Where do missing people go?

Also flagging posts because you don’t like what someone said is considered retaliatory and against the rules! I hope the moderators are catching on to your flagging habits!

Preachy tone? Please! Having common sense to know how to properly label your posts shows you have half a brain, but you can’t even do that! Most of your posts are garbage to begin with so I could less what you think

Despite your know-it-all attitude, you offer nothing new and thus do not contribute to meaningful discussions.

You should speak about offering anything new Magog clone! Most of your posts are boring and filled the same nonsense! You already do that here with consistent frequency and your criticism of me is mere projection of what what you truly are! Some one who desperately seeks attention!

You know, I get tickled to be called a @Magog doppelganger. He is a very knowledgeable guy.

Yeah right! Then you should go join him in your Hitler rallies! Don’t you have a secret handshake?

Hitler was defeated because he underestimated the power of freemasonry.

Blah, blah, blah, blah! More useless information that serves no purpose here such as most of what your posts do!

OK I confess. Sitting on the hill top with my scope one night the air became very still, so I crank up the power…I swear I’ve seen Martians mooning me back here on earth.

They think that there is/can only be one anti-semite on the web - how can there possibly be more than one - bc that would mean, at the very least, that their anti semitism broad brush accusations and rants REALLY do not work anymore and they’d all be out of work.
It also means that more of the silent majority ain’t scared anymore and are waking up at last.

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Simple. The physics of drag force on an object moving through a fluid is well understood by engineers and mathematicians. Read the freaking Wikipedia link … it is well described how they did it. They even have pictures for people who can’t read.

If they did it, it means there was thick atmosphere.
That’s my peasant logic.

Your constant rejection of facts and reality in favor of idiotic conspiracies with no basis in either is at least somewhat entertaining.

Pure, unmitigated BS. Hitler was defeated because he lacked the vision to build up a long range strategic bomber fleet, long range fighter escorts, killed necessary development projects again and again and because he ran out of fuel.

Had Japan waited another year to attack PH and had Hitler then not had to divide his forces between N. Africa, Southern, Western Europe and the Soviet Union he very likely still could have prevailed absent the US entry into the war in Dec of 41.

Had he finishes the job in the UK instead of attacking Stalin, he’d have had a chance.

Maybe next time he won’t be such an idiot.

It’s definitely an improvement over the constant stream of bullshit you put out.

No, and that is the opposite of logic.

Your logic is seriously flawed. Perhaps you should study up on physics and fluid mechanics before making your next foolish post.

How do parachutes work in the absence of thick air. That’s what interests me.

Decades ago, NASA also dropped a Venus rover of sorts, also by parachute.

Excuse me?
Under the temp of hundreds of degrees and incredibly strong winds over 200 miles per hour (supposedly).
NASA has been lying to us for so long.

This has already been explained to you.

Low gravity plus large parachutes = a significant reduction in speed.

It isn’t that hard.

Physics and fluid mechanics. That’s all you need to know.

I guess I need to know to believe in lies as well.