Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣


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Arrrrrrr poor old Matt I’m A Cock getting all emotional, he can’t even hide his own fakery well, I want to see this bastard and a few more on the end of a rope !

EDIT: I just wonder what Google will churn out when school kids search for “William Shakespeare”, will it be the English Writer or First Person to receive covid vaccine !!
EDIT: The second person to…

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“They have patented an enzyme called LUCIFERase” !!! Talk about the truth being stranger than fiction !!
The only people I feel sorry for are the elderly who don’t have access to the information and kids whose parents are more concerned about sharing photo’s of themselves on their latest I phones.

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Yep you couldn’t make this shit up - they are playing with us

How hard was it to find someone called William Shakespeare - It really is Kabuki theatre.

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This is why I have always said trust your gut, from trading, to the bullshit parliament, cancer treatment etc etc it’s all a scam and am so glad I have been such a sceptical bastard for so long. Some say “oh that’s a terrible way to live your life, distrusting everything”" blah blah, yeah maybe but I’m still here and it hasn’t caused me or my family any harm. Yes there maybe some stuff that turns out to be ok but I won’t feel stupid or cheated. It will just be a case of what I never had I will not miss, move on.

Today I heard that there is a woman whose name is Alexa … was not a problem for her until last year!

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Anyone remember thalidomide?

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Now Trump’s campaign lawyer Ellis has Covid, she was at the same White House holiday party with Ivanka and Jared…

Lmao, these dumb fucks are all getting Covid because they refuse to follow their own administration’s guidelines…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I wish Trump would get rid of Jared and Ivanka (from the administration, that is)

It’s hard to trace the infection to one particular event.
It’s an accumulation (or repetition) of certain activities, it seems like.

Nonetheless, you don’t necessarily get infected while living in the same household with a positive individual, as a study conducted in Germany shows.

“Treatable with vitamins C, D and zinc.”

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