Weather is not climate

Your entire interior as well as the bumpers and battery cases are made from different types of plastics.

This is true of all vehicles, not just electric vehicles. So what’s your point?

smells strangely of leather.

I’m in agriculture now.

Tell me how to grow food on a large scale as the climate changes, glaciers recede, snowpack diminishes and wildfires become the new normal.

Perhaps Soylent Green is the future after all?

What do you think that leather is covering? Foam which is a plastic. Your carpet is a form of plastic,

Certainly. But how is that any different that vehicles buring dirty fuels?

Due to a lack of time I’m unable to locate the poster who is the genesis of my comments but if I recall correctly he was trying to conflate electric batteries with an increase in diesel pollution.

How does the plastic content of a small percentage of electric vehicles outweigh the plastic content of the greater percentage of dirty fuel powered vehicles?

Putting this aside…there are some really insightful and informative posts here, THANKS!

There’s nothing new about wildfires and most of them are the result of piss poor land/forest management. When you build up fuel eventually it will burn.

How do we continue producing food? Easy, as the glaciers recede more liquid water becomes available and the growing seasons lengthen and move both higher in elevation and towards the poles.

We’re now in a position to “double” crop in northern climes where it has never been possible before in recorded history.

There is more petroleum products used to make electrics than IC powered vehicles due to the batteries and additional wiring.

It also takes a massive amount of energy to produce the generators and batteries as well as solar panels which also produces huge amounts of solid toxic wastes.

We can modify our environment but not our climate. That is narcissistic to believe humans are powerful enough to control the Earth’s climate.

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Speaking of glaciers:

“Climate Controlled” refers to modifying the temperature and humidity inside our environments be that a home, office, boat, tent, or submarine, not the global environment.

We actually can modify the environment at least theoretically but it’s a terrifying prospect because it could get out of hand very quickly.

We’ve actually been doing it on a small scale every since we first started irrigating crops and lawns which injects huge amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere and WV is the most prevalent and important greenhouse gas.

It’s also been proven experimentally that we can warm or cool the atmosphere but that’s a modification that could inadvertently lead to an extinction level event.

Humans could not change the climate of the Earth if they wanted to deliberately.

Especially if it was a government program.

We can using aerosols and particles put high in the atmosphere.

The problem is we’d likely unintentionally create an ice age if it was done over a large portion of either the northern or southern hemisphere.

Not a chance. I can’t believe a person of your level of smarts actually believes mankind could alter the climate of the planet. It would take a lot more than a few cans of hairspray to make any change in the climate. What happened to the would ending in 1980 from the ice age, or the 1990’s with the hole in the ozone, we were all to be dead by year 2000 from some Incan prophesy, then global warming, global cooling noon it’s climate change.
The Climate Always Changes.

It’s not a matter of belief it’s been proven both observationally with natural events and experimentally with small scale tests.

Reflecting the heat back into space isn’t that difficult.

How many cubic kilometers of particulate matter would be needed to implement this plan and how would it be dispersed? THINK, Man!!!

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Read the article. It’s done easily with large cargo aircraft outfitted for that purpose.

Hell fifty years ago we defoliated several million acres of Texas in experiments with herbicides to be used to defoliate all of N. Vietnam if necessary and it was done with a handful of C130’s.

Not a chance. Texas is not the globe, and according to the science fiction piece you referenced it would dissipate rapidly, so it would be necessary to repeat the process daily. How many C-130 Gooney Birds would that require?

Finally, something I can agree with.

At some point in the future Mother Nature will bitch slap humans into extinction.

I wonder what the consequences from doing so might be :thinking:

Our history of manipulating nature ain’t so good, in fact it’s rife with unintended consequences.

I could cite many sources but I’ll just fall back on a couple from my experience growing up on an Oklahoma wheat and cattle farm.

In the fifties and sixties farmers buried dynamite under fields strew with corn to attract crows. Murdered crows by the thousands. I recall a few years of grasshopper and locust plaques that followed. Very low crop yields.

Oklahoma used to pay a five or ten dollar bounty on Coyote ears.

Our preacher was also a crop duster. On weekends he used his plane to spot Coyotes. Farmers has Greyhounds and Wolfhounds to release upon vectoring to a sighting. The Greyhounds ran the Coyote down and held it at bay until the slower Wolfhound caught up.
End of Coyote. This led to a n increase of Cottontail rabbits and Kangaroo rats. Disease and lower crop yields again resulted.

Sorry but that’s ridiculous. Before I had knee replacements I was an avid Mountaineer. Many of the Glaciers in the Northwest are either gone or receding. Once they go there is no longer a mechanism for storing water on our stratovolcanoes. Mt Rainier’s Nisqually has retreated almost a mile from the first time I saw it in 1988. Mt Hood’s Elliot is gone gone gone. Salmon runs are dying off due to the lack of cold water for spawning.

Alaska’s Mendenhall calves off into the ocean…how might you retrieve that water?

Pakistan’s Baltoro Glacier and the Karakoram region in general are melting off.

Glacier melt does scant irrigation before flowing into the ocean along with lots of nitrogen from fertilizers.

We have data from the Russian Vostok station, as well as other geological sites.
I guess you can call this historical: Vikings settled in Greenland and lived there for generations, doing agriculture.
Greenland in Scandinavian means “green land” which it was about 1,000 years ago.
Vikings also settled in North America.

Stored water in the form of ice cannot be utilized.

Once it’s in liquid form it becomes part of the “water cycle” going from liquid to vapor, then falling back to earth as precipitation.

Even where the glaciers have completely vanished it still rains and snows every year and that water is now available to grow green plants.

We have tens of millions more acres of arable land today than we did just fifty years ago and we’re able to grow food crops at latitudes they could never be grown at before as a direct result of the warming.

The norther climes of the North AM and Europe as well as South America and Southern Africa have extended their growing seasons by weeks due to increase warming as well.


It melts gradually and feeds into streams where Salmon spawn ann then into rivers and lakes for irrigation.

So, am I to understand that Oranges, Broccoli, Lettuce, Beans and other vegetables grown in let’s say Nebraska or Michigan are sufficient to feed America?

But only if you choose to eat cheap cards made from wheat or corn.

Fruits and Vegetables In America

A question. Where do you live and what’s your diet?