What Stresses Millennials?

At least you aren’t using a slit trench. :wink:

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Boomer: Millenials are a bunch of entitled brats! Back in my day we paid for college with our summer jobs, these lazy kids are running up huge debts they don’t want to pay!

Millenial: A semester cost $200 when you were in college, it’s $20,000 now. Shut up old man.

Boomer: Halp! I’m being persecuted!

Ah, the niavity of youth. :smile:

Let me clear that up for you kiddo, time ain’t on anyone’s side. :wink:


When I see a boomer vs millennial thread…

So you’re not only a whiner, you’re delusional too.

Each generation has it better than the previous. Do you have any idea what it was like post war especially in Britain? The country was decimated and bankrupt. It took decades to recover and my generation was really the first to experience hope in the 80’s as children. But unlike you spoilt lot, we were grateful and knew how lucky we were. Thatcher instilled in us a can do work ethic which you would be clueless about. Did you have an indoor toilet, shoes, more than one pair perhaps? Did you ever go on holidays? Could you afford to eat out? Did you have more than one toy? That’s right. Why don’t you try talking to the post war generation to find out what it was really like?

Don’t blame what is happening in the world today on them. Have you never heard of the one world, deep state, elites, globalism? Boomers are the ones who saved your arses, for now. They voted for Brexit and Trump, whilst you lot were crying over Hillary and chanting for open borders. Get some perspective.


Gotta love multiple personalities having multiple accounts. It’s great watching someone defend their alter egos.


Why not just post the meme instead?


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Yeah! Something is definitely off with that nutjob! Things just don’t add up! I smell a rat in the house!

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Very well said Jen! Couldn’t agree more!

:clap: Well said, Jen…

Awww…did a pog screw up your pay…poor leg. Lol

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I was wondering when the Airborne would chime in. lol

Pog lives matter!


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Too funny,
Millennial: you suck boomer because most of us liberal leftist Antifa loving millennials are doing something to make the world better

Boomer: like what?

Millennial: we are protesting injustices from your generation

Boomer: its easier if you got a job

Millennial : why should we, we cant get bank loans to get a car or a house because of our students loans, we get to live at home and use your health plan under Obamacare, and we prefer to play video games, only if i could get a job as a gamer?

we are the most highly educated bunch compared to you old folks

Boomer: yes your degree in Transgendered Dance studies with a minor in African america history has served you well I see.


You are 100% correct. But it is the natural way. The younger generations blame the older generations for everything they don’t like and the older generations decry the social, ethical and moral decay caused by the younger generations.

When I was in college in the last half of the ‘60s, my per semester cost was about $1800 - $2000. In today’s dollars that is about $14,000 - $16,000 per semester, all of which (except for two small scholarships worth a few hundred dollars) I paid for myself without loans. But I went to a relatively inexpensive state university (UoA.). My best friend in HS went to UoW, a mid-range cost state university, where he was paying over $2,000 per quarter, or $6,000 per year. That’s $48,000 per year in today’s money.

What was Yanggang bitching about? $20,000 a semester?

You would think kids today would know how to use a CPI calculator. :wink:


I can tell you have not attended college recently.

Careful, my daughter just finished her degree and is in grad school and it’s not 20K a year.

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Can’t speak for everyone but my daughter gets stressed out by life. Apparently asking them to pay their cell phone bill at 19 is the end of the world. :rofl: