Whistleblower Reveals Dominion Voting Machines Came Pre-Loaded With TENS OF THOUSANDS of Biden Votes

No need to accept him as the president as he’s due the same respect the left gave to Trump.

The village idiot with dementia will lucky to make to a year.

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So where is the evidence? Trumps legal team have been in court multiple times and are no further forward.

Each week we are told the evidence is about to break but it never does.

No election can be 100% free of fraud and Trumps DOJ has stated they found no evidence of fraud on such a scale that if would change the result.

The beauty of the American system is that it managed at the local level so to have a coordinated comspiracy would result in having to recruit hundreds if not thousands.

I agree Trump needs to have his day in court and present his evidence but at what point do these lawsuits just become frivolous?

Surprisingly Trump has raised over 100 million to fund this legal case. Does anyone really believe there will he a full accounting of where this money has gone?

We were told Biden would not get the nomination, then he would not win the election day. So far every prediction about Biden by Trump supporters has been wrong.

Its a repeat of 2016 when Trump was massively underestimated.

It’s not possible to underestimate Joe.

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Biden was selected by the main stream media and the leaders of the left. Go ahead and say it isn’t so. One day Biden wasn’t even on the radar. Then he magically appears and everyone drops out. The media has refused to report on anything negative about Biden. THINK!

The people followed along like good little minions.

I don’t underestimate Biden, he truly is the village idiot with dementia. Listen to his frequent gaffs and learn about dementia and it cousin alzheimer’s. He isolates himself as he’s an at risk potential corona virus candidate. I suspect a year of 2 and he’s gone as quickly as he appeared.

Fraud takes investigation and that has yet to be done and will never be done until the next election when the right does exactly what the left has done in this section.

Then the screaming will begin.

Evidence? Have you not been paying attention to the hearings, the Affidavits submitted, eyewitness testimonies, and the data experts who submitted their analysis on the voting machine irregularities? You would have to be half brain dead not to recognise what has already been presented. There is plenty of evidence and more will be presented when the process plays out.

As far as AG Barr is concerned, he is the same AG who just filed to have Durham report as a special prosecutor in order to thwart any declassification to happen. At this point Bill Barr is dead to me and doing his best to protect the swamp. Another Trump hire that turned south real quick. Yes that is on Trump for hiring another do nothing AG that talks a good game but does nothing, so anything he says now shouldn’t be taken seriously but with contempt. Barr has a history of being a clean up man when he served previously under Bush, so not surprising he is now playing dumb.


More on AG Bill Barr’s recent action. This is not the work of someone who is seeking justice but one who seeking to obstruct it!

Understanding why this move is important to clarify and seeing the broader picture of what Barr’s possible motives for such a decision!

Which is what Rush Limbaugh said last week…:man_shrugging:

Bingo, and calls for uniform federalizations of our elections would be detrimental to that. It may be cumbersome and messy as it is, but it makes widespread conspiracy and election fraud near to impossible…

So can I ask, how exactly did so many dead people manage to vote if election fraud is near to impossible ?

Yeah, watch them sabotage the Georgia runoffs while you’re at it. They have republicans freaking out as they are between a rock and a hard place on this. To hold the senate, they need Georgia’s republicans to show up on January 6th, and…they need to perpetuate Trump’s myth that US elections are rigged…:wink:

Go Sidney Powell, discourage Georgia republicans from going to the polls January 6th…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::clap::clap::clap::clap:

That hasn’t been demonstrated in court…:man_shrugging:

From across the pond, you seem only to be paying attention to the claims, and not the evidence. Over 30 cases in 5 states have been tossed for lack of EVIDENCE, or withdrawn by Trump’s legal team…

Btw, I’m talking about election fraud that is systemic, widespread and sufficient to change election results.

There has always been anecdotal’s of a dead person or 3 voting or a dog voting etc. But as the Trump administration has repeatedly stated, there is no widespread fraud that would change the elections results…

Both candidates drew more votes than Obama. Americans were very wound up for this election, both for and against Trump…:man_shrugging:

Biden 2020…:us:

And the claims are many and varied. I’m a great believer in where there is smoke you will find fire and it also appears that when the executioner is the judge you can get any outcome you want in a court.

It appears to me you and others here only have desire for Trump to lose at any cost and to the point of turning a blind eye to what are some very stark and blatant examples of election interference and to not give any credence at all to the material circulating, clearly demonstrates that you don’t care about the integrity of the election and that includes the bulk of the media too.
When you choose to fight dirty don’t complain when the other side throw off the gloves.


Who’s judge and executioner…:thinking:

Both Republican and Democratic appointed judges have tossed Trump’s lawsuits due to insufficient EVIDENCE…:man_shrugging:

Sorry, they are not stark and blatant…Even Rush Limbaugh has called BS on Trump’s legal teams claims. Chris Christi (an ardent Trump supporter) called his legal team a national embarrassment…:man_shrugging:

Biden will be inaugurated on January 20th and Trump will be sent home…:sunglasses:

They did that long ago. When they cheated Obama out of his constitutional prerogative to fill an empty seat on the Supreme Court. If democrats should win in Georgia’s runoff, watch for court packing at the Supreme Court…

I don’t believe that. I think what you’re seeing is a result of illegal algorithms. There is no way in HELL we saw a bigger increase in this election than we saw in 2008. There is no way in HELL this election drew more people than any election since 1900. NO ONE was excited to vote for Biden and a vocal minority hate Trump.

Why??? :thinking:

That just really ignores the realities of both love and disdain for Trump…:man_shrugging:

Forget it Monte, if you can’t even concede that not one single shred of the information that is circulating, highlighting the many issues doesn’t give you any cause for concern whatsoever, that is proof enough to me it’s all about the win and not how you won.

You don’t need to bother responding, your position is clear.