Warrior Well Being and Health Thread 🏃‍♂️ 🥋

Food is something you can’t avoid or boycott…

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Choice isn’t though!

I don’t follow this nutrition specialist but I heard he’s pretty good and accurate.

Take it with a grain of salt.

If you listen to these YouTube “doctors” you will starve to death because everything is bad for you or isn’t feasible to do on a daily basis …lol.

The guy that kills me is Dr. Gundry. According to this dude almost everyone has leaky gut syndrome… and the list of things he says not to eat is miles long. I gave up on these people long ago.

To be transparent; I did follow some of the things these people say to do for months at a time. I noticed no difference in anything… except my wallet.


I noticed that some of the YouTube doctors are plainly wrong.
However, this doctor (Swedish ex-pat?) is well-known and seems to have many followers. I personally think he is MOSTLY right.

Other than that, I practice acupuncture and other healing modalities and I see a lot of BS too when it comes to massage, shiatsu, etc.

What kills me is the video of a Chinese Qi-gong (pronounced “chi-kong,” used for healing as well as martial art) master who can put newspaper on fire with his mind. Yep, he is real. When qi-gong is applied in hand-to-hand combat, you can immobilize and freeze the opponent or throw him off the ground.

I saw a few of his vodeo but I didn’t take him seriously.

It’s not the food but parasites. Ascaris, a pencil-sized worm, can make Swiss cheese out of your gut.

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The best one I like is Dr Axe, and yes he talks about leaky gut syndrome, but he doesn’t advocate for you to starve to death, but make better choices that are particular to better gut health. Common sense approaches.

For example, this is a good detox that works rather well and not expensive.

But collagen diet means a lot of meat super fruits eating. Sugar is a killer especially refined “white death” sugar.


Like I was saying, I’m not a biochemist but everyone seems to agree that refined, white sugar is bad for you.

On the other hand, I think honey is beneficial, especially the New Zealand manuka honey, if you can afford it, because of its high healing properties.

I understand that tupelo honey, originally from the southeastern US, bypasses the liver, thus causing no damage there. (Sorry, I can’t explain in biochemical terms).

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It takes only one shot to turn life upside down.
I don’t understand the man’s Scottish English, but I think he had two legs amputated.

They are criminals. You know who I mean.


Will this help?

While he is right about his diagnosis and analysis of the condition, he hardly offers any solution.

Why? Because he ignores the stiffness of the muslces involved from the elbow down (or distal to the elbow).

In other words, if you manage to relax these muscles, the problem is likely to go away.

Also keeping up on electrolytes works too! Hydration is underrated especially as one gets older!

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(This video got him killed)

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This is a great resource! Just some simple ingredients will get your body to detox in no time!


Some people are experiencing “brain fog” which others don’t. Same for poor quality of sleep.

Human circadian rhythm is not exactly 24 hours, which is Earth’s rotational cycle.
Could it be humans are not from Earth originally?


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I’m looking for homeopathic lithium. It might help for the brain fog condition.

Covid 19 and the vax (as well as being near vaxxed people) cause brain fog.

Cause brain fog? Hmmm? My first thought is that was part of the plan!