Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE šŸ‡

Protests today chaps & chapesses.
London is Midday start at Kingscross.
Machester is 1:00pm Piccadilly Gardens (I think)
Liverpool 1:00pm St,Lukes Church, Berry St
Iā€™m pretty sure there are more going on, so get out to one near you.

No Surrender to this bullshit control !!!

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I wonder if BBC will report this

The post is in reference to the various differences in comprehension, experience, wisdom and appreciation one might have that makes it unique to what one sees or perceives versus what another might see or perceive.




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It appears they did but I havenā€™t seen them show the over zealous actions of the police as per normal.

I recall bringing this up when we were about to sign (2018/19?). My concern at the time was ā€œwhy would we sign something that isnā€™t legally bindingā€ and in the knowledge that we were leaving the EU. :face_vomiting:

Edit: See this post, it says it all.

This finally made it MSM, but I donā€™t remember whereā€¦

edit: oh ā€¦ thanks Magog

@Jen @StuFX
What do you drink when you go OMAD?

I jam-in coffee to support my (sometimes faltering) resolve and yesterday I tried OMAD just for the challenge. Went the whole day without problem, meal with family in the evening.

:+1: Thatā€™s the best thing you can do for your long term health. When you eat is possibly more important than what you eat.

I drink lots of green tea and sometimes coffee with double cream (I always use double cream). Not very good for pearly whites and with no more hygienist every 3 months, I have the tools and do it myself! :grin:


Green tea is hardly green, but somehow the name stuck.

I like green tea after a Japanese or Chinese meal.
The Chinese came up with a mix with jasmine, which seems to go well after a greasy (oops, but thatā€™s what Chinese dishes are like) meal.

Strange, but Koreans hardly drink tea.

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Iā€™m OMAD pretty much the whole year apart from a holiday etc and for no reason other than it suits me. I have couple of coffees with double cream and black teas but mostly water and I donā€™t OD on that either, some days I might drink 2L others barely 500ml.

Having said that, the very first time I did this and when I do the longer fasts I only drink water but again I donā€™t try to consume X amount, just when Iā€™m thirsty. When you do it first time, neecking a glass of water puts Mr.H.Pang in his place but after a few days you realise itā€™s not hunger you are kicking aside it is addiction and that can be whatever your vice is from spuds to biscuits etc but after 2 or 3 days honestly you do not ever feel hungry and that can go on for days and I believe weeks (depending on your fat stores) I think the max I have done is 14 days some time ago as I fancied single digit fat percentage but it doesnā€™t suit me personally. I feel really good in the 10-20% body fat range and think mostly reside in the middle somewhere as I donā€™t do any of that measuring malarkey any more but have decent idea of where Iā€™m at. Put it this way itā€™s not aesthetics, itā€™s how I feel. You will be surprised at how much energy you have when the old digestion isnā€™t in constant service ! :grin:


Iā€™ve been Omad since I was a kid but didnā€™t really call it that - we just couldnā€™t afford more than omad(seriously) - when I was young we called it character building if we were hungry and it stuck with me I guess - I just never grew up.
Even today I NEVER have breakfast, apart from coffee and sometimes one slice of toast - thats where my intermittent fasting came from - Iā€™d fast from 8pm(evening meal) thru to lunch(1pm) so 17 hrs every day of the week and sometimes Iā€™d skip lunch. - never really thought abt it - just did it.
I am lucky tho cos I nver ever feel hungry,


We have been hunter gatherers for hundreds of thousands of years, though recently we are evolving rapidly into fat useless blobs. If you and your family havenā€™t eaten for days, youā€™re not going to be very useful getting a woolly mammoth for dinner if youā€™re weak and lethargic. So, fast a bit more than 24 hours and you will feel really sharp, mentally and physically. Itā€™s more pronounced in men than women.

It is more important what you donā€™t eat than what you do. Avoid sugar and vegetable seed oils and it will make all the difference. By the way olive is not a vegetable. :wink: Vegetable fat is everywhere - mayonnaise, salad cream, salad dressings, spreadable butterā€¦ I use a lot of beef dripping, coconut oil and about 4 blocks of butter a week. :grin:

I usually skip breakfast and have something late lunchtime plus early dinner, and do a lot of training too. When I have races, I do have carbs and it becomes like rocket fuel, lol. I had a couple of bananas this morning prior to a 5k race and I managed sub 19 mins. :smile:


Jeez! is EVERYONE waking up?

Neither are tomatoes nor cucumbersā€¦
They are fruits by definition.

Tomatoes are a slightly toxic, in the core. It has to be taken out before eating or cooking.

All nightshades from the Americas are toxic to some degree. You know potatoes can kill you if you eat the wrong parts.

Some people claim heavy breakfast is healthy, but I tend to disagree. Why should you eat anything while youā€™re not hungry. I had two cats and I observed that they never eat more than they need.

Herbivores spend most of their waking hours eating grass, because itā€™s not nutritious and some of them even have to chew cud because they canā€™t digest it well enough.