Weather is not climate

Cold is our birthright, ultimately. When the land itself periodically tries to kill you, you need to have more planning and tenacity than living in the land of eternal summer. It’s good to, at times, be reminded of this.

It’s raining in California so that means there isn’t a drought in South Africa. Dumbest shit I’ve read today

0.22 C. of warming for 40 years now. We are all gonna die!!!


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Climate change is real and is naturally occurring. Anthropogenic climate change is a psuedoscientific religious cult popular amongst neo-Marxists.


You should warn the others… seems like you’ve found contradictory evidence

Liberals in this thread who believe climate change is caused by humans…but can’t read a chart.

Warn the climate science community. Seems like you’ve stumbled on new evidence that hasn’t been seen before.

If you knew how to use Google you probably would have seen it. It’s been on line for years.

Or maybe you saw it but ignored it because you didn’t like what it shows.

The climate of this planet has been in flux since it first began to cool. No matter what we do or how much we spend it’s going to keep changing.

The wisest use of our money would be to keep trying to adapt as it changes and/or try and find a habitable planet that has a flatter temperature curve.

Of course, right after we do it’ll probably be hit with an asteroid the size of Mars or a massive gamma ray burst that burns it to a crisp!

Right, that’s like going to the Vatican Council to argue that The Pope is wrong on Catholic dogma and doctrine.

No matter how often the climate gurus are exposed lying, excluding, and dismissing data that shows the farce for what it is their idiot followers will keep frog marching in lockstep chanting “climate change, climate change, climate change”.

The sane among us though have figured out it’s about nothing but power, money, control and the “developing world” stripping the wealth of the developed nations for themselves.

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There’s always a drought in South Africa you ignorant twit. The topography and geography won’t allow for anything else.

Just like Texas the only question is how much of the state/country is in what stage of drought and how long it will last.

Moderate periods accomplish one thing, letting the weak survive.

Extremes on either end reset the genetic clock as Darwin takes over.

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Dude… your alarmists are not gonna listen to some anonymous political forum members if they don’t take these scientists seriously.

Face it, your alarmists are nothing more than consensus scientists… ignoring facts but going with the crowd. Can’t really blame em… how will they put their kids through college if their “climate science” degree is found to be worthless and they only can get a job at McDonalds?

That listing of scientists who disagree with some aspect of “the consensus” has been around for years. But this is the first time you’ve seen it. The hive narrative told you that its only Christians who deny your “science”.

Listen… when you find yourself believing that something as difficult as predicting the future state of a dynamic system such as the earth is “settled science”, you should shake yourself… as though you were getting sensation back into an arm or leg that has gone numb. Your mind has gone numb. When the politicians and journalists call it “settled science”, you are being duped.

Mostly all BS from the left to get taxpayers to cough up tens of BILLIONS so they can get richer . It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter end of story !! WTF


Whooooooooosh. That’s the sound of the point going over your head.

As the inescapable facts are being reluctantly accepted by a few libs, you hear them now say “well what’s the harm in cleaning up the air … even if CO2 is not the culprit”

Most climate scientists are no longer trying to prove the anthropogenic GW (AGW) hypothesis. They are told that it is settled science and that they should go about their otherwise valid and useful measurements, analyses, and modeling interpreting all results through the AGW lens.

So the harm is that millions of hours of published research that COULD have yielded invaluable information about the earth is next to useless… the conclusions made suspect by the erroneous assumptions. The raw data may still be there but it would now take multiple millions of additional hours to extricate the data from the erroneous research and apply it with new and correct assumptions… or none at all.

For having no assumptions is better for a researcher than having one that is forced upon you with penalties should you reject the dogma. In the world of combat aircraft, crews greatly prefer to know when they are lacking information as opposed to receiving HMI -hazardous misleading information- that they believe is true.

The synergy and analogy is good. Acting upon the continued HMI regarding AGW will surely drive us into the ground, either economically or through a macabre scientific experiment that blocks sun from our planet.

Nothing is settled science. But you knew that.

Ummmm…of course I know it.
Apparently you and your alarmists dont know that.

Then you should have no problem linking to a climate scientist saying it’s settled. Otherwise you just made it up.

Consensus science. Note that they presented no data. They simply say that others presented the data and they agree with it.

Consensus science.

BTW… what does the acronym NASA stand for? Do you see the word climate anywhere in the name?