Warrior Well Being and Health Thread 🏃‍♂️ 🥋

This is horrifying to read about this. We reached our ends of humanity and approaching the “The Hunger Games”


That is putting it mildly. Have you been on “X” (Twitter) lately?

This is why I use cast iron and carbon steel for almost everything. Stainless for acidic foods that will strip seasoning from the others. Plus… food just tastes better out of cast iron and carbon steel, IMO. :wink:


Yes. The everyday of people attacking other people is a common theme of society in its final stages before collapse. Totally unnecessary!

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I currently use stainless steel. Never used pans with coatings and aluminum.


Yes, Teflon pans are highly toxic and dangerous. Caged birds like canary will die if you forget to turn off the gas and the food in Teflon pans begins to burn.

If you use Teflon pans for a long time, the coating will get thin. Where does it go? Into your stomach.

I threw mine away a long time ago. I have Hinckle stainless steel pans now.


Healthy (ish) snack options:

  1. Any fruit
  2. Yoghurt
  3. Whey protein
  4. Tuna
  5. Halo top ice cream
  6. Lean meats
  7. Beef jerky
  8. Sardines
  9. Baked crisps
  10. Protein bars
  11. Nuts

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Never use store-bought tooth paste.

You can use (food-grade) peppermint oil, or (food-grade) clove oil if you can handle it. Drop a droplet of the oil on the wet brush and brush the teeth.

You can also use baking soda (Arm and Hammer), though I never tried it. I understand it cleans the teeth s-pick and span.

You can brush the teeth after a meal with just water and then hold in your mouth diluted hydrogen peroxide (stuff you apply on your wound to prevent infection) for a few minutes, spit it out and rinse a few times.

Get out of the preconceived notion that you need tooth paste to clean teeth.

I understand that the human teeth can repair themselves if the “decay” is minor. If you rush to the dentist for a minor decay, he will drill and make the damage worse. (This is what I heard, and it’s probably true.)


Why do people suffer root canal infections if they are under stress for an extended period of time?

I have a theory. Under stress, the muscles around the neck tend to tighten. This tightness constricts the arteries that supply blood to the head, causing headaches, and other problems, including poor blood supply to the teeth. The teeth are living organisms with arteries and nerves, not just dead bones sticking out in the mouth.

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I like a couple of your recommendations. The oil method is actually called Pulling. It is a really good method for cleaning your teeth and they will naturally will get whiter along with healthier gums as a result.

I didn’t know there’s a name for it. I understand the essential oils help the tooth enamel to regenerate itself. Amazing stuff.

As for essential oils, never buy cheap stuff, because they have been “adulterated” during the manufacturing process with plenty of solvents.

Some people like to “burn” essential oils in the rooms, but this will create carcinogenic substances. You can diffuse certain oils in the room for fragrance and removal of mites, fungus, bacteria, etc.

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Don’t know what you want?


  1. The Body Of An Athlete
  2. The Discipline Of A Warrior
  3. The Curiosity Of A Child
  4. The Mind Of A Monk

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Repeat steps 1 through 6

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Sunlight is the source of health and life.
I can’t believe morons (women) walking around with a parasol even in winter.
(Too much TV propaganda that sunlight is bad for you.)

I may have posted long time ago that wearing sunglasses causes cancer, according to a European doctor (Austrian?). I just forgot his name, Probably Jooish. Great info. I think he got murdered.
By wearing sunglasses in the sun, you mess up your body’s reaction to ultraviolet light.

Yes, peanut causes a lot of fuguns infection, especially Candida.

When you eat fruit, try not to do it simulaneously as eating (animal) protein or carbs.
Wait some time. Maybe an hour.

CNN… I heard suicide rates go up when people listen to country music. Listen to bluegrass instead!


I lived these 7 tips for a large part of my life. I was involved in martial arts for 20 years. I lived clean and ate clean. I was a lean, mean, fighting machine… even through my 40’s.

These last 20 years have seen me slip substantually… especially the last 3+ years. I eat too much. I drink too much. I worry too much. The only exercise I do is walk my dog for 30 minutes every day. After that, I sit in front of the computer or TV until I go to bed. I really need to get myself back to doing at least some of these things.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :clap: :clap: :clap::+1:

Remember when it was said “temple of God”?

Some did it to attract the opposite sex, but what if God ask you to get in shape for him so you can be ready to be a warrior again? Would you answer the call?

Its never too late!

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