Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

… morning Stu

Did you catch the program last night about the ‘Spanish flu’ ?
It seems that patient-zero was somewhere in Kansas

Good Morning EX…This feels very normal, almost like we bumped into each other in the newsagents. :smiley:

I didn’t watch TV, eldest G/son has been staying here so it’s generally Air Fix kits, Meccano or Lego. I still love them all !

I have read that before though about the outbreak being in a Fort. Maybe there a few already dead that we will never know about for one reason or another. It’s difficult to know how accurate the recording of illnesses were back then I would think but don’t really know much about it to be honest.

No, maybe start with skipping breakfast, then late lunch / early dinner, then OMAD (one meal a day) :wink: Cliff Richard has been on OMAD for a long time and he’s pretty sprightly for 80.

The whole objective is to lower resting insulin levels. Every time you eat you get a rise in insulin, but the higher your baseline (fatties), the greater your spike. For someone with low baseline, their “spikes” are still lower than the baseline of fatties, and the highs drop rapidly.

Three things suppress insulin: fat, fibre and vinegar. :wink:

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:kissing_heart: Lol. I don’t look any different no matter what I do, maybe just a bit more toned. Always been the same weight.

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Everything you say here is true. Nonetheless, my scientific reasoning is valid. I also suppose that @AlexC had emotional perception in mind when he presented that simply worded sentence, not some thought of two people viewing something from the same exact location at the same time.

My overly active, scientifically oriented, nitpicking mind immediately went to the idea of physical impossibility before I got to the comma in the statement:

No one sees what you see, even if they see it too.

No one sees exactly what you see…EVER…even if they look at it several times. I wasn’t applying this thought to any descriptions that may be offered of what they see, just to the fact that what they actually see will differ based on the positions of their eyes.

Suppose that two people are standing shoulder to shoulder with their eyes at the same elevation, staring at a basketball placed on a pole 10’ in front of them. Imagine that your point of view is from behind and slightly above those people such that their heads do not block your view of the basketball. You will see a bit more of the surface area at the top of the basketball than either of the other two viewers.

The viewer that is standing on the left in front of you will see a bit more of the surface area on the left side of the basketball than will the viewer standing on the right.

Now imagine the viewer on the left slowly moving to his left as he maintains a 10’ spacing from the basketball and continues to stare at the basketball. He will eventually see the opposite hemisphere of the basketball (the dark side of the moon, so to speak), something that neither you nor the stationary viewer can see.

All three of you basically see the same ‘thing’, a basketball. But not one of you sees exactly the same image as either of the other two…at any time.

Now, regarding mental images, whenever I view any photographic image resembling Barack Hussein Obama, I “see” a worthless, piece of shit, apologetic, Muslim-loving, immoral, unethical, arrogant, manipulating, undeserving, anti-American, lying son-of-a-bitch!

Cheers! :wine_glass:

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:+1:Omad is and has been my routine for years but for people who get ill a longer fast works wonders. At least once a year I do between 5 to 11 days, it seems radical to a lot of people and many think they will die but you only know the feeling if you do it. I don’t know if I will drop dead next week but while I am here I feel good at least :grin:

On the science front my view is Insulin is the dominant hormone, if that gets screwed , everything is screwed ! I told a mate of mine a few years ago who had gone off the radar once he finished playing rugby and got overly friendly with the Guiness that I reckon he was probably type II, he said no way, the quack had checked his blood glucose and it was all good. He wasn’t a ball of blubber. I told him that only confirms once the house is ablaze, it doesn’t pick up the smouldering tinder. Anyway he eventually paid and got Homa-IR , which came in about 60 ish as I recall. I think he got Cpep too. Anyway he was shocked but happy he caught it before it turned into a blaze. He still likes a pint now and again but doesn’t live on guiness and crisps anymore. :grin:

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:+1: For an event with motion absolutely agree we can not in any way shape or form have the same view but for a static object I reckon I could make a jig that can fix all the parameters the same. Unfortunately for BHO viewing I don’t ever anticipate a different vision other than

Now isn’t that strange how I see him exactly the same and I’m about 3000 miles away. :grin:

And Cheers To You Too !


They have lied about foods.
They have lied about prior vaccines.
They have lied about cigarettes.
They lie all the time about all kinds of crap.

When do they tell the truth ? When they are caught out in the lie. But even then, it’s a teflon type of truth to save their own arses.
They have never given a shit so why are they suddenly going to change their MO?! (rhetorical)

Edit : 3 post rule

And some light entertainment on a theme…

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Sometimes I do OMAD, but most days it’s between 18/6 and 20/4. I have done 30 hours, but I have to be careful not to lose too much weight. My BMI is 17.5 with body fat around 12%. I use about 2500-3000 cal a week on exercise. Weight drops really fast. And of course high intensity exercise is a massive catalyst for the benefits of fasting, in particular a double whammy of HGH and glucagon (plus testosterone for men), which are all opposing hormones to insulin.

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You are sending me strange vibrations.
I have erotic dreams.

Thats exactly why I’m pissed abt the Ronahoax crap.
A lot of us have known for a long time that it was all bollox and the truth is starting to come out, but it will be spun in such a way that the govt will get the credit for fixing things when in fact they only made everything 10 times worse than it needed to be. Not to mention that the ‘‘cure’’ has killed more ppl than the disease ever would have

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:+1:Only the people marching and in the likes of this place will ever know it was never about the stupid virus and tactically a master stroke on their part. Anyway I’m sure you know what I think and much of can’t even be said here.

Hey Didge if you are still waking up with a “Woody” all power to your elbow ! :laughing:

FFS, only a few numbers. :roll_eyes: I thought you guys liked a bit more meat anyway. :joy:




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