What Happened When My 12-Year-Old Black Son Sat Next To A Trump Supporter On A Plane - Sorry it's a bit long

I didnt edit , I should proof read, I meant to say you claim you are NOT a Democrat, not a Democrat, that was a grammatical error on my part.

So your beef with Trump is he isnt “conservative” enough, and that I actually agree with, but the reality is he is President, he is better than any Democrat they throw out and the last field of Republicans in 2016, most are moderates and not conservative enough for me, although I did like Carson but I don’t think he would have made a good president

If he could have kept his dick in his pants in 2012 Herman Caine would have been a good one and actually challenge and might have been Obama the great .

Try reading what I’ve actually written rather than supposing.

My beef with him is that he is an amoral, horrible person.

spare me your holier than thou act, you hate Trump period
Nobody is claiming Trump is a saint or a wonderful person, he is the right guy at the right time doing a job that is looking out for American interests, and that is all that matters to me

I dont give a rats ass if he cheated on his wife, or has litigation problems with investors in his private life

What I care about is what he does in the oval office and how that impacts my life

Get it now.

Even as a now strong Trump supporter, I will admit that is true beyond any doubt.

We needed someone to break the leftwit paradigm that they were hardening into place in the economic/market/media/political/globalist/AWG… “complex.”

I voted for Trump because he was the only person that I thought could successfully be the bull in that china shop. (ALL puns intended!!!) I would have chainsawed my hand off before voting for Hillary, that made the bull easier to accept.

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That is the crux of the matter. You can hate the man but love what he is doing for America.

However, I would have to give great consideration before bidding on one of his projects given his history. Mechanic liens aren’t all they are cracked up to be.

Donald Trump personally did that?

Or did on of his companies?

Is True aware of what every one of his companies are doing and knows about each and every hire in his company?

Talk about a lame ass example and certainly a red herring.

Oh I agree DMK, I wouldnt invest with the guy or trust him around any female under 35, but the job that he is doing for America is fine in my books, he has done more in his short time as President vs obama the great reign .

Actually mechanic leans work as intended.

You can put one on a property and it cannot be sold until it is cleared.

Option 2 is you can perfect the lean and take the person to court and assume the ownership of the property.

Like everything in the justice system, the person with the deepest pocket often can out wait the little guy.

Then why are you attacking me and making things up out of hole cloth to do so.

It has nothing to do with hatred, it has everything to do with facts and the fact is he repeatedly cheated on all 3 of his wives, and screwed numerous people and companies he hired over the years by refusing to pay them or pay them in full.

That is the factual record or Donald Trump and facts are emotionally neutral.

The only reason we keep discussing his character flaws and record related to same is you folks just cannot bear to give it up. As I said, as long as you folks keep doing so I’ll keep posting examples.

Read this article and see how well he treated the illegal Polish Workers he hired to work on Trump Tower. Read it in their own words how he cheated them and exposed them to life threatening conditions for pennies.


Oh I certainly get that and understand it. You never attempted to paint him as anything other than who and what he is in order to justify your vote.

Some of these folks however seem utterly incapable of accepting or admitting the truth.

I for one hope his supposed conversion is genuine but have as yet to see any evidence of it and I just worry that sooner or later when he finds himself in a corner he’ll show is true self and sell us out completely for a win.

It’s when your back is against the wall and you have no hope that character reveals itself.

making things up out of a hole cloth? what is that yoda lingo?

Of course it has to do with hatred of the man, guess what you are allowed to hate the man for whatever reason, but to bring up shit that is irrelevant?

none of his past behaviour has anything to do with his presidency, why? because many previous presidents had a dark past, whether it was adultery, bad business practices etc.

what makes Trump the target in your eyes?

It’s a phrase that’s been around for more than a century. English Literacy is a wonderful thing.

There is no hatred of Trump on my part, and I haven’t made anything up that I"ve posted here, it’s all factual.

As long as you keep this up though I’ll be happy to keep posting examples.

In the days around Donald Trump’s inauguration, the hotel bearing his name in downtown Washington, D.C., quietly settled two liens totaling more than $3 million for allegedly unpaid construction work. In one case, a contractor reached an agreement after receiving a phone call from someone his attorney identified as “Trump.”

The liens had both been previously reported. But their settlements had not. And the fact that they were handled right around the time when Trump took office—perhaps even at the behest of the then-president-elect himself—underscores just how politically sensitive the management of the Trump International Hotel was and is to the current White House occupant.

The largest payment was made to Joseph J. Magnolia, Inc. The family-owned D.C.-based company had filed a lien for $2.98 million on Dec. 21, 2016, for “the unpaid balance for work done” on the hotel, dating from that day back through Sept. 9, 2014, according to court filings. Joseph J. Magnolia, Inc. had done “plumbing, mechanical, and HVAC work, along with the site sewer, water, storm, and water services” per the notice. It also provided the labor and materials required to complete that work.

What I have for Trump is a well earned sense of distrust just as I have explained in painfully elementary terms because sooner or later he’ll be backed into a corner and that’s when his true character or lack thereof will come out and he will then most likely sell us out to the democrats for a win.

actually mr smart guy, if you’re going to point out how smart you are , you should post the correct spelling and /or saying.

It’s not out of a ’ Hole cloth, ’ its “whole cloth”

And what exactly did I say that wasnt a “whole cloth”?
what did I make up ?

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So is spelling. It’s “whole” cloth. If you’re going to insult someone, it helps if you have your crap in one sock.


You wind up with pennies on the dollar after all claims are settled. I’m speaking new construction with multiple unpaid subcontractors. The attorney’s whittle down every contract and change order. They know it will cost you more to recoup than it will to fight. You settle for pennies on the dollar. I’ve been through it and know many subcontractors who have as well.

The sad thing is some people think Trump did it all by himself.

He made every decision, decided to not pay a small cabin maker to a painter.

Some people are clueless as to how business works and that the CEO doesn’t;t make piddly decisions.

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I think @TWR has a valid point worth consideration.

People who have shown lack of moral character when times get tough may show lack of character in the present or future if times get tough.

I think we are all wary of this type of person in our personal and business dealings. We learned the hard way, which in no way makes us immune to being taken advantage of again.

Considering this is how “deals are made” with our politicians it may be prudent to remain supportive but wary.

I have been on both ends.

As a contractor, I filed the liens and was paid in full.

As a person who issued the contracts, I had liens filed against my property. I documented the deficiencies went to court and paid less than the contract.

It was all about the documentation.

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Common, LouMan.

People who run small businesses don’t necessarily have CEO’s. They work their asses off and are lucky if they know how to use QuickBooks. What they DO know how to do is keep their word because their word is their bond. They know how to make the product and make it well. They expect to be paid for it, not shaken down.

I get 60-120 page contracts. I read, cross through, initial my cross throughs. You know what I get back? “You cannot change the contract”. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: “That needs to go through attorney’s at corporate and will delay our schedule”.

So, I say “bullshit, find someone else to do the work”.

They do. The “other” makes a mess of it. I charge triple to fix it.


I disagree, he doesnt have a valid point, he is cherry picking because of his disdain for Trump and hiding behind some facts and using his track record as evidence to confirm his disdain.

Lets be honest for a second, since we are talking about American presidents, most American presidents have had some controversial things in their past.

Look at what FDR did to the Japanese Americans violating their civil rights, how many ex klansman did FDR appointed to the Supreme Court ( Hugo Black) , his affairs, lying to the public about his handicap, trying to stack the supreme court violating the constitution, he was just some racist rich guy who the left worships.

JFK was a scumbag and came from a family of scumbags, every brother who served the public had affairs after affairs after affairs.

LBJ, Nixon, Ford all not nice guys either
Carter was truly a gentleman and not suited to be president as he was too damn honest.

Obama was certainly not a nice guy as his PR folks make him out to be, the divider, he has done more to divide the nation vs the good the left claims he does.

As in for Trump, nobody said he was a choir boy or saint, but he is the right man at the right time to lead the USA.

Trump is a snake but you need a snake to deal with other world leaders who are snakes like Putin, Xi Jinping and the North korean little porky strongman.