What Happened When My 12-Year-Old Black Son Sat Next To A Trump Supporter On A Plane - Sorry it's a bit long

No but who he hires and the tone and character the business takes in its dealings come straight from the top.

There are some things I won’t fix, too much liability. Or, sometimes I just want to make 'em sweat. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Glad you found a way to lessen the stress, good for you LouMan :+1::+1:

From my perspective? His experience is exactly what is needed to be the man in office we need right now. Not a politician, but someone who has worked with all types of elements and come out on top.

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I put up with your crap on my topic as you drive the off topic comments to everyone.


Whining , and whining and whining , why of course keep whining !!!
Expect criticism when you say stupid shit and this is the arena for just that , put on the big girl panties and deal with it . You fail to acknowledge the likes you received when you say clever things , it go’s both ways you know .

…and many of his “facts” are nothing but hearsay! What a joke!

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Many contractors go unpaid for a long while due to SUBSTANDARD performance of their contract obligations. They either fix the substandard work or they don’t get full payment.

Many also weasel out of penalty clauses for delays in job completion…delays that often cost the owner dearly.

Do a search for “hole cloth” and see what you get.

Just admit you made a fucking error and be done with it!

whole cloth


Definition of whole cloth

: pure fabrication —usually used in the phrase out of whole cloth the theory was created out of whole cloth

This is what you should have used…WHOLE CLOTH…as your claim was clearly that fabrications were being made about you.

Your ignorance has been addressed. You will be designated as STUPID if you use “hole cloth” again where “whole cloth” applies.

I’ll just leave this here.

and FDR’s state department asked the Italian Mafia and Lansky to help protect the docks during WW2

JFK’s old man had ties to the Chicago Outfit( Mafia) and did business with a lot of them, Accardo, later on Giancana , Paul Rica, raymond patriarca from New England , Luciano and Lansky from New York.

Since we are talking about Trump’s allegedly connections going back Decades, are these two fine outstanding gentlemen exempt?

Check your mirror there hotrod.

No, not in the least.

Hearsay? They failed to pay what they owed and you can’t show anything to the contrary.

FDR is bad enough for prolonging the Great Depression with his progressive/socialist crap and saddling the nation with it.

JFK is an icon of the left and they won’t admit that he was just as much a womanizer as Trump, and brought that to the White House; he was also rich through his Prohibition era family fortune.

And let’s throw in the “Lion of the Left” fat bastard Teddy the drowner.

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Fox has a new show on sunday nights I think named “scandal”. Both of the first two episodes were dedicated to Chapiquiddick.

I’d forgotten that the only charge “Teddy” faced was a misdemeanor for leaving the scene of an accident.

Too bad Mary Jo didn’t get off that easy.

They also established by the way that she likely lived for minutes if not an hour or more in an air pocket in the car and could have very easily been saved if “Teddy” had made the slightest effort or reported the accident immediately.

What a piece of work. If there’s any satisfaction it is in knowing he probably had nightmares about it for the rest of his life.

amen physicsHunter, but dont tell the leftist sheeple pack that, It might upset them, they worship JFK, FDR and Obama the Great like a fat kid worshiping a double whopper with cheese and forgave Clinton for his indiscretions

damn hypocrites

Anyone that moves the ball to the left is forgiven for anything.

Obama was a dope dealer.

I like asking “Progressives” what they are progressing toward, then watching them squirm.

The evil ones know the answer and won’t say it, the useful idiots only know the next step spoon fed to them by thier overlords via the leftwit media.

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A dope dealer, user of hard drugs, Marxist, and as a result hero to over 60 million Americans and billions worldwide.

Oh how our standards have fallen.

I will wait until his back story leaks out to totally do a victory dance on BHO.

Being that I was born in Illinois, I know more about him than most. His whole history with Rev. Wright, The New Party, trying to ban rifle ammunition, his insider win against Ryan by digging dirt from divorce records, …

Chicago has been a hotbed of Communist organizations since at least the '30’s. They embraced Obama as a lost son.

Everything I quoted from you was HEARSAY…inadmissible in a court of law…not impressive in a debate…often misleading when used out of context of the whole story.

Some of what you presented may be true, but there are many cases where non-payment to contractor is justified.

You need to look up hearsay.

First person accounts are not hearsay in any court.