White Americans are suffering an identity crisis

…and I personally don’t care what the author thinks. I’m not really a fan of team sports anyway. I prefer one on one competition. I’d rather watch a professional ping pong match, a nine-ball billiard match, or darts than a pro football game.

One shouldn’t paint with such a wide brush. The bell curve is alive and well in all large samples.

So it’s your personal opinion, and not relevant to the authors comment about sportsball being a diversion for tribalism in groups. What an absolute waste of time. Beauty is subjective, sports is subjective, everything is subjective, oh wait a minute groups are fine so long as you aren’t a cracker.


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I already agreed that team sports is a substitute for tribal warfare. That has nothing to do with my lack of interest in watching overpaid babies play games for millions of dollars…or my refusal to pay $500 dollars to take a small gathering to a game.

They can keep the white shirt and tie.

And that’s utterly (((typical))) of the tribe’s mentality

You missed out on the contests.


I figured you has a special talent.

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That is a gross exaggeration.

From the provided article:

Steve Sailor found that the interracial gender gap was even sharper for cohabiting black couples. Five times as many black men were living with white women as white men living with black women, and a little over twice as many white men cohabited with Asian women as Asian men cohabited with white women.

I’m sorry your sensibilities are offended by reality.

My sensibilities have not been offended. You said “White men shun African women.” That is false. Attraction and cohabitation are two very different things. There are many reasons why a white man choses to not cohabitate with a black women including (but certainly not limited to …) that black women are often ostracized by black men if they choose to associate romantically with a white man. But to say white men shun black women based on the statistics is a broad generalization without a basis of fact.

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The article paints with a broad brush…and Ash parrots it. The old “two to tango” adage might suggest that 5 times as many white women prefer black men than do black women prefer white men. Could it be the size of the sausage?

The same may apply to the white men vs Asian men metric. Women like big tools.

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By that argument then, American women will be preferring the arrivals from your southern border. :wink: :rofl:

Looks like the Brits didn’t even make the cut. :rofl:

Is that why they like you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, it was right down the middle, I had to swing at it. :wink:

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Not surprising, putting forth false equivalencies is his entire MO to deflect from his self loathing.

There is something to be said about personal accountability and not ignoring facts.

  1. Whites lead in Acoholism
  2. Whites lead in Drug Overdose
  3. Whites lead in mass shootings in America
  4. Whites lead when is comes to breast cancer
  5. Whites lead when it comes to having abortions
  6. Whites lead the demographics in the Gay and LBGTQ category
  7. Whites in America are the largest represented race in receiving Public Assistance
  8. Whites lead the category of declining birth rates in the world
  9. Whites lead when it comes to suicides
  10. Whites lead in the wars that have been fought throughout human history.

Typical response you get from people like Ash and other posters is that its “racist”, or that the Joooo’s are responsible, when in reality they are quite effectively contributing to their own demise. The point is, a diverse population is a healthy one which is based on science in diversifying gene pool selection as that in the totality of its argument is accepted as common sense. There is a reason why breeding with your cousins is highly discouraged.


“Self-righteousness becomes a seductive complement to “White Fragility,” as gin is to a mystery novel.
Each white person believes herself the exception, one of very few souls magically exempt from a lifetime of racist conditioning.”

Yawn. This is real world data acquired from OKCupid. It’s a great sample range, and nobody knows they were being monitored.


Men of all races prefer not to associate with African women, statistically speaking when other options are available. Black women prefer black men above all others, however, and all men want a waifu (except the Asian men, because they know the reality I suppose.) It’s almost like the hyperfeminine ideal of the Korean figure-skater/homemaker is hard to compete with.

Shit homie, why would the ■■■■ do this?!

In all honesty though, factor for per capita or I’ll laugh at you. Why can’t you people understand per capita?

Us Crime in Black & White


As you see here, the only crimes that Whites (including Hispanics, who skew the data) commit disproportionately to representation in population is DUI and liquor laws. Man, if I had to watch my country go to shit (and I do) I’d want to drink myself into oblivion as well.


Whites have fewer abortions than expected.

Mass shootings are less common from Whites than they should be. Blacks over-represent.

Whites are under-represented in LGBT. Hispanics over-represent.

  • Whites in America are the largest represented race in receiving Public Assistance (hurr durr because they are the largest group)
  • Whites lead the category of declining birth rates in the world
  • Whites lead when it comes to suicides
  • Whites lead in the wars that have been fought throughout human history.

Well, we are the best in wars, that’s true. We are losing our men at an alarming rate to suicide, and we are declining as a developed nation in birth-rates. These can be fixed; I find it pretty strange that non-whites celebrate these events. I wouldn’t even celebrate the death of Hillary Clinton.

We are about half of the population.

Of course in proportion of malady we will “lead”.

This is a case study in why 93.671% of all statistics are made up.
