Why is everyone misquoting Pelosi?

Not a lib? Oh… show me how many threads you have agreed with the members here who stand against the Democrats or their European counterparts.

It’s not like we haven’t heard “oh, I have been conservative forever.” before. And upon investigation we find that the things they point to as evidence that they are conservative are almost never talked about or debated. Or they support NWO at the expense of America.

I think I’ve only participated in this thread. But nevertheless I would never agree with the libs that blame everything on the cons, nor would I ever agree with the cons that blame everything on the libs. :man_shrugging:

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I see that you’re learning impaired.

here are the facts when Bush 41 and Reagan were vying for the Republican nomination, they both made references to allowing illegals to work IF THEY PAID TAXES, but Reagan went a little further and wanted to punish American business owners who hired illegals and paid them shit wages.

His focus prior to 1983 wasn’t Mexican illegals , he was more focused on the Communist infiltration

After 1983 when cocaine was ravishing American communities and they figured out it was coming in through Mexico that he wanted to secure the borders… NOT BY A WALL but a fence and to beef up border security

Reagan amnesty was because of two deals he made with blue dog democrats , including going over Tip O’neill’s head

The first one was on taxes and government spending , Tip lost and he repaid the favor and screwed Reagan on Amnesty

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Is that how you explain things to your wife?? Learn civility in debate or go talk to somebody else.

I have been civil with you even with people who lie on these threads or have no clue what they talking about .
start presenting facts and you will be treated like debater, if you want to spread propaganda don’t expect to be respected

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I’ve noticed that you mostly post what this or that notable Republican or Democrat said or believes.

Question for YOU. Do you want a physical barrier on the border?

That is the absolute least of my concerns with regard to US policy.

Look Mr. Webster, I presented you with facts, and you don’t like them. Not my problem. But if you’re going to talk to me you’ll not insult me or you’ll be ignored…

Like President Ford said, an impeachable offense is whatever the two houses of Congress say it is. If the votes are there to impeach, then the president gets impeach. It’s a political process, not necessarily a legal process.

I believe democrats approved a budget to increase the number of those judges

Why would they need more judges if they weren’t planning on detaining more than 16.5k illegals a day?

I’m sure you’ll believe anything though, bless your heart. :roll_eyes:

Funding has been proposed. Noone has said border security and its funding in not an issue. Its your president that refuses to do anything without funding for his precious, or should I say polotically strategic, wall.


Speak english please, so we can understand the point you’re trying to make.

That “they” is way too over broad.

Ryan was apparently coopted by the open borders crowd, but the conservatives and Trump were doing all they could to get it done.

Remember in the House the speaker controls what bills even make it out of committee much less come to the floor for a vote.

All pretty true except the last. Legal/Citizen Hispanics overwhelmingly support border control and are not in favor of amnesty.

It has more to do with the National Chambers of Commerce and similar groups and their huge campaign coffers.

Truly priceless.

Bullshit, that’s an outright lie.

Nobody other than a few kooks are calling for the southern border to be sealed so that’s yet another lie on your part.

Not true. Thats one of Trumps rallying cries. A border wall! Implicit in that decry is that it will be a sealed border

Dave you look more like a fool with every post.

No proposal by Trump or anyone else would result in a sealed border, what it would result in is a controlled border.

The legal ports of entry are not and will not be closed nor has he ever proposed such a thing.

Call me a fool, but this is what Trump’s staunch supporters believe: seal the border, secure our jobs, make America great!

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You are the anomoly, because you seem to be an actual thinking individual. I’m talking about the ignorant screaming idiots at his rallies