on 1st Jan need a 2nd Jab within a month and it only lasts for 3 months so we need to repeat 4 times in 2021ā€¦
See the problem??

So youā€™re saying the man didnā€™t have Covid but picked up something nasty at the hospital. (Iā€™m leaning toward that opinion)
Obviously, the nose test didnā€™t help him either.

No, but thatā€™s possible too. I was saying that although he tested positive, the symptoms could have taken some time to appear.

Hey @StuFX, did you see Matt Handcock blubbing on live TV? :sob: :rofl: This is great, jab them all! :grin:

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Yes Jen I posted it here

The bastard wasnā€™t even convincing with the emotional display, it was joy that poor old ā€œWilliam Shakespeareā€ (again what a joke) was the second sacrificial lamb. The sky report showing the first person some poor old girl was disgusting too. !!!

I pity the elderly who perhaps havenā€™t got access to the information and the kids with dumb parents but the rest of them are most welcome, I honestly think they will make this shit so accessible, they will be able to get it with their McBurgerCrap.


Is anyone else here a blood donor ? The last few months I have been absolutely bombarded by them. I have blocked their number today after telling them I do it on my terms and when I want ! Plus a couple of home truths about my displeasure with the NHS.
If you are a donor have you been getting bombarded too ?
I am curious now as I am ā€œO negā€ which can be used to transfuse any other blood group but I can only receive ā€œO Negā€ or dead.

It looks like Pfizer will get at least Ā£600m for the 40m shots ordered by the UK gov and of course indemnity from being sued. Not bad work if you can get it :wink:

There will likely be a decent short to be had soon for those that trade stock. I donā€™t.

For your amusement only,in%20crowded%20areas%20or%20parties.


Image (13)

I never studied Steiner material, except I knew some people involved in Steinerā€™s Anthroposophy movement.

I once asked Eustace Mullins about this movement. He basically said they were rootless people.

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They were close but they didnā€™t pick up on the psychopathic tendencies :laughing:

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Can anyone tell me how I can see which members can view this thread ? Thanks

@asaratis normally knows the quirks of this platform ?

Go to your summary, expand and you will see your groups. Click on RH.

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Watching Peston on news tonight he noted that the ONS had revised down the infection rate by half - meaning that the data they used to justify the latest lockdowns was wrong and are, therefore, not justified.
Iā€™ve been following those numbers for weeks and they never made sense to me either.
They also noted that we still need the ldowns face nappies and anti social distancing tho
Its fucking Kabuki theatre

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Only members of this group can read here. We have 21 members at this time. So, 20 other people can read what you write.

Do you have inclinations to call someone a shithead? :grin:

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:laughing: I do but no point as they arenā€™t in here and somehow I thought they were. :thinking:

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One other thing I noticed in the weekly email I get from ONS, for the first time, they covered suicides and it was fairly obvious they were spinning the data to ā€˜ā€˜proveā€™ā€™ that no-one had committed suicide bc of the lockdowns.
I recently emailed a few MPā€™s and asked them how many suicides could be attributed to the lockdowns.
Iā€™m not suggesting that my em had any impact but you never know and I donā€™t believe in co-incidences.
Maybe a few of them are worried that the sheeple will make the same connection btwn suicides and THEIR lockdowns - killing your own voters is never a very good idea.