What Happened When My 12-Year-Old Black Son Sat Next To A Trump Supporter On A Plane - Sorry it's a bit long

No, hole cloth is cheesecloth, gauze, netting or other flimsy woven fabric. “Smart Guy”.

“Whole Cloth” is newly fabricated uncut material.

Yet, he has shown plenty of reason to support his opinion. Which is what it is. An opinion. Neither right nor wrong. Yet, I’ve not seen anything indicating he does not support Trump’s actions as President?

Most certainly. We are all human, are we not? None of us is perfect, has made the best of decisions in our lives at all times.

True, yet the MSM made him out to be the second coming. He did more to damage this nation but has the reputation of being a wonderful father and loyal husband. He may be a great man in his personal life, but was a horror for this nation.

I’m not disputing that at all. What I am saying is that @TWR does have a point. And you did just acknowledge that Trump can be a snake.

I’ll bet we can have a much more productive conversation about this if we can acknowledge that a snake can turn at anytime to save its own skin? I do hope that his love of Americans and love of this Country prevail. And I believe they will.

“Cherry picking” my ass, I’ve documented dozens of cases where he cheated his employees, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers across a span of three decades. It shows a clear pattern of conduct. This in addition to his well documented cheating on 3 different wives including the current wife.

My “disdain” for Trump as a man is based on the facts which show he cannot be trusted especially when times get tough.

What’s interesting is the rabid, blind defenses you folks keep throwing put to justify your support for him.

If you want to discuss the moral failings of other presidents you’re free to do so.

Oh, I nearly forgot.

Yet another sub screwed by the Trumps.

While Magnolia’s company received what appears to be an amicable settlement, another subcontractor for the Trump International Hotel in D.C. did not. A&D Construction sought $79,700 in unpaid bills for woodwork (including the hotel’s crown molding). Richard M. Sissman, an attorney for the family-owned subcontractor based in Sterling, Virginia, said he had conversations with representatives of the Trump Organization regarding the lien, but not Donald Trump himself. He ended up negotiating with the hotel’s general contractor and reached an agreement around Feb. 22. But it didn’t end particularly well for his client who, unlike Magnolia, had not publicly stated that he supported Trump.

From the same article quoted above.

hey smart guy the saying is 'make up out of whole cloth ’ not hole cloth, again if youre going to insult someone get it right.

that was your post right smart guy?^^^^^^^^

Again, so what? you pointed out some of his litigation cases

Again Ive said oh a thousand times, Ive questioned some of his business tactics, but you are going on like a fat kid in a candy store about how horrible Trump is, and I’m saying he is no different from other presidents who have done some pretty horrible things.

That was my point, I’m not blindly defending the guy, I’m just pointing your hypocrisy
yes right now Trump is president so he is fair game, just like when Obama the great was president he was fair game and Bush and so on.

what bullshit , My God and I thought Obama was full of shit.
so he cannot be trusted in his private life so he will mess things up as president and sell us down the river? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You’re just flinging shit at the fan now hoping something will stick.

If you want to discuss Obama go ahead.

Trump has proven across three decades that he’s willing to screw anyone to get ahead or to walk away with a win. That’s simply a fact you keep trying to cover up, deflect from, and excuse.

But since you insist on continuing I guess it’s time for yet another example.

The report found hundreds of liens, judgments and at least 60 lawsuits against Trump and his businesses alleging that he has not fully paid workers for their labor and in some instances refused to pay commissions for his own lawyers and real estate brokers.

Since 2005, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s businesses have also racked up 24 violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act for not paying employees minimum wage or overtime pay.

The report found a tendency for Trump’s businesses to engage in lengthy legal battles over relatively small dollar figures, often making settlements that require confidentiality from the plaintiffs.

During construction on the Trump Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City, N.J., in 1990, records show that Trump failed to pay at least 253 subcontractors in full or on time.

In an interview with USA Today, Trump said that if he refused or reduced payments, it was because a contractor’s work wasn’t up to his standards.

“Let’s say that they do a job that’s not good, or a job that they didn’t finish, or a job that was way late,” he said. “I’ll deduct from their contract, absolutely. That’s what the country should be doing.”

But one cabinet-builder alleged that after he had finished a $400,000 contract at Trump Plaza in Atlantic City and Trump had refused to pay a final bill of $83,000, Trump then said he would be willing to hire the contractor again.


You should have quit long ago, as I said, I can do this all day and all night because there are so many instances of him cheating people out of what he owed.

Again I will say it again, so what?
and congrats and maybe tomorrow you will get a chance to go to the zoo to see the lions ,tigers and bears… oh my.

You haven’t proven a damn thing except for your hypocrisy.
Trump this, Trump that blah blah blah.

But its your opinion and in America you are entitled to it.

I was referring to Trump.

Do you really think he makes decisions for all his properties and businesses?

I get 60-120 page contracts. I read, cross through, initial my cross throughs. You know what I get back? “You cannot change the contract”. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: “That needs to go through attorney’s at corporate and will delay our schedule”.

I got the same thing. I walked away and unlike you when they messed up the work I did not help them fix it.

today I work with 8 different companies. The call me when they need assistance and I respond. They know my hourly rate and pay all expense. I hand them a bill when I finish the project and they pay me. At one time when I had employs, I often had to justify the bill. Got rid of the employees and that no longer happens.

You are just making things up yet again.

You have shown zero hypocrisy on my part nor can you because there is none.

Since you won’t quit however… .

But many of the complaints in question come from small businesses, contracted to work on everything from carpeting to plumbing to painting at any of Trump’s properties. One, the Edward J. Friel Company, was owed more than $80,000 by Trump, never got paid, and eventually had to close. Others have outstanding bills climbing into the millions. Both Trumps defended the practice by suggesting the contractors did substandard work and didn’t deserve to be paid.

That includes their own lawyers, who were hired to defend Trump from lawsuits brought by unpaid workers, only to wind up suing the mogul themselves for unpaid legal fees.


So the man at the top is not responsible? You think you can show these thousands of instances where he refused to pay what he owed were all the work of lower level middlemen?

Since he respond personally to many of these obviously that simply cannot be true and it’s a lame assed copout.

your bullshit point about Trump cheating all these people, and fooled around on 3 wives is a person not to be trusted when things get rough, which doesnt make sense but whatever.

You can pile on all the cases you want all 3500 of them if you want, my point is he is just like every other president, they all have their skeletons some more than others.

To sit here and tell me that because hes been through tons of litigations and he isn’t a saint makes him not fit for the job of President of the United States?

please, you are the one that should quit with the nonsense

There you go again. There’s nothing the least bit hypocritical on my part here. Trump’s record is what it is and it shows he cannot be trusted by friends, family, or those he employs or does business with.

He is an amoral skunk of a human being as has been proven time and again.

It doesn’t matter that he’s been sued, it matters because the charges have been proven again and again.

For some reason though you can’t accept or admit that so you want to attack me personally for pointing it out. The problem here isn’t with me, take a look in your mirror hotrod.

“New York real-estate broker Barbara Corcoran, a frequent guest on the show “Shark Tank,” wrote in a 2003 book that Mr. Trump refused to pay her and associates a commission on a $100 million investment in a New York City real-estate project she helped secure in 1994 . Of monthly payments he agreed to make over three years, she wrote, he paid two.

Mr. Trump sued in New York County to cancel remaining payments and recover alleged damages after Ms. Corcoran’s associates were quoted in a profile of him in New York magazine, court records show. The judge ruled against him.”

Keep it up though if you feel so compelled, I won’t run out of examples.

As a small business guy of 20 plus years, I have made a bunch of money cleaning up previous contractors messes.

I regret that I can only heart that once. :slight_smile:

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If you did that on purpose, even I am impressed!
If not the recovery is entertaining!

I almost mean (mostly mean, not just intend…) every possible entendre in my posts.

You’re being obtuse now, you know exactly what Im talking about, but you continue with your games.

Like I said you can post all of his litigations it doesnt change a thing regarding your disdain and hypocrisy


You’re off topic. Want to bitch about trump do it on someone else topic.

I’m flagging your posts.

Got it from GGM about 50 years ago when she wanted to screen off the butter and I had no idea what she was asking for.

Me and my mom made butter once, just so I would have a respect for how much work it was. We found an old paddle churn in an old dump, don’t ask…

The butter that we got out of a half gallon of milk from a local farmer was not enough for my breakfast toast. I never looked at a stick of butter the same way again.

No, I’m not off topic, you folks have been attacking me since my first post in the thread where I defended Trump against the claims of racism.

I can go on… .

They had a Jersey/Longhorn cross that had an insane butterfat percentage. We got over a pound of butter a day out of her and about 3 gallons of milk.

GGD had been crippled since his late fifties with spinal arthritis but they owned most of the town (not worth much) and had one producing oil well and a producing small coal mine that kept the bills paid and their spending money came from GGM’s chickens that produced about sixty eggs a day plus fresh butter and milk they sold or traded to neighbors for pork and beef.

They lived simply but lacked for nothing.