White Americans are suffering an identity crisis

…and “we White men” includes some white Americans and some white Europeans…as I said before.

Don’t be so reactionary, Edward. Beauty is defined by ethnic standards. Some African tribesmen are attracted to women with their earlobes and lips stretched around large wooden hoops.

To some men, this women is beautiful. You seem to be a judgemental prick.


Definitions of beauty are like opinions…everybody has one.

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Yet it’s not inappropriate to address them as separate issues- for we have separate issues. As an Englishman I have more in common with those in the Anglosphere former colonies than with the Italians. There is an argument to be made that the fate of continental Europe is in fact in opposition to the US Hegemony, and that a Euro-Siberian bloc would be preferable to the current paradigm of US cultural and economic imperialism. The White European suddenly becomes alien, and deserving of attention to their own unique circumstances, rather than to be just conflated as “white”- after all, isn’t that just what the leftists claim? “There is no white culture, there is Polish/German/Welsh culture” and so on.

If we are to address all Whites as a culture, I am open to that suggestion as we do have more in common with our brothers than differences, yet to perpetually resort to this hair-splitting conflation (hair-gathering?) is verging on the point of deliberate obfuscation.

there clearly exist various objective standards with regard to beauty for both sexes. Some are culturally and some are biologically conditioned (and the biological is linked to the cultural rather than being complete opposites). We have not yet answered the question to which extent that media indoctrinates people into thinking that beauty is more objective and universal than it actually is, but there is obviously a cultural and psychological dimension involved.

Humans obviously have a variety of different tastes with regard to height, weight, hair color, skin tone and facial features, but things such as facial symmetry and hourglass figures are objective measures of beauty that transcend cultural programming—this cannot be argued, but our politically correct overlords continue to deny this point to fit their goal of oppressive cultural Marxism.


  • see also:

If you don’t find this plate-face attractive you are racist

I did not intend to imply that cultural differences do not exist between American and European white people…just that the need for addressing white identity is not peculiar to white Americans as was implied by the OP article title and content.

It is also not a need that all white Americans or all white Europeans have. It appears that Hungary and Poland are steps ahead of Britain, France, Sweden and others by way of their refusal to open the flood gates to masses of refugees.

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I think you’re misrepresenting the source.

Clearly the author is using European woes as a contrast to illustrate his specific points about White America. It’s a good narrative technique to help people understand concepts.

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I am all for everyone improving themselves. Sadly, I think there are other artificial factors at play in our society (state interference) which messes with natural selection. So the most prolific breeders are Muslims and fat, workshy plebs with low IQ’s. The best stock is disappearing as they can’t afford to breed, having to work all hours to pay for the aforementioned. So we are back to the deep state manipulation. Dumber societies are easier to control. It has to be by design.

Our difference, therefore, is what is the deep state and whose interests does it serve? I wonder if one controlled the money and media of a nation-state you could control it utterly?

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No, beauty is subjective. Do you like fat? Some men do.


There is pretty and ugly in every race. As things are, whites in both America and UK are on the rather fat side. Most people do not find fat attractive.

I think that’s a little strong, in that the cultural subjectivism should lead most Africans to prefer other Africans and that is certainly the case- except that when intermarrying does take place, African men disproportionately marry white women, and White men shun African women.

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And yours about the general objectivity of beauty itself.

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No doubt that competitive team sports is a non-lethal substitute for village warfare. Also, there is no doubt that ardent American sports fans want their team to win regardless of skin color.

Though I am a WASP, I am extremely proud of Jesse Owens for pissing off the Fuhrer in 1936. I am proud of the Tuskegee Airman. I am proud of George Foreman. I like winners of all colors.

Regarding our Constitution, its strength is bolstered by the difficulty in changing it. While it is subject to some interpretation, once a case is decided by the SCOTUS, precedence is set. Our system of government is far from perfect but I think it is better than yours.

An improvement I would welcome would include more control by women…as some of our native American tribes employed.

In some cases, men worked on detailed crafts such as ceremonial ■■■■■■■■

The women were in charge in the homes. They often owned the home and everything in it.

Women were well respected in the tribes for their hard work and providing food from farming.

Men and women had different roles, but generally had equal rights. In some tribes, the chief was a man, but he was elected by the women.

Today, around 25% of the Native American tribes that are recognized by the federal government are led by women.

Hitler wasn’t even mad, and the evil Nazis loved Owens too.

Which brings us to another Olympic myth. It is often stated that Jesse Owens’ four gold medals humiliated Hitler by proving to the world that Nazi claims of Aryan superiority were a lie. But Hitler and the Nazis were far from unhappy with the Olympic results. Not only did Germany win far more medals than any other country at the 1936 Olympics, but the Nazis had pulled off the huge public relations coup that Olympic opponents had predicted, casting Germany and the Nazis in a positive light. In the long run, Owens’ victories turned out to be only a minor embarrassment for Nazi Germany.

In fact, Jesse Owens’ reception by the German public and the spectators in the Olympic stadium was warm. There were German cheers of “Yesseh Oh-vens” or just “Oh-vens” from the crowd. Owens was a true celebrity in Berlin, mobbed by autograph seekers to the point that he complained about all the attention. He later claimed that his reception in Berlin was greater than any other he had ever experienced, and he was quite popular even before the Olympics.

“Hitler didn’t snub me—it was [FDR] who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram.” ~Jesse Owens, quoted in Triumph , a book about the 1936 Olympics by Jeremy Schaap.

Which has led you to a legislative branch tyranny, where loading 9 seats is more important that the house and senate combined. I think that prevents the tree of liberty being watered, if I am honest with you. Stability is not always a virtue if it stagnates.


A socialist Democrat snubbing a black man? Nazis embracing a black man and cheering him on? Woah - and I thought we lived in clown world today…oy vey!

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Ugh, don’t smear Hitler with that term. National Socialism is based around natural order, though the primacy of the aryan people was considered most important, it’s not like their understanding of racial differences meant all other races were sub-humans; just some of them. Blacks were understood to be quite able athletes, though poor workers and generally lower in intellect.

Gosh, so glad we moved on from that backwards view!


I was referring to Roosevelt. I am quite fond of Uncle Adolph and I don’t believe he did anything wrong. I am also mystery meat. Still love the man.

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Evidently there are differing accounts of how Hitler react to his Aryan Stud Farm getting beat.

Regardless, my pride in American athletes is not limited to white boys.

And the author makes very specific analysis of what your sportsball fanaticism means in the meta-politic.

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