Whistleblower Reveals Dominion Voting Machines Came Pre-Loaded With TENS OF THOUSANDS of Biden Votes

That’s just false, there were plenty of people excited to vote for Biden, though it is likely that the majority of Biden votes were anti Trump votes…

But I do concede to shreds of evidence, the state certifiers in the various states in question told us of the various illegal votes that were culled. In Georgia alone, it was less than 200. That is typical in any election. Trump no doubt received illegal votes in 2016 and 2020 as well, but not enough to affect the outcomes either way…

You’re telling me that Obama pulled in 57.1% of registered voters and I’m supposed to believe that Biden got people SO excited that up to 72.1% of registered voters showed up? NO. Just absolute garbage. Think about something. Since 1900, we’ve seen the 60% barrier broken only 5 times.

1916: 61.6%. (WWI was raging)
1952: 61.6% (Korean War was raging)
1960: 62.8%
1964: 61.4%
1968: 60.7%

You expect me to believe we’re going to hit between 66.4% and 72.1%? You have to be extremely blind to believe that. Reverse the roles. If Biden was ahead at 2 AM in every swing state and Trump came back, what would you think? Would you just sit there and say nothing? It makes NO SENSE that 92% of the vote was tallied in Wisconsin and Trump was leading by 120K votes. 3% later, at 7 AM he’s losing. Same trends happened in Michigan. Pennsylvania. Georgia.

Nope. This looks more like votes added based on algorithms rather than votes added by excitement. (or hatred which classically translates into a LOW turnout)

Seriously, you’re telling me that Biden got 37% more votes in Texas than Hillary at the same time that Trump got 25% more votes than he did in 2016? That is completely out of historic norms and makes no sense. I’m in Harris county and in 2008, I saw TONS of Obama stickers and TONS of McCain stickers. This year, only Trump. I’ve seen maybe three total Biden signs and I can’t count how many Trump signs I’ve seen. It just makes no sense that voter turnout is up to 72% when the voter turnout over the past 50 years is only about 53% average. People weren’t excited to vote for Hillary? First woman President? Obama? First black? Reagan who won in a landslide? Clinton/Perot/Bush in 1992? Against Bush in 2004 in the middle of a war? For him?

Come on man, open your damn eyes.

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Again, anti-candidate sentiment normally leads to LOW voter turnout. The thing that drags people to the polls is excitement for the future and hope. (See 2008, “Hope and Change”) People were excited to vote for Obama.

Nope, that’s NOT what I said and you’re not listening. It’s Trump that brought people out of the woodwork to vote. It’s just that a majority of them were against him…:man_shrugging:

“Normally” is the key word there. It doesn’t matter that it’s beyond your grasp that Americans were overwhelmingly sick to death of Trump and his bullshit…

He is an impeached, one term president being sent home on January 20th…

Btw, the nastiness, incivility and violent rhetoric from the extreme right is one reason many Americans didn’t express their wishes via yard signs/flags. Another reason for seeing more Trump yard signs/flags is that they were free. Biden’s had to be bought, I know, these are mine…

Trump ? Are you kidding ?

Of course we know this was explained as a typo…

Never happens that way. Especially to this level.

Are you fucking SERIOUS? The nastiness was from the LEFT. Good God, are you deliberately blind? Did you miss the fact that the polls were off massively and it was blamed on the “hidden vote”

Side note, nice to live in the country with trees instead of Liberals as your neighbors, right? :rofl:

I could put dozens and dozens of Liberals being hateful and trying to intimidate Trump voters, but I suspect we’ve all seen them.

I’m in one of the most liberal counties in America…:wink:


All those nice trees going to waste. :smiley:

I own property in Brenham TX (well, 5 miles from it) and the neighbor across the street has Trump signs up, as well as the one next to him. In town, where my house is, coming down the street, I see 4 Trump signs and 2 “Jesus 2020” signs. :smiley:

I love Texas and Texas women are the best. My wife bought me a .50 cal Desert Eagle for my 50th birthday on Monday. That’s one hell of a woman. :wink:

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That’s very cool. :+1::+1:

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Honestly, I know it gets heated in here and we’re 180° out on political leanings but I suspect we’d be friends if we were neighbors. Country living is the best and I don’t care what political leanings are. Just something great about living in places like the picture you shared. Here’s a picture of mine… 4 acres and I’m working on buying the 5 acres next to me!

Think you’d have to keep that Desert Eagle handy, this guys seems quite happy about corruption & stealing votes. :grin:

Honestly, I think both sides do that. We tend to ignore warning signs as long as we’re winning. :slight_smile:

I just think in general the republican electorate are more willing to accept their flaws and with the current circumstances which are absolutely extraordinary, I don’t see many democrats coming out and saying there might be a problem.
I’m just a distant observer that has no trust for the left nor right main parties in my own country.

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Wow, I’d hate the humidity that comes with that, but damn that’s beautiful and the grass is the envy.

I’m in north central NM on 140 acres abutting the national forest and am an avid SXS (UTV) rider and have 1.5 million acres to ride in.

Yeah, I’d have a beer by the fire with you and most of those I converse with here…


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