Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE šŸ‡


And they are gonna do it 4 times a year? ROFLMFAO
Oh and donā€™t get pregnant.

that endure for at least three months. In other words, will be need to be vaccinated 4 times a year?
Our get out of jail card isā€¦
can be argued against in that it is altering your DNA code which is created by God.

Itā€™s fantasy thinking on my part for now anyway as if Bojo keeps us tied to ECJā€¦

Itā€™s hard to take these idiots seriously ā€¦

A Real Vax scene !

Iā€™m confused about a Japanese patient.
I donā€™t know him personally, but heā€™s in his 40s and lives in a city in northern Japan, where a cluster of Covid 19 patients were found, over 20, all working in a popular restaurant.

He received a phone call in October from the owner of the restaurant, who knew the man and his phone number. The owner urged the man to get tested by saying he himself tested positive along with over 20 of his employees.

The man felt fine but followed the advice and got tested. Though he was sure he would test negative, he turned out to be positive, so he made an arrangement to go to hospital in the city, but he still felt fine when got to the hospital.

It was already several days after he ate at the restaurant. Only toward the evening after he got to the hospital, he developed a fever 39C and suddenly had difficulty breathing, being diagnosed with pneumonia. He became unconscious and when he came to, he was in a respirator machine.

He was given all kinds of drugs, including one thatā€™s harmful to the liver but a few days later, his temperature finally dropped and he got cured.

Happy ending.

But my question is, why he felt ill only after he got to the hospital.
Why he was diagnosed with pneumonia, and not Covid 19.

I donā€™t know about the conditions of other employees of the restaurant, who apparently all recovered without going through what the man went through.

Please help me out.


I heard a story of a Big Mac forgotten about in a drawer for years.
When it was discovered, it looked very fresh. LOL

Let me try to answer the question without reading the article.
Itā€™s depopulation, for sure.

Another Hegelian dialectic.
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
Problem, reaction, solution (as per David Icke)

  1. Problem ā€” artificial virus
  2. Reaction ā€” manufacture panic over this virus
  3. Solution ā€” vaccine (which nobody under normal circumstances would take)

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It may be quite innocent. Covid can take 10 days from infection to show any symptoms.

From an emailā€¦

"Get ready for lab-grown meatā€¦

We are going to start with a breakthrough that may seem a little ā€œout thereā€ at first.

But bear with me. This could alter the way we view meat, agriculture, and livestock going forwardā€¦

The first lab-grown meat was just approved for human consumption in Singapore.

Now, lab-grown meat is something that I have been researching for a while now. The official name is ā€œcultured meat.ā€

Hereā€™s how it worksā€¦

First, scientists do a biopsy on an animal to extract cells. These cells are then placed into a nutrient-rich broth and ā€œgrownā€ in a bioreactor. That provides the optimal conditions for cellular growth, causing the cells to multiply.

As the cells continue to grow, they form meat. And biologically, this meat is the exact same as meat harvested from an animal the traditional way. The only difference is that it was grown in a lab, and it may not look like a steak or a chicken breast.

When enough of the cultured meat has been grown, it can be collected and made into a final product.

And that brings us back to Singaporeā€™s regulatory approvalā€¦

A San Francisco-based company called Eat Just is producing chicken nuggets from cultured chicken. This is the product that just got regulatory approval. A yet-to-be-named restaurant in Singapore will soon offer Justā€™s cultured chicken nuggets on its menu.

We may ask ourselves ā€“ whatā€™s the motivation behind cultured meat? Why would consumers want it?

Well, cultured meat is attractive to some people because no animals are harmed in producing it. The animals only experience a biopsy and thatā€™s it. Thereā€™s no need to slaughter the animal for the meat.

In addition, thereā€™s no need to cram a bunch of animals together in factory farms, as is so common today. Producing cultured meat allows for smaller herds and better living conditions for the animals.

This is attractive to a segment of the consumer market that desires to have less of the environmental impact caused by the consumption of meat.

Cultured meats are far healthier than the plant-based meat substitutes that have become popular recently. These substitutes are heavily processed and contain chemicals and flavoring to make them look and taste like meat. They are basically processed food.

For people who like meat but are vegetarians for ethical reasons, cultured meat is a healthier solution.

So I think the cultured meat industry has a bright future.

The biggest challenge right now is that cultured meat is quite expensive to produce. It still costs hundreds of dollars per pound to produce cultured meat. But thatā€™s a major improvement from the hundreds of thousands it cost just a few years ago.

As with everything, technological advancements and scale will drive the price of cultured meat down.

And there are several prominent companies like Eat Just working in this space. Memphis Meats (which is backed by Richard Branson and Bill Gates), BlueNalu, and Finless Foods are all working to develop cultured meats and seafood. Many more companies are sure to follow."

Bill Gates and Richard Branson - yikes!

We have Just Eat instead. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Itā€™s a multi prong attack, diet, drugs, morality etc etc.
From the meat and crop perspective they use all kinds of bullshit excuses, in short, if you are healthy its hard to make a lifetime of profit from you.

This guy talks to a farmer who has 10 x more yield than conventional feed lots per acre with both animals & crops but does not use any fertilisers, insecticides, chemicals etc, plus the guy is in North Dakota :cold_face: and not just that has raised the quality of his soil year on year since producing that way. It is the answer and yet they always want to resort to some kind of Frankenstein bullshit !!!

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Another sanctimonious, double standard, hypocritical, spouting bitch !! Hopefully another bastard we have seen the last of.

So how will the SDV actually work towards opening up our economy?
To open the economy does everyone need the vax or just healthcare workers and care home residents?
Lets assume that every one of the 70 million in UK have to take the vax before we go back to normal.
Lets also assume that we can ALL get it on Jan 1st TOGETHER AT THE SAME TIME.
Whey back to work, we can have our kids round for dinner again, we can go to the gym again, fuck the gf again - happy days.
Hold on a minute - those 70m who got vaxxed on 1st Jan need a 2nd Jab within a month and it only lasts for 3 months so we need to repeat 4 times in 2021ā€¦
See the problem??

So youā€™re saying the man didnā€™t have Covid but picked up something nasty at the hospital. (Iā€™m leaning toward that opinion)
Obviously, the nose test didnā€™t help him either.

No, but thatā€™s possible too. I was saying that although he tested positive, the symptoms could have taken some time to appear.

Hey @StuFX, did you see Matt Handcock blubbing on live TV? :sob: :rofl: This is great, jab them all! :grin:

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