We are not alone on this planet

I don’t think it’s out of the realm of believability that we aren’t alone. What I find hard to fathom is that we can’t find the aliens, Bigfoot, Yeti, etc… With all the technology we have… how can these “beings” escape us???

Like I said, It’s in the realm of believability… but…???

If you control the media and government agencies, you can insist black is white, white is black, what’s ugly is beautiful… and sheeple believe it.

People who have witnessed these things are afraid to come out of the woodwork because they know they get ridiculed and even fired from certain positions.

Additionally many of these beings (including Big Foot) are from the 4D, and they can easily disappear physically. And yet, some photos exist. And mummies of Yetis (or Big Foot in North Ameica) are kept in Tibet.

There is an interesting guy by the name of James Gilliland (who has contacts with people of certain positions) who says there are government-trained interpreters who speak Big Foot at Yosemite.

Yosemite is a weird place, like Death Valley, and I’d stay away from these two places in California.

A group of Russian students were killed during their hike in the Ural mountains during the Soviet Era.

Some of them were killed by brute force.
Some obviously ran away from their tent in a panic at night and froze to death.

One survived because he got sick and left the group prior to their death and went home.

Boy, he must have suffered the “survivor’s guilt” big time.

The Russian Army investigated the incident but the the result was inconclusive. (Or they are hiding something. Many in Russia believe it was the work of Big Foot / Yeti)

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If you live out in the west — Arizona, Nevada, NM — you see strange craft in the sky at night that fly zigzag, reverse flight direction 180 degrees in an instant. etc.

They are no secrets or hoaxes anymore.
The Pentagon Has Broken Its Silence on UFOs and Secret Alien Relations (popularmechanics.com)

Whistleblower tells Congress the U.S. is concealing ‘multi-decade’ program that captures UFOs - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

This drawing is from Japan, 200 years ago.


Of course the artist didn’t witness it himself, so we assume some details are distorted.

Did you ever listen to Art Bell late at night?

Not so much Art Bell, but George Noory.

15th century, Europe

A being in a craft. Yugoslavia, I think

Aerial battle witnessed by townspeople, Germany

Is this a joke?

Strange creatures
Hey! Humans are strange too.

Yosemite is very beautiful, and it’s not very far from the Bay Area. From Stockton, it takes about 3 hours of driving. You can drive through Yosemite and enter Nevada too.

Nonetheless, I will probably never visit Yosemite again, because of the weird vibration there, not to mention cryptid sightings and cases of missing persons.

This is weird.

Alex Collier has been an Andromedan contactee since childhood.

This is nasty stuff and the critters are in your face.

WTF did I just watch?

This video? You need to watch this! Maybe you can explain this better than I can.

I heard of large dinosaurs in the jungles of Africa, as well as in the Australian outback.

Maybe smaller ones are more common everywhere.

James Gilliland says there are pterosaurs inhabiting the area of his ranch (in Oregon, I think).

There is a photo taken during the American Civil War of Union soldiers and a pterosaur they apparently killed.


Plants know you personally.