White Americans are suffering an identity crisis

pseudo- ►

False; deceptive; sham: pseudoscience.
Apparently similar: pseudocoel.

Take your pick! :nerd_face:


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OOOOO. Its the white Knight to the rescue!

Is identifying as a Marine code for identifying as a fatso? Why throw away your culture for that?

I also wanted to compare and contrast volunteers vs conscripts.


No I did not!

Please list them aside from your bullshit claim of what I showed as Native American.

List them now and we can settle this! You on the other hand haven’t list shit so far!

Yeah, anybody can post pictures to support a narrative. Did you serve, or just playing video games?



Nope. I had options.


Nothing you have printed in this thread defines all white Americans as you claim. You have no idea how many white Americans already think in their own interests.

Maybe you older people don’t really see an identity crisis for White Americans…but then again the older generations had the benefit and luxury of growing up in a predominantly white country. As you all were coming up you felt it necessary to completely fuck the younger generations right up the ass with diversity and multiculturalism. You old fucks can afford gates, guns, and security systems. Our worlds are very different.

Oh - and when we complain about this or call this out you call us racists. You don’t get that we are just racially aware.


Oh please stop playing the victim blame game! Your generation is lazy as fuck and you are just as responsible for exacerbating the situation while shit was going on you were too busy playing your video games and self medicating! Grow a pair and stop your bitching!

What are you even talking about? The only dumbass of my generation in Congress right now is AOC…and I would give anything to wake up to the news of her being in a fatal car wreck.

How specifically did my generation fuck up America. Go.

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Assume much? …:rofl:

Where did I say I did? Only that your playing victim here. If you don’t like it then stop talking about it. Do something about it instead of whining like a little bitch about how my generation fucked up things!

…then neither are the white Europeans.

This is right. Those of us that are seem to be younger. You have the white trash WNs of all generations but no one wants anything to do with them.


I don’t have the balls to go solo NZ. I wish I did. My hope is that things collapse or there is a spark that starts a civil war. Boomers swing first.

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…yet your pseudo-intellectual article singled out white Americans.