YouTube to remove thousands of video channels promoting hate speech

What are you a paid schill? I assuming yes or either you are clueless about the American constitution!

So every private business in the US can do what ever they want. They can refuse to hire minorities, they can refuse to sell products to certain people?

Get the problem with your comment???


They’re always all about liberty, until they aren’t…:man_shrugging:

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Interesting reactions in this thread considering how many here are demanding censorship because of speech they don’t like.

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Can you quote someone here demanding censorship please???

I’m always amazed how important it is to some that business is free to do as they wish until they don’t like something that business does. :roll_eyes:

It’s in a hidden thread. Enjoy the scroll.


I thought you meant this thread when you said “here”.

Try again

But not whom they have on their board to make crucial decisions for the company? Got it


Surprised to hear Crowder still has a youtube channel considering the fact that he is the most notorious alt right white supremacist neo nazi in America. The people over at youtube must be afraid Steven “empty the nine on the welfare line” Crowder will retaliate if they even think to ban his videos.

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It appears only Whites are being banned - They are not banning violent, anti-White black rappers, Communists, those with a blatant anti-White agenda, only anything that resembles, however vague, pro-White.

Including this guy:


Who wrote instrumental music.

IOW, they are giving a platform and soapbox to any/all anti-White hatred.

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It is a tricky line, no doubt.

What is deserving of censorship and what it is not?

You have a line that you find repugnant, do you not?

If phedofiles wanted to post here because of “free speech” would you demand censorship or would you defend their freedom of speech?

We all have lines we draw.

So begins the cat and mouse game. Content creators will get very creative in the videos in order to fool the censoring algorithms. Irony and satire are powerful yet subtle tools. It might even get to the point where very little can be uploaded because it will all be banned.

Should be interesting to watch.

Also, 10 to 1 very few Islamist videos will be removed.

No, probably anyone quoting Scripture on certain subjects … any … and please note I’m not talking about Muslim’s citing their book chanting death to the ■■■■ (so long as not in English) etc … because that would be Islamophobic.

This is escalating quickly

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Metokur was talking about this, he was right about us being in Internet 2.0 and everything that comes with it; all the censorship to render everything safe for families and advertisers, remember when the internet was the Wild West? Good times.

Indeed! A Friend of mine was just removed because he is critical of Israel! Who would have ever thought? He is a independent journalist who has appeared on many famous networks too, but is viewed as an activist!

Im just leaving this reminder here.

But also think about it in another way! Long before this issue boiled over, the internet was the last bastion of true free commerce where Taxes were not paid for goods purchased! There were no control mechanisms for this until Politicians decried that sales taxes needed to be enforced! Then came the 2016 elections where opinions and the flow of information became just as important in the political arena that saw the ascension of Trump that exposed the nefarious duplicity of elected leaders being turned upside down and now the tech giants want to control that too! One hand washes the other in the larger objective being exacted here!

That is conflicting to say in the least! What I get from reading this is that I can’t identify the truth in what really happened or the motive. Anything can be made up to deceive for the purpose to serve a bigger agenda! The question that remains is: Whose agenda is it?

Im not saying grand here, just a reminder of past happening: Adpocalypse 1.0, people’s livelihood was taken away, and some went crazy.