White Americans are suffering an identity crisis


You will not find me a friend of immigration. I’ve flat out said we need to not only deport all Illegal Aliens but we need a 10 year holiday from all immigration as a reset. Moreover, it should be seen as being in the vital national interest of the nation that its population be replenished through the posterity of its own citizens and abortion criminalized.

But this country was founded on principals agreeable to individualism, tribalism based on races or ethnic groups is contrary to that and a benefit to the so-called “progressives” who since their early days in the 19th century have been opposed to the nature of the American Republic, wanting something more … French.

If given an opportunity, I would opine that this Limey has the problem.

I am a “white” Polish American that is also a retired United States Marine. I am NOT confused about my place/status in America nor about my politics.

Give it a rest man.

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Haha, you’re a clever clogs aren’t you! :nerd_face:

Well, maybe because I don’t consider myself as white. If asked what am I? My answer is alway the same. I am a MARINE!!!

…'nuff said.


It does if they are selecting their children for sex. How many on average, of those 7 children each Muslim wife has, are male? If it is significantly more than 51.2% there is evidence that those immigrants are selecting the sex of their children through abortion (or infanticide.)

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Oh for heaven’s sake. White Americans are not suffering an identity crisis. Only white Americans with mental health issues are suffering an identity crisis or whatever the liberal mantra of the day dictates.

If you are susceptible to that kind of thing, it doesn’t matter what color you are.


Then it is fortunate that individual thinkers can think through solutions without needing “group think or concensus approval”.

Sure. At what cost to your individualism and personal freedom.

You do understand we are not all salmon trying to swim upstream… or do you?

Some are going to take the easy way: the road most traveled. Some are going to take the road less traveled. Some are going to take the road never traveled.

Or much of anything else apparently.

Odd they can’t understand why it is we don’t share their prejudices.

Our ancestors left Europe for many reasons, cheifly among them was the desire to live where individual rights were respected over racial, ethnic, tribal collectivism, mob rue, and of course rule by dictatorial perpetual heads of state like King George.

I know I’m not. I am white and female, and wouldn’t have it any other way. (I do wonder what it is like to pee standing up sometimes…)

This white guilt thing has gone too far, really. Why should people be accused of a crime that they personally did not commit? Sometimes, the generation after can grow anew, like a beautiful tree growing from the rubble. Some people have a huge victim complex based on status, as they want a sense of entitlement. Sad that our society is this way…if only we could realize who the true racists are.

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It is as though groupthink is the end all solution.

When did independent thinking become something to be feared rather than celebrated?

It saves them the effort of ever having to think for themselves or to question what they are being fed.

Eh, you brought it up so don’t blame me when I tell you that you can.

Yup. Only the gullible, hive-minders think it means something. The libs are like a car without chains on their tires desperately trying to gain traction in snow with this laughable BS. They are going to get nowhere fast. :crazy_face:

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Cool. I am secure enough to appreciate people who can’t think for themselves or question for themselves.

Are they cool with that I can? :thinking:

Apparently not, so get the hell off of my lawn bro.

White guilt is certainly a real thing for those on the left. They’ve surrendered their party to foreign interests and of course straight white males in particular have no place left in the party unless they declare their own white guilt and ask forgiveness for their genetics.

So what?

They’ve surrendered to whatever the libs tell them is the flavor of the day. They have mental issues if they have guilt over how much melatonin they were born with.

“You” want to pick them to be on your soccer team in gym class? Oh, boo hooo… I’m sorry I scored a goal! Is everyone okay? I take it back… If only you will just LIKE me…

Truth be told, these people are the true freaks and just projecting their weaknesses (with the aid of group think) upon those who couldn’t care less and would pass them over every time if they had to pick a team.

@reactionaryedward they don’t know that they are intentionally being replaced. If they did, they would be angry.


People prefer dogs to children. When they no longer want to be bother with dogs they take them to the pound, a little more difficult with a child.

You might want to read that again.