The switch was when Whites switched to the Republican Party to vote for Goldwater and had nothing to do with black voters, because they sure as hell didn’t vote for him. As far as Byrd and Ervin were concerned, they were reasonably liberal, as was LBJ, who didn’t switch either. Byrd even renounced his former views as a Klanner and Thurmond became a Republican in 1964 and remained one until he died in 2003.
But bringing up Democrat leaders misses the point of the switch which was a wholesale switch of masses of former Democrat voters, who were pissed off at the Kennedy administration’s civil rights stance. They turned to the GOP because they perceived Barry as a racist. I lived through the era and I even supported Goldwater, not because of his racial views but because I was certain he was the only candidate who would keep us out of a treasonous war that we couldn’t win. I went so far as to slide Goldwater leaflets into the NY Times, thereby incurring the wrath of the lying bastards who published their newspaper’s propaganda. They actually sent us a letter that threatened to sue my family’s business if I didn’t stop.
My siding with African Americans has everything to do with my hatred of bullies and I can’t think of any group of Americans who have been bullied by our corrupt system more than the American Blacks. If you can’t see it, then you are just as much a bully as the system you claim to love and we definitely would not get along.
You’re right, we wouldn’t get along. I don’t care for people that call me a bully because I have a grasp of reality. I’m not going to apologize for the actions of Democrats decades ago and I won’t tolerate people telling me I’m racist because of Democrat sins of the past.
Did you watch the video included? If you had watched it with an open mind, you would see what we’re talking about. Christ man, Democrats STILL support slavery. They want open borders where sex slaves are pouring through and they want Socialism, which is taking the money from producers and handing it to non-producers. . . Nothing’s changed. They also support abortion that disproportionately impacts the black community. You want a real racist? Check the left. This pretend shit they do in public is a show to keep those votes coming.
Here’s another fun one, one of the leftist heroes.
There are white ■■■■■■■■ I’ve seen a lot of white ■■■■■■■ in my time…
This was a SITTING DEMOCRAT SENATOR that the left LOVED. They praised him at his funeral. Can you imagine the collective head explosions on the left if TRUMP said something like that?
Apparently youtube did not… the user has been banned by youtube, as have many videos showing the other side of these stories. Might there be any other link?
“You’re actually helping me to analyse & learn to deal with these protestors. You’re the first person to actually respond, albeit briefly. I’m starting to understand that you don’t take in words or sentences- you take in emotions and feeling.”
I appreciate your posts fam, but it’s ridiculous how much emotional labour you’re taking on, for someone who selfishly just wants to bulldoze rational discussion with masturbatory victim fantasies. It’s like watching an abusive relationship play out man. White people took part in black enslavement but they also died to free black slaves. And here we are, blacks berating and gas lighting well-meaning white people, whites thinking it’s all their fault and enabling a large number of black people to project their shortcomings, insecurities, and lack of accountability onto everyone else.
I’ve seen nothing but an absence of self responsibility and self awareness about the black community’s statistics thus far from this monte gent or lady. Bob, you’re truly dealing with an Npc who is incapable of going beyond the same script of declarations and accusations. The key misdirection here is trying to maintain a spotlight on Black people having suffering under Whites for hundreds of years, while ignoring being caught/sold by african kangs, black crime against other minorities (especially asians), black on white crime etc. Where does this monte person think the word “slave” originated? Blacks are NOT the only people to be enslaved, and certainly NOWHERE the most speshul of them all. This appears to be about the gibs from the most bleeding heart sucker, otherwise you’d see them track down the descendants of african and middle eastern slavers to demand reparations too.
Once more, black people are NOT SPECIAL in their victimhood. It’s been so rampantly used as an excuse for bad behaviour, monetized, and capitalized on, it’s fucking disgusting to behold. I’ve seen black people insist they are more oppressed than actual war refugees who came from other parts of the world. These snivelling opportunists who appropriate the struggles of the blacks before them, having grown up in first world comfort all their lives, honestly insisting they are worse off than refugees who have seen their family killed and homes razed. Nope, they were never enslaved so what do they know about suffering? Let’s go loot and destroy the shops these other minorities built (not to mention the businesses of other honest hardworking blacks). I need new shoes and branded goods because err… slavery!
Yea, unless they can acknowledge and take responsibility for their own racism and callousness towards their fellow men, I will never give them the time of day. Save your breath Bob, you’re just a placeholder for monte’s inability to see past their fear and ego.
Obviously you were a Goldwater Supporter in the Nerd Zone, where it was all about theory, during that generation. People were still reeling over the murder of JFK. Johnson rode those coattails and that irony shouldn’t escape anyone.
Goldwater was just too nerdy and theoretical to win, but his opposition used every trick to paint conservatives as racists. So Goldwater’s anti-Communism, became associated with racism and Johnson used Civil Rights to appeal to most Americans who hated racism. And that manipulation, still goes on today.
Goldwater was not an actual racist, he was just resisting the idea of minority protections—because of theory. Fighting communism with theory, just feeds into it.
Some wanted him to be a racist. The vast majority of Americans were NOT racist—but Americans wanted Law and Order and didn’t want communism. The progressives tried to stop the fight against communism, so they began their quest to paint anti-communism as racist.
The only “switch” was the globalist take over of both parties, who used civil rights to trick America who were for the most part naturally sympathetic to civil rights,
From a single infraction, real or imagined, all manner of extrapolation is no longer possible- it is now mandatory. If there is a questionable incident involving a Black man and a cop, suddenly all cops are jackbooted thugs! Dem. pols, who the day before limited their pandering to a quadrennial visit to Black churches where they don kente’s and kufi’s to complain about the Republicans (who brought jobs). In authentic Jar Jar Binks, they again declare that the nation is racist, that police are irredeemable, that we should have no police, that White people are inherently racist-especially any who question the narrative or actions. This is all part of the endlessly inflatable narrative, or, Nadler’s belt.
In the same way Jerry Nadler must eat like he’s trying to become a ‘Dune’ navigator, Dems. live on their hatred of Republicans- which they pretend is ‘injustice’. With the catchphrase ‘if anyone’s rights are impinged, everyones’ rights are impinged’, they expand some tranny’s bathroom dilemma to “the civil rights issue of our time” (holy shit Biden, seriously?). This is Nadler’s belt- an area of infinite expansion of the singular, and the mundane, into the infinite, the unfortunate incident into the existential crisis of our time- until the next one…
Yet perhaps the most concerning example of Nadler’s belt is the ever expanding definition of hate speech. There was a time when hate speech was limited to actual Nazis, and actual White supremacists- even then, it was largely ignored and its authors considered headcases. Now Nadler’s belt includes any speech anyone on the left wakes up one day and decides to declare hateful. My poking fun at Nadler’s 40 psi gut could get me reported to the police in the UK-then arrested for -you guessed it ‘hate speech’.
We in the US aren’t there- yet. There are things that are quite hateful, but calling a man who stuck a gun in a pregnant woman’s belly during a home invasion robbery a ‘thug’- isn’t one of them. Perhaps he thought his pistol was performing a prenatal ultrasound- who am I to judge?
I am me; and I have a right to judge things as I see them. I would defend a Democrat’s right to his/her beliefs, but I doubt those who seek to silence would ever defend my right to mine.
currently, one of the workers in my wife’s team is making her life hell at the moment. She is frequently lazy, doing as little work as she can get away with, is often late, routinely talks to her colleague who is also from Zimbabwe in a native African language, alienating the rest of the office, who are convinced they are talking about them, and spends a lot of the time at the office shopping online, and it’s luxury stuff. Her husband is part of the Zimbabwean royal family and they own several houses. She doesn’t have to work at all, and only seems to turn up for the socialisation.
However, if there is every any criticism of her whatever she calls racism and goes straight to the union. It is driving my wife crazy. It’s very difficult to sack a worker in the uk, and virtually impossible in those circumstances.
She is definitely abusing her skin colour to her advantage and in this political climate, she holds all the cards. It is not racist to deplore what she is doing, especially when you see the blubbering wreck my wife is in at 1 o clock some mornings. This is my view of the BLM. There are not many blacks where we live, and she is the only black person we deal with on a daily basis. I would go so far as to say that given we only see BLM through her, that I too hate BLM. I am in no way racist though. I have had great dealings with people of all nationalities when we lived in london.
When I hear you call someone racist for hating BLM, just makes me so angry and shows what a small minded person you are. Not everyone lives in a cosmopolitan area, and not every black person is squeaky clean, as with white people