CO AG: Sheriffs Who Will Not Enforce Gun Confiscation 'Should Resign'

I know many who are actually not only supporting this bs but are proud to be doing so. Generations of indoctrination will do that to a country, or so I’ve heard.

While they’re standing with Islam expect the betrayer to only disarm those who might resist Islam.

And of course whom would they seek to disarm first?

I guess we’ll never know given that all our guns fell overboard in that freak fishing accident.




Yep, the trauma of that boating accident made me switch to archery.

And they go just as willingly to the slaughter house as they do to the shearing shed.

I wonder if AlBob ever got a new boat? :wink:

Actually, don’t mock culinary Arts! Everyone has to eat, so there is something to be said for that industry where one who studies such vocations can still get a job!


Looks fade. Dumb is forever.

Who needs culinary arts to feed themselves? Anyone can fry an egg, boil a potato or grill a steak.

Some of us have more refined tastes than survive on fried eggs, boiled potatoes and grilled steak. Here in Europe, food is an art. We pride on quality, creativity and presentation not quantity.

Dumb is a choice, and a fun one at that! … sometimes. lol

It takes work for the badass part otherwise one is just pretty…air soft comes to mind:sunglasses:

Sixfoot is just trying to help you understand that British means English. Allow him to feel good about sharing his wealth of information with you. They’re easy to please!

Jesus is the proud owner of the largest collection of guns in the world, or beyond, whatever. He/she has brought them to America so Americans can use them to eliminate themselves. Your lord works in wondrous ways.

[quote]Guns are fine, Guns are mine
Guns are things, that Jesus brings![/quote]

He was asking me because I’m British. It was a genuine question. Nothing more to it!

Yeah, I know you’re British and he was telling you that you have to be English if you’re British. Nothing more to it!


Maybe you need to learn the difference between a statement and a question.

Geez, now these little shit sticks from other forums are pretending to speak on my behalf. lol

Sorry for the mess, folks.