When AI Takes Over... Everything Will be Fake!

What revival? Boys thinking they are girls? Trans ‘boys’ competing against real girls? BLM bullshit? ANTIFA? Taking over cities and shutting down police? Fuck you!

You need to go back farther than my generation to find the start of all this bullshit you are laying on me…lol.

And yet, one day, you will look just like your cute little picture. :rofl:

I saw it on Fox News tonight. I’m surprised you didn’t.

Ah… Fox ‘News’. There’s a problem…lol.

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1945 - 1965 ; Boomers are born

1972 ; Nixon ends the Bretton Woods agreement and currency is disconnected from value allowing it to be printed to infinity debasing it on the way. Boomers are the first generation to get this freely printed debt currency (see The Cantillon Effect) .Boomers are 7 - 27 years old.

70s - 80s ; Boomers go to college/university and get grants to go, ie. they get PAID to go. Or they enter full time employment with a school diploma and a firm handshake where they are guaranteed work for life, health insurance, company car etc. etc. with training and support. Get 10-15% on their current accounts just for keeping currency at the bank. Merger laws were relaxed which ended free and fair capitalism.
Divorce epidemic ends nuclear families.

1972 - 2001 ; Boomers ride the biggest most consistent rise in debt that has ever happened ever watching the national debt clock rise and knowing full well you cant just print money. Boomers were between 27 at the youngest and 56 years at the oldest.

2001 ; economy shits the bed and has never really recovered. Corporate bailouts become a thing. Boomers bail out their own corporations. Boomers are now 36 - 56 years old. Established. Home owners. Children. Families.

2008 - The debt binge has banks bankrupt and need constant bailouts to stay afloat starting with $700Bn. Boomers bailout their current accounts and pensions. Boomers are 43 - 63 years old.

2019 - Boomers have orchestrated this regime of constant bailouts to keep their pensions funded. Boomers retire en masse. Constant bailouts are needed to keep the economy afloat. Boomers are 54 - 74 years old

2020 - Fake Boomer media fuelled pandemic to “justify” more stimulus spending

2021 - Boomers require economic reset agenda


So what years are the Gen X’ers? I always thought the “Boomers” were born in the 50’s? What are people who were born in the 70’s?

Like I said… good luck. Your version of this country sucks a big one.

Yes, I pray nightly for a total collapse. Then I can put my weapons and ammo to good use, boomers go first.


Of course boomers go first. That’s a genius statement…lol. You will be a ‘boomer’ in a short time… then you get to go. :joy:

Oh look, another Boomer who’s age cohort still creates legislation that bleeds Millennials dry of any attempt to accrue even basic levels of wealth while reprimanding the same whiplashed generation for not having enough to meet the frivolous spending needs of Boomers.

Must be a day that ends in “Y.”

Boomers are the reason most Millennials are communist/socialist/Marxist because Millennials don’t have anything to lose anyway.

Oh, look… another douche bag comes to chime in. :joy: How old are you… 25???

Every cent that went into making your house worth more was stolen from us just because you were born at just the right time with peak opportunities and little to no scarce goods, you will never understand us…not only is our future fucked, our economy is fucked, and our dating prospects are beyond fucked, so are our minds from the constant brainwashing and mis and disinformation that comes with the rise of the internet.

We live in a perpetual hell with blacks and third worlders everywhere that you guys let in, you left us nothing yet dare to feel superior.

You are a generation of golem slaves fitting for a world run by “our greatest ally”

AI is mission creep created by creeps

I found this to be funny and interesting at the same time.

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Boo hoo. I have nothing to do with when I was born. I have nothing to do with what color I was born. I had nothing to do with who my parents were. I have nothing to do with what is going on the world.

I don’t vote for Leftist, progressive globalists. I don’t support BLM or any other bullshit faction that thinks they will change shit because they stamp their feet, and throw bricks at cops and burn and loot. I don’t support any of the Leftist nonsense that is poisoning this country/world. Your generation is doing that!

I will never understand you??? LOL… I have two daughters your age. I think I got it!

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Your generation gave away the republic to perverts and deviants. All in the name of “tolerance.”

I did none of that. I despise the Left and Progressives. My generation is full of those that think like me. Your generation is full of useless, lazy, give me free shit or I’ll burn your businesses down clowns. Your generation is the one that brought those perverts and deviants to the forefront of society… and keeps them in the “news” 24/7. It isn’t my generation that has no work ethic, it’s your’s.

Soon, my generation will be gone and you will be left with only you to point a finger at. I wonder what you will do about everything you bitch about???

Boomers destroyed the education system in this country, starting in the 60s, with the introduction of Marxist ideology, social justice, racial tolerance, and feminism. That led to the indoctrination of subsequent generations, which has lead us to today.

Boomers allowed American jobs to be exported overseas, destroying the Middle Class, while fundamentally changing the demographics of this country by importing cheap third world labor.

Boomers destroyed the culture of this country with their obsession with the Civil Rights movement, their degenerate “free love” garbage, and their rampant use of drugs.

The Boomer generation is dependent on corporate fascism and wealth redistribution through taxation to live. Boomers are dependent on the federal government. That’s why nothing will change till your entire generation is gone. Boomers have made up their minds and nothing will change. What Boomers don’t know is that the system is set up to fail and bring them down with it.

Boomers don’t care about the other generations, despite being dependent on them to live, because they use the apparatus of the state to coerce the other generations to support them through taxation and working more and more for less and less.