What the HELL is wrong with people?

The entire point of being anti-racist is to give people the right to treat everyone according to the way they act regardless of their race. The sad fact is, there are assholes in every race and we should all demand the right to call them out on it. This would be true color-blindness, as long as its an honest assessment of one’s behavior. But when one includes all people of the same race or ethnicity as either saints or devils, he is only using generalization to manifest his destructive bias. What I’ve discovered in my 70 plus years of roaming the New Jersey landscape is that generalizing people, be they a race or a political enemy, is a favorite tool of ideologues to brainwash idiots and potential followers. Both the right and the left use it and this practice is one of the primary reasons why I refuse to associate myself with ideologues on either side of the political spectrum.

Face it, the LEFT treats them like Africans and ultimately victims. I don’t see them as victims, I see them as Americans. When they can’t move past slavery from 155 years ago, they harm themselves, not me.

Apparently not since you’ve already gone…

I wonder how many Black people you actually know? I mean really know? I started my life surrounded by a Black neighborhood in Paterson NJ and saw first-hand the shit-awful schools the Black kids attended and the rat holes that were the only apartments a “negro” could rent. Forget about buying. I also saw first hand how much they hated “White” people, and this was over six decades ago.

As I matured I began to realize that if me or any of my White relatives and associates had to put up with the shit that the majority of Blacks have had to put up with for 300 years we’d do more than riot against the people who caused our grief, we’d want to kill them.

The people who piss me off the most, even more than the racist rednecks and skinhead Nazis, are the White Liberals. When I attended a very liberal New York State college back in the '60s, I realized for the first time that the so called White Liberal was nothing more than conniving underhanded hypocritical conservative who figured out how to get the Middle Class to pay their taxes for them. They also put together a scheme to placate the Black poor and later on the Latino immigrants for their votes, not to. The rich ones even put together a plan for the Middle Class to act as a buffer between them and the increasingly unruly minority communities. I call it the inner suburbs vs. the outer suburbs zoning scheme.

I hope that you see by now, my views on the racial situation has nothing to do with an ideology, just common sense morality. Ignorance and hypocrisy are two conditions that I absolutely abhor. How can a White person who’s lived his entire life in a virtually all White area possibly know what it’s like to live in a virtually all Black area. I have, and my views are based in what I’ve seen and experienced.

I have many very close friends who are Black and Latino, both male and female, and I even have some relatives (cousins) who are. I also find it easy to put myself in someone else’s shoes, which seems to a skill that few typically self-centered Americans have. So, if after putting myself in Black person’s shoes I had your attitude, I would consider myself the worst kind of hypocrite.

I dip in and out, always have…:v:

Yeah, barking up the WRONG fucking tree there bubba.

Let’s see, I have 3 nieces and a nephew that are black. I have a brother in law that’s black as well as a former brother in law that’s black. I have a foster daughter that’s black, though she’s 20 and moved out at this point. She has informed me I’m walking her down the aisle when she gets married. I have 2 grandkids, a step son, a daughter in law and quite a few friends that are Hispanic. Asians in my family. I have multiple friends that are black, including one of my best friends, though he’s a redneck by traits and black by color. I spent 6 years in the Army working with and for a lot of black people. What you’re talking about were conditions present before I was born and I’m FIFTY FUCKING YEARS OLD. I don’t give a rats ass WHAT color your skin is, I choose friends based on character. I’m flat out tired of the excuses. My nephew started that bullshit a while back, that “Oh poor me, I’m a black man with no chance.” … I broke that off in his ass and so did his dad. Every single kid goes through a period of time where they have all the excuses in the book for failure and the worst thing in the world we can do is validate those excuses.

I took my nephew to meet one of my best friends that grew up in DC. He joined the Army because his two friends were killed in a gang shooting and he ran. He ended up at the Army recruiters office and stayed at that Sgt’s house for 2 days until he shipped out. One of the most brilliant minds I’ve ever been around. He joined the Army, I met him in 1992, I got him a job in Houston when he left the Army and he’s making >$150K a year in the oil industry. After talking with him, my nephew decided life wasn’t so bad and since then, he’s been working the same job, bought and paid for a car, started saving a bit of money and found a girlfriend. It’s amazing what a little perspective will do.

Aside from that, I’ll say if you want to see REAL shit conditions, go spend some time in Nigeria. Angola. Congo. Kenya. Equatorial Guinea. You’ll quickly understand how good life can be for not just white people here but people of all races if only they would let go of the past and embrace the future. I don’t accept excuses based on skin color because they’re just garbage. Yes, it’s tough but Good God, name a period in time where life was easier. Hell, the conditions the least advantaged Americans live in are amazing compared to the conditions the average person had to tolerate in the 1800’s. Middle class Americans live better than most of the rich did in the 1800’s. The truth is that if you get off your ass, go out and earn a living, don’t commit crimes and marry before you have kids, there’s a 99% chance you’ll be middle class in America, regardless of skin color. If they’re looking for sympathy, it’s in the dictionary … between SHIT and SYPHILIS.


I don’t treat them like Africans. I don’t even know what that is supposed to mean. Most of these people are Americans so what’s up with the African stuff?

How many of the looters do you think have made a pilgrimage to Africa?



By the way some talk and act you’d think America is the only place that exists in the world and they got the short stick in life.

I spent a lot of time in those places. Gotta tell you, SHIT HOLES. :smiley:

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Having Africans in the family is nothing to be ashamed of (maybe).
But it ain’t something to be proud of, either.

I thought that Africans were handicapped by history, meaning no civilization arising in Africa (carriers of the ancient Egyptian civilization were Semites, not African blacks)
and then colonized by Arabs, England, France, etc.

But now I came to the conclusion that African blacks remained biologically backward for tens of thousands of years.

This sad discrepancy has nothing to do with skin color. There are Asians who are much darker than American blacks.

I have no Africans in my family, only Americans.


What a crock of shit!

Go live in a third world country for a few years to change your perspective! Such Americans have no clue how good they have it in comparison to how others have it in other parts of the world. Blacks have been given every advantage under the sun to elevate their station in life yet failed to do so then they blame Whites while claiming victim status.

White liberals is one thing but making excuses for the choices that people make is another. No one is forcing people to live in shitty houses in shitty neighbourhoods, arguing the opposite is just the continuance of propagating the pity game which your straw mans argument seems to want to do!

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It’s actually far more malevolent than that. Allowing people to hold these dreams of reparations and to harbor resentment for something they never personally had to cope with is akin to enabling a drug addict. At one point, we as a culture have to say “Enough of the bullshit, you live in the greatest country in the world, now go take advantage of it and make a life for yourself.” There are millions in Africa that would beat your ass to be living in America and dealing with the “Problems” of the black community. That speech was given directly to my nephew by one of my best friends. I was speechless and that’s saying a LOT… I always have something to say, even though I’m not rocket surgeon and am often abrasive and once in a while…/gasp… wrong. :smiley:


Africans that immigrate to American are not only earning more than American born blacks but testing higher in academia. That alone should tell you what is wrong with this picture.


It is a sad thing that valuing education is scorned upon. That is the ticket out.

It is a matter of culture.

Yes you are correct, it is a cultural issue.

About two and half months ago I started to get involved with Christian organisations here in HK who are trying to address the many poor people that are suffering due to the CCP virus effect on the economy. Many lost their jobs and are struggling just to feed themselves. These are families that survive on less than 400 USD’s a month. It was a huge eye opener for me on a personal level. So anytime someone wants to put fourth an argument how bad they or someone has had it in the greatest country the world has ever seen, to me is whining like a spoiled child. I have a vehement contempt for people who put forth such false narratives derived from a myopic perspective after what I have been witnessing of the poorest communities in HK and China.

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They are spoiled children. They have no idea the opportunities they take for granted nor the hardships they could endure were they not born in the US.

Since education isn’t of value, where will they learn this? They won’t.

Education is not valued because Democrats make it so. To promote education means less dependence on the grievance industry that Democrats promote.

I think folks are starting to catch on to this.

It’s going to take time.

Unless we reelect Trump, keep the Senate majority and take back the House, there won’t be time enough. The army of useful idiots seems to be growing exponentially.

Freedom of speech will be reserved for liberals. That is their main goal…to totally silence their opposition.